Come In

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Nicole POV

"Do you want to park and come inside? I'm starving I bet you are as well, the least I can do is make you breakfast." You nodded and pulled into the garage, taking a ticket and pushing it into your front window after you parked beside my Cadillac. Your hand was around mine, offering that comfort I had been craving constantly with your presence. Your other hand was carrying the bag of gifts I bought yesterday.

"Morning Miss... Clark. Whose the guest?! I've never seen one in my 4 years of you living here." A chuckle pasted my lips as the guard at the front desk sat up and looked towards us.

" This is Daniel Smith, add him to my list he'll probably be around more often than not."

" Yes ma'am. Welcome Mr. Smith."

"Thank you." You mumbled before I pulled you along to the elevators and clicked the button.

"That's Rory he's nice. A gentle giant so to speak."

"You've never had a guest?"

"No you're the first person to be here." I laughed slightly before I shoved my key into the elevator slot and the mechanism lifted us to my penthouse. You were amazed by the sheer size of the place as we walked inside and shrugged off our jackets. " Make yourself at home. Or look around."

"You live here?"

" Yes.." I laughed before walking to the kitchen, mixing up some eggs and tossing a few slices of bacon into a pan. I could hear you found the piano, your fingers danced along the keys as you sung that song you had made up last night. It was odd being your muse, yet also beautiful. In a few moments I joined you in the living room with two plates of food in a tray and juice.

"That looks amazing love."

"Thanks hopefully it tastes as good as it looks." You moved from the piano and sat beside me as I turned on the telly. I couldn't help but eat quickly, my stomach was protesting the lack of food. You on the other hand were particular that nothing touched on the plate a chuckle escaping me.

"Don't judge my OCD."

" Your OCD is beautiful." I smirked as you took a few more bites then sat your empty plate on the table tray in front of us. My head finding its way to your shoulder as I began to relax. "I have work to do... Tons..."

"Do you need me to leave."

"No I refuse to let you go." I lifted my head and looked into your eyes before taking off your glasses and kissing you. Yet you didn't let me out of your embrace. I climbed onto your lap, straddling you as our tongues tangled together. In this moment I wanted you more than the air. You parted our lips only to tug off my shirt then this look came across your face. This... Numb expression. " Dan?"

"I'm sorry... I have to go." You pushed me onto the sofa beside you and quickly you grabbed your jacket walking to the door as I sat there. More confused than ever.

"But..." The door slammed then the elevator noise as I sunk back into the cushions. You had a secret bigger than mine eating at you from the inside. Maybe you weren't ready for anything after the heartbreak of Carly. Slowly I slipped my shirt back on and grabbed the tray taking it to the kitchen and placing it in the sink before wandering to my office. Why in this moment did I feel more lonely than any other day of my life. No amount of whiskey would surpass the burn you just hit me with yet I tried. I felt like Steve, drowning in liquor. A bottle of whiskey all to myself.

You walked out and I didn't expect you to walk back in any time soon. You did in fact though return. The next time I saw you was eight days later standing at my door with flowers and grey under your eyes. I wanted to smack you across the face yet I moved out of the way and let you into my home once more. Christmas eve always seemed to be the calm before the storm.

"I'm... Sorry. I can explain." I took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa, the same one you darted off of days before.

" Well?"

"You... You had the same bra on as Carly when I caught her cheating and... It fucking haunts me because I can see her every night and day. She never called and said she was sorry. Never admitted she was wrong for doing that to me. I'm scared I'll fall in love and get the same treatment as before." I nodded slowly then you offered the orange roses to me, carefully I took ahold of them and sighed.

"If I trusted you with my secrets... Don't you think I deserve the same trust back?" It passed my brims as a whisper before you looked away.

"Yes... I have my own demons too you know. I'm not perfect."

"You're closer to the definition than me Daniel." I stood and placed the flowers in the vase on the table before wandering to the liquor cabinet, grabbing a bottle of whiskey. I poured two glasses and sipped at one before offering the other to you as you looked over to the small tree by the door to the balcony.

"Are you planning to celebrate alone?"

"Yes..." I downed my glass before you looked back to me.

"Did I ruin the chance we have?"

" No... But don't walk out on me Dan... I'm not your ex girlfriend. I don't even know what she looks like, let alone meant to you."

"Then come spend Christmas with me tomorrow?" My eyes met yours before I shrugged. I had nothing to lose in doing such.

"Fine... I was just making dinner, would you like some?"

"Sure." You followed me into the kitchen, I cut the cooked fish in half and split the vegetables onto another plate. You had found the wine and poured two glasses before sat down and picked up where we left off. Drinking and laughing about nonsense while eating. "Where did you learn to cook?"

"Online. Nothing special." A laugh filled the room from my lungs before I took a sip of wine. Your eyes burning a hole into my forehead till I looked up. "You've had a lot to drink. Stay?"

"Sure..." A smile crept across your face as you helped me clean up the dishes then you followed me into the bedroom. You stripped down to your boxers and climbed into bed. Surprisingly you were toned, just skinny along with the trait. I took off my robe, wearing my silk night gown down to my mid thighs and turned on the telly.

"Why are you so skinny? You don't eat a lot either." I watched your features change. The first secret of yours was now mine.

"I actually was... Really over weight. I mean huge... And I got picked on until I was about 15. I started starving myself and drinking a lot of alcohol. Soon enough I got so skinny my mother took me to the doctors and they set me straight. Told me how much to eat and how to get healthy again. I just never gained any of the weight back."

"Wow... That's interesting, I'm sorry you had to go through that Dan." You shrugged slightly and pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head while I began to get heavy eyes.

"It's alright love... Get some sleep." You didn't have to tell me twice. After all being around you I felt relaxed. Dare I say at home?

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