She Told Me Everything

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Nicole POV

I rolled over, groaning slightly from the headache now suffocating my brain. You were fast asleep, face first with your cheek pressed against the pillow. I smiled and ran my fingers through your hair before pressing a kiss to your temple. Carefully I got out of bed and put on my robe before going downstairs into my office and opening the laptop. Jennifer Lawrence a possible Clark... I went straight for the kill, finding her on Facebook and opening up a message.

We've never met, but I have a feeling we might have something in common. As your mother about your father. Your real father. If she tells the truth come see me.
Best Wishes,
Nicole Smith (Clark)

The worst thing she was going to do was call me crazy. It didn't matter to someone like me. I jumped to the sound of the door bell echoing throughout the house and quickly wandered down the hall. I could already tell it was Kyle by the figure anxiously bouncing around outside.

" Kyle ?" I mumbled opening the door, squinting to the light.

"Someone had a rough night. Where is Danny boy?" A chuckle escaped me as I let him in and closed the door.

"Sleeping... Why what brings you by?" Kyle wandered to the kitchen and I gnawed on the inside of my cheek as he took in the sight. Two wine glasses lingered, whipped cream, panties hanging from the chandelier above the kitchen island.

"Ooo last night was one of those nights. The crazy Dan and Nicole sex nights." He smirked at me before wiggling his eye brows as I laughed.

" Why are you here anyways Kyle?" I grabbed the glasses, setting them in the sink, tossing the empty container of whipped cream in the trash. Dan would surely have to get the panties from the chandelier later. Though the purple accent was a nice addition.

"I found some bits for the songs. I wanted to run the by him. I would go wake him up myself but from Fanfiction I already have enough of a mental image of what Dan looks like naked. I don't want to actually know." I rolled my eyes before wandering up the stairs. You were already showered and putting on your clothes.

"I know Kyle's downstairs... I could hear him a mile away." You groaned slightly before pulling me into your arms, pressing your lips to mine. "I'll handle him..."

"Good luck. I think he's already had enough caffeine for the both of us." I laughed softly as you once again goaned leaving the bedroom. It didn't take long for me to shower and get dressed for the day, ignoring the idea of even putting on makeup. By the time I got down stairs Will, Awoui, Janna, Chrissy, Woody, and Woody's baby Liam where all in different areas of the house. Obviously Will had brought Clara home who was sitting on the floor beside Dan, like always, playing with his shoe lace. Who knew I child could find such joy in merely a plane shoe lace.

"Ah if it isn't mother Stormer. Looking dapper as always." Janna chuckled as I sat down only after picking up Clara and giving her an actual toy.

"I can't wait to get this album out... Then again that means I'll be spending a lot of time on the phone finding hotels, venues, vans, things to do for the guys, my list feels never ending." I sighed softly, adjusting the bow in Clara's hair.

"Don't worry I'll help." Janna laughed slightly. "At least we've got a couple tours under our belts. Could be worse right?"

"Of course." I glanced to the door as Charlie walked in, holding a few boxes of doughnuts.

"Sorry I'm late the bakery was absolutely slammed. Doughnuts anyone?" He grinned and I glanced to Janna with a slight smirk.

"Obviously his mother taught him manners. Thanks so much Charlie."

" Ah no problem!" He sat down beside Dan glancing at the laptop while the doughnuts begun filtering around the room. My phone buzzed violently in my pocket, as I began to tug it out. The number unknown to me.

"I'll be right back yeah?" I handed Clara over to Janna before leaving the noisy room. "Hello?"

"Is this Nicole Clark?" The woman's voice was smooth, like silk against your ears. Yet American, surely why the number was unfamiliar.

"Yes... Whose this?"

"This is Jenny... I... I think you're my sister?" Her voice cracked slightly, she was crying more than likely. I walked further away from the studio door and took a deep breath.

"Did your mother tell you the truth?"

" She was with a man named Richard Clark... She said she lied to protect me... I'm more confused than anything... Your British? That producer for Bastille right? Do you live in England?" I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"Yes and your an actress..."

"Yeah..." She laughed slightly before sniffling. "Can I come visit? I've got some free time coming up and... I would like to meet you... To get to know you and... Well the half of my family I've never heard anything about."

"Well... Certainly you can meet my family.... As for any other Clarks I'm the only one.... Our father died a long time ago... I don't think he knew of you.... Because he would have left a note or something about you.... I didn't learn about you till a few days ago...."

"This is all a lot to take in.... But I look forward to meeting you Nicole... I'll let you know when I can make it..."

"That sounds great... I'll see you soon Jennifer."

"Call me Jen or Jenny..."

"Alright... Good bye Jenny."

"Good bye Nicole." I hung up and couldn't help but smile. There was one more chance at a family. A family of Clarks in a way. Someone who had the same blood running through their veins like I. I took a deep breath and walked back to the studio room, taking Clara back in my lap.

"Who was that?"

"Someone you'll be meeting soon Janna... Hopefully very soon..." I cracked a slight smile and looked to you. You winked with a smile gracing your lips before looking back at the work before you. Sounds nice right?

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