Paparazzi Stories (Nov 3rd 2012)

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Nicole POV

I landed in LA and shot you a text saying I made it safely and would let you know when I got to my place. The weather was warm, tickling my pale cold skin. The LA airport was a mess. People running to make their next flight and camera's flashing obviously at me and other celebrities. I walked outside and grinned at a familiar face. Alexander, my father's friend wearing his grey hat. You're probably wondering if I slept with him. Yes, when I was twenty he was thirty two. However now it's been four years and we never mentioned it again. Another Clark secret.

"Nikki!" His accent was Australia, beautiful in a artistic way.

"Alex!" I grinned as he pulled me into a hug. He was strong and protective. He'd always been ever since I lost everyone yet he was an actor and LA along with Hawaii was his territory. Camera flashed as he groaned slightly and looked to the paparazzi.

"Fuck off! This is my best friend's daughter!"

"Nikki! Nikki! Is this your new man?"

"Alex isn't she a bit young?!" I chuckled and grabbed one of my bags while he grabbed the others.

"This is why I don't live in LA." He chuckled and lead the way to his Land Rover, placing my suitcases in the back. " How did you know I was coming?"

"Williams called, he was looking for a place for you to stay so I said you could have my place for the time you're here. I'm actually leaving for Hawaii tomorrow so I'll be gone till Febuary anyways."

"Ah that's just him being cheap."

"I know, but you're safer at my place in the hills

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"I know, but you're safer at my place in the hills." He gave a nod before starting the car then driving off. "I heard about what happened in England. You need to consider getting professional help Niks"

"I'm fine... Really I got my shit together." I laughed weakly, twirling my pinky ring. "I got someone helping me... Helping me get my life together."

"Really? Tell me about him?" Alex smiled glancing over at me. It sounds odd, but Alex went from a sexual partner to a father figure. Talk about daddy issues....

"He's a singer and he's amazing. I'm trying to protect him from being seen with me in public. To sort of save his public image."

"What's his band?"

"Bastille... He's the singer. Dan... Dan Smith." He nodded slowly, a smile still playing on his lips. "I heard you settled down too. Mia I think her name is?"

" Yeah, she stays in Hawaii less media attention. We've got a son, he's two. His names Derek." He stopped the car outside of this large white mansion hugging a cliff side. The truck popped open as he climbed out along with myself and we gathered my things. "I was thinking since I hadn't seen you in awhile you wanna do a crawl tonight?"

"A crawl?"

"Like a party crawl." I smirked before nodding as he unlocked the door to his place and tossed my bags aside.

"I'm game. I'll see if David Guetta wants to go?" He chuckled softly and shook his head.

"He'll be there. Go get yourself comfy and relax, I'll be back around 8? We'll grab dinner and take it from there." I nodded with a smile before he closed the door to the house. I found the bedroom and tossed on of my bags down before dialing your number. My heart pounded like a school girl's during her first kiss.

"Hello love!"

"Hey Dan... How's London?" I sighed and laid down.

"Rainy a bit chilly tonight. Where are you staying?"

"My dad's friend's house. His name's Alexander he leaves tomorrow for Hawaii so I'll be by myself. I'll send you the address though, if you want to write me a letter." You laughed softly, it was obvious you were sad.

"I will write you a letter just promise to write back... This place lonely without you."

"I miss you too... Though I'm sure you'll see me all over the internet. The paparazzi is relentless here."

"You'll be fine love. Just stay out of trouble. I'm exhausted..."

"Well I'll let you go to sleep my love... Good night Dan... I love you."

"I love you too... Night." You hung up first, it was odd for our conversations to be so brief. I pushed it down and showered, squeezing my way to a tight black dress and curling my hair. Alex was waiting down stairs by the time I was ready and had also taken a nap. Admittedly he was a very attractive man, however tonight I would be good. Sort of...

We headed out into the LA night life. David, Logic, and Nicki Minaj was our group so to speak. I know how disappointed you would be in me Dan so I've never told you this story fully. We started with drinks, nothing too crazy. Then came the weed, it makes your body feel as if it doesn't exist and you're just your mind. Light as a feather. Alex and I snorted coke, which makes everything tingle. I was in control though. I could still think. I'd done this all before, but in larger doses. Then like every party the party slows down. Alex drove back, though we shouldn't have even been in the car. We stumbled up to his room, his arms wrapped around me. I guess I was expected to sleep with him, but I didn't. I cried. Balled my eyes out as he held me.

I was crying because I missed you in my drunken drug bliss. I missed your smell. The freckles. Glasses. Blue eyes dark as the deepest points of the ocean. The nail biting. The wild hair. The pale lips and skin. Your skin against mine. I missed my sanity. My home. Alex kissed the top of my head and held like you did except he was stronger. His arms were tighter around my small body. Then sleep. Pulling me from my sorrow. Half of me was across the world.

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα