Finding their Glory

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Janna POV

I saw their joy of being united and I knew this was something they had been hiding for a long time. Their lips molded together and tears slid down their cheeks. She was his in every way. I'd never seen Nicole show love. They were torn apart for her to be loaded into the vehicle. Dan stood like a lost man as the ambulance drove off with her. He too was now covered in dust. Kyle sprinted over to him and grabbed his shoulder. Whatever he said caught Dan's attention and they ran back, Kyle snatching my hand.

"We've gotta get to the hospital. We'll take the tube, hopefully it's running."

" Good idea." We ran down the stairs and jumped over the meters for the passes. Quickly locating the route and train we needed. No one said a word until we were all sitting. Dan's hands had blood on them, he didn't even notice as he stared straight ahead. " Dan?" Will and Woody were obviously staring at his bloody hands.


" How long?"

" How long what?"

" How long have you and Nicole been seeing each other." He shrugged slightly.

"I dunno the date... Around Christmas..."

"Why hide it?"

"That's what she wanted..." His eyes met mine, there were tears sliding down his cheeks before he looked down with this odd smile. "You know Nicole. Every thing can be used against you in this industry. Including love." It sunk it slowly. They had been sneaking around for half a year. Hence why Nicole hadn't been partying or doing anything for that matter. It was clear why Dan always left right around the time she did on most occasions.

"It's safe with all of us Dan..." Woody mumbled and managed a slight smile. He nodded slowly and released a held breath. Our stop came quickly and we all rushed along to the streets. The hospital looks like a mad house, tons of vehicles and people. Dan led the way and stopped at the front desk.

"I'm looking for Nicole Clark." The woman looked through her clip board and sighed.

"She's in surgery, though they're struggling to keep her breathing due to the dust in her lungs. Are you her medical guardian...?"

" Yes..." Dan took a deep breath as the woman looked for papers and sat them in front of him with a pen. "I'll call you up when she has a room. You're approving our treatment of Miss. Clark... Is there anything she can't have?"

" Not that I know of... Thank you." He sighed and pushed the papers away after signing them. Then began the waiting game. We all sat, obviously now worried about Dan and Nicole. The nurse brought him a rag to wash his hands of her blood. He shook doing such and I took the rag, carefully cleaning his fingers. "Thanks Janna."

"It's okay... She's strong Dan... I'm surprised she made you her guardian..."

"She did a couple months ago... The Clark curse idea always scared her..." His eyes never met mine, he was always looking down.

"I'm sure she loves you and she'll fight for you. Let me guess that bracelet is from you?" He cracked a smile and nodded slowly.

" Yeah for Christmas... She came over because she didn't have anyone to spend it with... My parents-" Quickly he used the hand I had cleaned to grab his phone from his pocket and dialed away. "Mum? I'm okay... It's... It's Nikki." He bit his lip violently, I'm surprised it didn't bleed, but he was trying so hard not to cry. "She's in surgery... Yes I'll keep you updated. Love you guys."

"Say why don't you lay down, rest your eyes it's gonna be a long day... Maybe even night." He just shrugged and sat back, holding his hands together and closing his eyes.

"Hey mate... She's gonna be okay." Kyle nudged him slightly and Will took my spot once I stood.

"She's an amazing girl. Tell me is that why I can never find you at your place?" Will chuckled and Dan nodded.

" Yeah I've been at her place most of the time. I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose her."

"Don't think like that..." I mumbled taking Kyle's hand and squeezing it. Hours passed, it was nearly midnight before the nurse came over to Dan and smiled.

"Would you all like to go see her? She's out of surgery, but she's extremely out of it due to the medication." He nodded and we all stood. Her room was large with two sofas and a table between them. Will and Woody sat down. Kyle and I sat on one side of the bed  and Dan took the other spot beside her bed, taking her hand. Her eyes opened half way, the cut on her forehead stitched up. Her skin was pale and lips cracked.

"Hey..." Her voice was weak, even lower than a whisper.

" Hey... How you feeling?"

"Like I got hit with a wall... Wait it was a wall." She laughed weakly, a smile cracking his lips.

"They know Nicole..."

"I figured." she whispered and then looked over to us. "Surprise there was a guy in my apartment." I laughed slightly.

" Yeah well now it's all of our little secret."

" Thank you." Dan kissed the back of her hand as she closed her eyes again. "Love you.."

"Love you too Nicole."

"You're right I should have stayed in bed this morning." He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"You must be feeling really good to be cracking jokes."

" No I'm just funny when I'm on medicine. Hilarious in fact." I've got lungs filled with dust, but I'm on so much... Medicine that... I can't tell."

"Get some rest love." He stood and kissed her lips and like clockwork she was soon off to sleep. They weren't just together. They were in love. A emotion Nicole had always said she didn't feel. Yet here sat Dan, teaching her such a simple emotion. In all honesty I never saw them smile so much. This was their glory they hid from the world. Secrets whispered between all of us. Now we were suppose to keep it from the world. Why was Nicole really hiding all of this? Or was it really just because of the music industry's dog eat dog world. As he sat back down and placed his head on the bed I couldn't help but look at his friends. All in much shock as I. So what now? What would happen after this since we all knew of their glory? Yet it wasn't this simple. Her eyes opened as she coughed, no choked. Dust and blood was all that came out.

"Nicole! We need a doctor in here!" Dan yelled out the hall before she gasped. The monitor went flat as we were forced out into the hall. Forced back to the waiting room.

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