Sending Love Along the Wires

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"Mmm?" I looked up from the buttons on the board of the recording studio to Janna walking in with her phone playing your voice.

"Nicki Minaj is doing a live feed and Nikki is on if you wanna see her. Did you talk to her last night? Well last night for her."

"No she went out... it was on the news. She was at a few parties with that Alex guy, Nicki, Logic, and David." Janna sighed softly and sat down.

"She's okay Dan, she's just playing the part the world expects her to play. We all do it sometimes."

"Her more than most..." I mumbled before looking to Janna's phone. You sat beside Logic whose real name I learned is Robert. You had a blunt in your hand and a glass of water on the table in front of you. I'd never seen this side of you. You looked exhausted behind the eyeliner and red lipstick. You took a drag and then handed it to Robert.

"So David tell us what you've got." Nicki spoke before glancing to the camera, making some dumb face.

"Well Nicole and I got in here around what, 6am?" He chuckled before taking a drag as you nodded.

"Yeah, bloody hell I think I'm still drunk from last night." You chuckled as did logic. "My fuckin nose is killing me along with my head." Janna sighed slightly glancing at me while I wore a curious look.

"Did she get hit in the nose?"

"No, your nose hurts after you do blow."


"Cocaine... I've done it before a few times." She glanced at Kyle whose ears were now in on our conversation.

"We actually already got a song recorded, we're gonna release it tonight." David smirked slightly. "I can't tell you whose singing on it though. The person wants to remain anonymous. The only people who know who it is.... is Robert, Nicole, and myself."

"O and I'm not involved." Nicki huffed as you got up and chuckled.

"Nah, this was just for fun. I'm heading out guys, I gotta run some errands and take my friend to the airport." You gave a wave and like clock work my phone began to ring once you'd left the room on the camera.


"Hey babe, how's your day going?"

"Slow... how was your night, I was watching the live feed." I mumbled as you sighed.

"Fucked up... I miss you. I fucking cried myself to sleep last night after partying." I looked to Janna and took you off speaker, walking out into the hall and sitting down on the floor.

"You should have just stayed inside."

"I can't... The pain of missing you gets worse ya know? I got a surprise for you... tonight when you get home look through your email. I sent you a song David and I recorded this morning. It's called She Wolf..."

"Who sings?"

"Me." You giggled slightly. "I just... I was so upset this morning. Just with the media making shit up about me and missing you... my mind is just sort go everywhere right now. Here I'll send it to your phone now.... got it?" My phone pinged against my ear.

"Yeah hold on... let me listen." I dug out my headphones from my pocket and shoved them in my ears. I'd never heard you sing like this. (Yes I know SIA sings this song, but O well....)

"You loved me and I froze in time/ Hungry for that flesh of mine/ But I can't compete with the she-wolf, who has brought me to my knees/ What do you see in those yellow eyes?/ 'Cause I'm falling to pieces

I'm falling to pieces/ I'm falling to pieces/ I'm falling to pieces/ Falling to pieces." A stupid smile crossed my face as I closed my eyes then paused the music.

"Nicole it is beautiful..."

"Thanks babe...Can you sing to me?" Your voice cracked, I knew you were crying. I sighed softly then took a deep breath.

"Yeah, hold on let me go to your office... where are you now?"

"Laying down in the back of my car...I already took Alex to the airport. I just wanted to get away from everyone."

"I feel the same the way." I walked down the hall to your office an clicked open the door, closing it behind me. "Burrows is determined to find that Ian guy."

"O gosh... I knew he would get nosey... Has he found anything?"

"Not yet... Alright..." I sat down and closed my eyes. "What do you want me to sing?"



"Because that was the night I fell in love with you." I chuckled slightly before softly singing to you. I could tell you were crying because I was too. "I love you..."

"I love you too darling."

"I miss your stupid face... and you hogging all the tea... and your glasses..." I laughed and laid down slightly.

"Yeah well I'm right here... a phone call away. It's about dinner time here so I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat. What are you going to do?"

"Grab a early lunch, take a nap, watch the telly. Maybe go to the beach. Will you call me tonight before you go to bed?"

"Better yet I'll Skype you." You laughed.

"Oooo I get to see the most handsome guy in the world? How lucky am I?"

"No, I think I'm the lucky one. Dick booked our tickets to LA. I'll be seeing you in person in roughly a week and a half."

"I'm thrilled. The house is so huge and lonely without you and that lot. How's the album going? Give me something to keep my mind worried on." I laughed slightly as I picked at my nails.

" Well you can't worry about it because it's almost done ahead of schedule."

"Really? Wow I think you're the first group that isn't behind schedule." Your laughter filled my ear as I sat up.

"Well I'm just that great of a boyfriend... Now go get some lunch. I'll call you tonight yeah?"

" Yes darling. Love you Dan."

"Love you too." I hung up and looked around the dark office. You were right. The silence seemed so much louder without your presence.

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