Your Arms

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I rolled over and looked to the empty side of the bed. Tomorrow I would see you again and things would feel normal. I wouldn't feel alone. I forced myself to get out of bed and walked into the living area, Janna looked upset. Which was rare considering she was one of the happiest people I knew.

" Hey, you okay?"

"O... Yeah... Just... Kyle called. He was in a bit of trouble last night." She sniffled and brushed tears off her cheeks. "He was bored and you know Kyle he gets himself into trouble. Well he went to a club and they gave him... Molly? I think that is what he called it. Before he blacked out he called Nicole and she saved him. That is all he remembers. He put her on the phone and she told me he just wouldn't shut up... but that man worries me so much Daniel."

"He worries all of us with his childish behavior getting him into trouble Janna." I sat down and pulled her into a hug, sighing softly. Janna was like Amy to me. I would protect her like my sister. "The good part is he is fine. Nicole got to him and he's safe and healthy. Yeah?"

"Yeah... thanks Dan..." She squeezed me back before letting me go and going to her room. Then there was Woody. Staring at his phone and pushing his stubby fingers against the glass quickly.

"You good mate?"

"Mmmmhmm." The lack of eye contact told me otherwise. I wouldn't push after all everything is brought to light sooner or later. I stood and wandered back to my room, grabbing my phone off the nightstand and dialing your number.

"Hello my love." Your angelic voice was soothing to my tortured mind as I fell onto the bed.

"Hey you... I heard you had a wild night."

"Yeah Kyle was a mess."

"I heard... you okay though?"

"Yeah, Dan I need to tell you something, but you can't tell Janna..."

"Yeah, go on."

"Kyle he was... really fucked up when I picked him up and... he kissed me. Not like tongue, but he kissed me nonetheless and I can't sleep... because I'm afraid you're gonna hate him for it... then I thought about not telling you and... that was too much. Kyle doesn't remember and I think it is best that him and Janna just... forget." I let it process through my mind for a moment. He was on drugs and doesn't remember. I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Gosh.... I'm sorry you're dealing with this stuff. I know watching someone high is difficult especially for you Nikki. I'm sorry he kissed you."

"You're not mad?"

"I can't be... he was a mess last night. Thank you actually for saving him. I can only imagine if you hadn't found him in time Nicole. He might be dead."

"I guess.... tell me how are the interviews?"

"Repetitive. How is doing nothing?"

"Boring. I need you..." I smirked slightly and looked to my door making sure it was closed.

"How badly?"

"Are you trying to talk sex over the phone?"

"I asked... how badly do you need me... Miss Clark." I closed my eyes listening to your giggle after I spoke in my deep voice. I could picture the chills raising on your arm.

"I wanna kiss you... and make my way down to your trousers.... and run my lips along your shaft till I get that moan out of you..." I couldn't help, but smirk and groan slightly. That is until the door bursted open.

"Dan we gotta! - O... O I'm... O" It was obvious the arising erection in my jeans Janna quickly closed the door and I huffed while your laughter filled my ear.

"Ah that was great.... really what was the look on her face?!" I huffed and cleared my throat.

"Listen Clark.... When I see you I'm going to tease you for this until you beg do you understand?"

"Mmm you're sounding dangerous Mr. Smith. I'll see you tomorrow. Do be good."

"I will try... I love you."

"I love you too." I hung up and sighed, tossing the phone on the bed before showering. Obviously taking care of the persistent issue in my trousers along with washing. By the time I was dressed and ready Janna and Woody were sitting in the lobby awaiting my appearance.

"Sorry about-"

"It's no big deal."

"I mean... it was big.... wow. Sorry for... walking in." I chuckled and shook my head before motioning to the door.

"Anyways shall we get this last interview over with so we can reunite with the rest of our goofy friends?"

"Agreed!" Woody laughed and lead the way to the car. Janna grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Hey... I really can't say thank you enough to Nicole, but... really she saved my best friend and the love of my life from possibly dying." I nodded as she removed her hand from my arm.

"She cares about all of us, just like we all care about each other. A group of best friends right?" I flashed a half smile before following Woody to the awaiting van. It was only once the car began to drive did I look down at my wrists and curse. "We gotta go back..."

" Why?"

"I forgot... I forgot to cover them." It came out as a whisper, yet Janna quickly dug through her purse.

"Take your watch and bracelet off. Here let me help Dan." I quickly wiggled the bracelets off and tugged off my watch. Janna was more skilled with make up than anything. She always cared how she looked. "Almost.... Done." Her smile grew as she saw my lips arch into a tiny smile. It was covered. The darkest day of my life.

"Thanks Janna..." I mumbled as she helped me put back on my bracelets and watch. As a group we were a functioning mess. All with our own problems. These problems were growing. And fast.

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