Old Flames

116 12 4

Nicole POV

Maybe going to work wasn't the best decision. Here I could pace my office and over think without distraction. Obviously no one was in the office, but soon enough there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." It was a face I didn't expect. He looked tired, but put together. Moustache and and beard neatly trimmed. "Kyle?"

"Hey... I figured you needed company more than Dan... He's a father." I chuckled and sat down.

"yeah Clara keeps him company you're right."

"I didnt mean Clara." He mumbled, looking down for a moment before sitting next to me. I felt so hallow in that moment. He didn't need to explain because I knew exactly where he was going with this conversation. I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes in defeat. "Janna told me everything... I don't believe it considering what she's done."

" But Dan does..."

"Cause he's too innocent for this world."

"Does Janna know you're here?" He chuckled slightly.

" No... I don't think she'd feel okay knowing I'm with you considering I said you were better in bed and my old lover." The comment made me laugh, yet it quickly died down.

"I don't want to go home tonight, but I want to spend my new years with him... But I know she'll be there... Waiting to set me up for something else."

"I can't believe she drugged you."

"I can..." I sighed and lifted my head. "I guess we should be going home... As much as I don't want to go..."

"I didn't just come here to ruin your day... I wanted to ask for some... Advice." I looked to him with a curious expression before nodding. "Well... Janna is seeing you and Dan raise a kid... And.... I'm already scared of marriage let along a kid."

"You haven't told her how you feel?"

"I have, but... You know Janna..."

"Yeah... She then gets worried you don't love her and all that... Maybe you guys can watch Clara a weekend... Show her how difficult it is to raise a child." He chuckled and stood, tugging me up with him.

"That is a bit brilliant..." I smirked before we started walking to the door yet Kyle pulled me back slightly. His brown eyes were searching my before his lips found mine. It wasn't romantic, but it was meaningful. He pulled away and looked in my eyes again. "I know... You're my best friend and I shouldn't kiss you... But you know I'm affectionate and... I just feel bad about the situation you're in because I know Dan loves you... But as your best friend... I want you to be taken care of Niks." He kissed my forehead before I pulled him into a hug. His arms squeezing the air from my lungs slightly. We stayed there for awhile. We didn't need to say anything. We knew each other too well.

"I'll okay Simmons....thank you for... Thinking about me..."

"You're welcome... Nikitty" We both laughed before parting ways. Kyle left as did I, but obviously we took separate cars. Yet when I got home I didn't even want to get out of my car. I sat back and took a deep breath, opening my glove box in front of the passenger seat. A pistol and a flask. I took the flask and closed the compartment before taking a swig of the bourbon. What I wouldn't do to put that gun to her head. Kyle stood by the car chuckling as I offered him the flask then rubbed his hands together. " We should be getting inside."

" You cold? Have a drink!" I smirked and got out, offering him the flask to which he took a swig.

" Niks?"

" Mmm?" I mumbled as we strolled towards the house.

" You ever wonder what would have been different had things not turned about this way?"

" What do you mean?"

"I mean if I never fell for Janna and you never fell for Dan..."

"In truth I never thought about it." I shrugged. "I'm happy with Dan-"

" And I'm happy with Janna... It's just... The expectations we have to live up to are -"

"Scary?" He nodded before handing me back the flask. "I know exactly how you feel..." We stopped, watching everyone through the windows as snow began to fall. All of our friends were dancing and fooling around. Ralph had Clara and Janna was dancing with Will. Then there you were. With your son. Showing him decorations on the tree with Londy by your side. I think Kyle saw the color leave my face because his hand squeezed mine. "I have to survive 5 more days... Just five more without killing her."

" Its a challenge I know... I'm starting to feel it too... Dan doesn't see he's hurting you."

"Because he's as innocent as a child." I sighed and gave Kyle's hand a squeeze before we walked up to the door. I didn't have the energy to go into the living room and socialize and instead went to my office, pouring a glass of bourbon. I wonder if this was how Steve or my father felt. Empty and hallow yet surrounded by people they love. I looked to their pictures on my desk and offered my glass in cheers before taking a sip. "Cheers..."

"Niks?" You popped your head in before taking a step into my office. "You alright?"

"I don't know..." I wanted to say yes but it didn't come out.

"I have something to tell you...-"

"I already know... I guess congradulations...?" I almost laughed at the thought. "Listen... If she's not gone in five more days... I will be Dan..." I stood and looked to the window. "I can't be around her... And now she's found a way to always be in your life."

"Are you saying the test is fake?"

" Yeah. You can't see she's playing you? She's got you in her trap!" I turned and looked at you before shaking my head.

" She told me you would say that... How about I ask some questions now... Where were you and Kyle?" My jaw tensed and I nearly punched you, but restrained myself.

"I'm gonna act like you didn't just fucking ask me that... Guess what... He showed up at my office to tell me about what a fool you're being... I was hoping he was wrong." I shoved past you only to find Londy waiting right outside the door. "Well... Did your puppet do exactly what you expected him to do?" She smirked until she heard your footsteps.

" Its okay... I'll only be over every week..."

"Until I put a bullet in your brain." I smirked before smacking her as hard as I could. Of course Dan comforted her yet some of my anger was gone. Right now I was actually dying to fuck Kyle. Anything to make Dan feel a bit of what I was feeling. Yet I couldn't and wouldn't. I grabbed my keys and the bottle before walking out into the cold. Happy fucking new years.

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