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Totally random, but here I go. So I was lurking through my feed and clicking on random profiles and I feel so old. Then I gotta Google half the slang some people use. Ugh... I dunno. Old people rant... I'm not even that old, but still. Lol

So enjoy this peaceful chapter. I'll be dealing with the Henry situation shortly while Bastille goes on tour with Muse. I'm feeling social today so comment any idea you'd like me to touch on or ask me a question about myself. I don't care, I'm bored and you all are like the only friends I enjoy talking to... Yeah okay bye.

Nicole POV

" And that's a wrap!" I grinned before popping a bottle of champagne. The last show of the tour. Meet and greets done. Showers taken. Now it was time to celebrate. In May you and the guys would go on tour with Muse, but for now we were all ready for a break. Hawaii was calling our names. A place you and I didn't have to hide what we were. Hawaii was never a place for paparazzi. If it was then it was for big A list actors not people like us.My brother on the other hand was still not found. I couldn't dwell on it. I would deal with it later. I had called a few favours and put in a bit of effort, but I'd become numb to family issues. There was always something going on with a Clark. Then again he technically wasn't even a Clark. However, now I wanted to get lost in this coming week. The warm Hawaiian sun and fresh foods. A world away from dreary London weather.

"Woohoo!" Kyle popped another bottle before taking a swig. "Ugh I can't wait to sleep in the plane and wake up in paradise."

" Me too." Chrissy grinned, sprawling across the sofa like a cat over Woody who smiled and laughed. "We can go to the spa. I can get my toes done."

"When do we leave?" Janna whined.

"Whenever you're all ready." I smirked before downing a swig of champagne. "I've got a private plane ready. We can drop off the bus and head straight there if you all have clothes or try and coax the bus driver to drop us off at the airport." Janna squealed and wiggled with excitment.

"What are we waiting for?! I need a tan." She grinned before nudging Kyle.

"Let's go, we'll just get the bus driver to drop us off at the airport. I'll tip him." Will smirked before shrugging. With meet and greets, concerts, and even interviews over it was time to finally let loose. We all packed our things once on the bus. Things being tossed in random suitcases and bags. You were quietly screaming inside with excitement for this vacation. Stealing glances at me with that boyish smile. Once we got to the airport it was smooth sailing. The plane ride everyone slept. No one said a word till the plane jolted against the runway. You had me in your arms, groaning slightly from the shift in movement.

"Guys! Guys! Wake up! We're in Hawaii!" Kyle yelled as I opened my eyes, he had his face pressed against the window. Right off the plane we were decorated with leis, our bags gathered to be taken to the hotel. You took my hand and squeezed it, grinning.

"Let's go... I have somewhere I want to see." You honoured me with a toothy grin. Kyle and Janna were already missing, Will and Woody were talking to the surf guides nearby on the tarmac. I nodded and let you pull me along. You pointed coyly like a child towards the four wheelers and I laughed.

"You want to go four wheeling?" All you could manage was a nod. " You don't need to be shy about it. Let's go!" I pressed my lips to yours before running ahead. "Oi! How much for two of them for the day?"

"Five hundred."

"Sold" I chuckled and dug in my purse, handing the man the money before taking the keys and tossing a set to you.

" No helmets?"

"Live a little Smith" I smirked and started up my bike as you did the same.

"You've totally done this before."

"Possibly!" I grinned before taking off. This was freedom at its best. I followed along the dirt trail, you right behind me, laughing like a child. What I would do to stay here forever. It took us through the forest and soon to a grass field plateau where I stopped my bike and climbed off. The air felt so much cleaner and the sky was free from clouds. You parked your four wheeler and we wandered around to see the different views. I couldn't help but sneak a few videos of you.

"Wh- What are you doing?!" You hollered noticing my phone and I ran

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"Wh- What are you doing?!" You hollered noticing my phone and I ran. " No! It's probably awful and awkward!"

" It is! But it's mine!" You tackled me into your arms, falling to the ground and holding me safely against your chest, laughing as I laid on top of you, catching my breath. Your eyes searched mine as I adjusted your glasses and smiled.

"I love you so much... And I don't know what I would do without you in my life Nicole."

"You're preaching to the choir my love... I think exactly the same about you." I pressed my lips against yours before stroking your cheek. People were around, minding their own business. We didn't care to be seen right now. We just wanted to be us. Enjoy a vacation like a normal couple. Act goofy together in public like a normal couple. " Now if only I could get a picture of you shirtless."

"Ha.Ha.Ha." You rolled your eyes before looking up to the sky as I placed my head over your heart. "Nikki?"


"Do you believe in heaven?" I looked up to you before rolling off of you and looking up at the sky, taking your hand in mine.

"I do, but I don't think about it." We laid there in silence until you filled it with your voice.

"Then you put your hand in mine
And pulled me back from things divine
Stop looking up for heaven, waiting to be buried...And all their words for glory
Well they always sounded empty
When we're looking up for heaven
Looking up for heaven
And way down here upon the ground
When we're lying in the dirt...There's no looking up for heaven
Looking up for heaven..." I bit my bottom lip and boosted myself up on my elbows, looking in your eyes.

"Do you turn all our conversations into songs.." You smirked slightly.

"I could always sing about you... You're the song I sing again and again." I chuckled.

"That sounds like another song about to be written. You're goofy." You grinned showing your crooked tooth.

" But you love it."

"I always will." I kissed your lips before standing and looking back at the view. I wish this was home.

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now