Melt Down

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Dear readers, you're probably wondering why my recent chapters have been a bit boring. This one might be a bit dreary too... But the next chapter don't worry 😈 grab the Kleenex and hold on. We'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming of crying readers..... Love - T😊


You were leaving tonight to go on tour with your brother's band for a few days. However something was wrong. I could tell by the lack of energy or smiling. In fact everyone seemed run down. It was at breakfast on the bus that you stood and looked around.

"I can't... I can't handle it anymore!"

" Nicole....? What's wrong?" Janna made an odd face as did I looking towards you. The melt down.

"You all are keeping secrets and for some god awful reason I know them all! So I'm done. Will has aggressive anger. Woody can't have children. Janna is worried she isn't pretty and forces herself to wear make up. Dan cuts. I drink like a fucking fish. Kyle has Peter pan syndrome. There. We are a fucking family! Guess what! None of us are Perfect...." You looked around the room at the wide eyes. "You all are the only people I trust fully. I mean that sincerely, but we all need to trust each other.... Because guess what... 2014 is going to be crazy. This year 2013 is minor. It's a pond before the ocean. If we all don't trust each other nothing is going to get done and everyone is gonna sulk around! Bloody hell!" You stormed off the bus into the rain just wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Woody had his eyes to the table. Kyle was looking around and Will was the first to speak.

"She's right... We aren't helping each other with our issues. So their just building up..."

"I just wished she had given me a little warning... Crap." Janna mumbled as I stood and wandered to the door of the bus, opening it to see you leaning against the wet exterior.

" Love come inside you're gonna get sick."

" Are they all mad?"

"No they actually agree with you." I chuckled weakly. You cracked a smile and walked inside, giving me a wet hug before we joined the others and shared a group hug.

"You all are the only people I can trust...." Woody mumbled.

"They right now... We promise to tell each other everything... Before anything gets bad. Yeah?" Kyle whispered into the group. "Janna... You look beautiful without make up."

"Kyle... You're my big kid." We all shared a laugh through this mess. This dysfunctional mess. Tomorrow you'd be gone. With your other family. Your brother's friends. They had a surprise awaiting you. Not really a surprise, but more of a Clark curse surprise. " Say let's not ruin the day yeah? Let's go get sound check over with, have a great show, and relax." Janna grinned before running off to get ready. You on the other hand sighed.

"You'll have to relax without me. I've gotta be at the airport tonight right after the show." I huffed and snaked my arms around you, pressing my lips to yours.

"Don't remind me." You placed your head against my chest as I stood there hugging you and closed my eyes. It was funny the way we molded together. I wish I could have stopped you from going. We parted and got ready, I of course had to do sound check while you sat taking care of business on your phone for bad blood's release.

" Hey guys!" You ran towards the stage and smiled. "Bad Blood just released at number 1! Congratulations!"

"Whaaaat?!" Woody grinned and Kyle did some odd dance. My mouth opened in aw as you smiled at me.

"You're serious?"

" Yes Dan I'm serious." I jumped off the stage and hugged you again. Laughing together in this moment of success. We had done it. The first album was number one in the UK. "Congrats babe..." You whispered against my ear, I never wanted this moment to end. This success knowing people cared about our music. That we were one step closer to being able to tell the world our secret.

"I love you... Really we couldn't have done this would you Nicole." You laughed softly and pulled away slightly to look in my eyes.

"You would have found a way darling. With a voice like yours even the heavens couldn't ignore it." Your lips pressed against mine. Surrounded by our family. The people who's supported us. "Go finish practicing... You've gotta get ready in 15 minutes so the crowd can start to fill in yeah?" I nodded before wandering my way back to the stage. In all honesty that was probably our best show. We were Bastille. The number one band in the UK over night. I was happy in this moment. I had my band, my friends, you. Little did we know 2014 would be are greatest and worest year. Sorry, let me slow down and not get too ahead of myself.

After the show I watched you zip up your suitcase. In truth I couldn't wait to see you perform next week on our day off. To see you be where I love to be, but hate at the same time. You looked at me with a sad expression and sat on top of your suitcase. I took your face between my hands and kissed you softly once the tears threatened to leave your eyes.

"You need anything Dan call me. I'll drop what I'm doing and be there..."

" Nicole I'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about."

"O hush I'll be just fine Dan." You nodded reassuringly before sighing as you stood. "I love you alright?"

"I love you too. Be careful. Please."

"Of course, but only for you." You took your suitcase only after hugging everyone else. Just like that you were gone. I wasn't alone, but I felt alone. The bunk got a lot bigger that night would you by my side. Little did I know what was awaiting you in Germany.

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