First for Everything

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As I sit here typing this on a Sunday evening and more than likely Monday morning, I'd love to say thank you for the continued support. I'm having a glass of wine and sitting in my tub enjoying a lush bath bomb and thinking about seeing Bastille Tuesday. So excited! Anyways enough about me 😂 thank you to danbastille for photo hunting.


"You should go... It would be good. I can handle Clara darling."

"With Christmas in less than a week, how can you possibly juggle the baby, your rest, shopping, and decorating?" You rolled your eyes, pulling my body against yours as you leaned against the kitchen island.

" You don't trust me?" I opened my mouth then closed it, holding back any comment that could trigger an argument.

"You know I do... But I need you to rest..."

"We need to go to the studio today... I've got some things I wanna get.." I took your hand kissing the back before grabbing the keys. You didn't seem thrilled, but nonetheless grabbed Clara and her travel bag.

"What's at that studio that isn't in ours?"

"A few of my books." I slipped on my jacket before taking Clara to the car, buckling the car seat into the back. Who would have thought I would have been here. Being a father felt normal and my life was anything but normal. With minimal pain I got into the driver side and buckled in as did you before heading off. Yet when we parked at Virgin Records there were people with cameras, recorders, phones. People wanted to see us. See Clara. I looked at you and all I saw was exhaustion. Yet you stood and got out, not taking her carrier but just grabbing her and hiding most of her within your jacket. I got out and snaked my arm around your torso as we made our way through the crowd.

" Dan how are you feeling?"

"Will Bastille still make music?"

"How's the baby?!"

"Are you two married?" I made it inside and past security, rushing our way to the elevators. A sigh escaped you as you looked down at our daughter.

"I hate that..."

"I think we both do... But we can't help it." That answer didn't settle with you well. Even as we walked through the office people watched us. We had never been this open. No one knew about Clara till she was actually born. Williams stood by your office door and sighed, motioning to your office.

"Fucking BBC is in there... Corporate wants you to answer their questions.."

"Christ... Right now?" He nodded before this sympathetic look took over his features. You looked to me before handing Clara to him.  "Watch her... I don't want a camera in her face."

"That I can..." I walked into your office with you by my side. Cameras, a back drop, and two journalists. Time to confess.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Smith. Please take a seat." You crossed your arms once we sat.

" Make this quick because we both have a busy schedule."

"Certainly... So how long have you two been together?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"December of... 2011. We first started dating." I nodded slowly, reassuring myself of my answer.

"Why hide it for so long?"

"I made that decision. Dan and I have always been very private people. We don't like cameras following us around. There was the fact that he is under my name here at Virgin Records and surely some people would make assumptions. Also my public reputation surely isn't the best." I watched the Nicole I knew in the beginning come out to play. A stone cold expression written across your face.

" And so what were you doing with Mr. Rutherford?"

"I was out in LA working and during that time Dan and I weren't together... I made some bad choices and I went home... I tried to fix us and here we are..."

"So is the baby yours Dan?" I never get angry. That's just who I am, but in this moment I wanted to punch this man in the face.

"I think you should know that answer... Of course she's my daughter."

"Enough ridiculous questions." You stood and gave a nod to the reports. "You all can interview Mr. Williams. My life... Our life isn't going to be plastered on the news." I followed you out and to the studio room.

"Nicole don't worry about it..." I mumbled walking into the studio while you went to get Clara. " Where is it..." I dug around through the piles of different books and such that was scattered. It was only when you came back that my frustration showed.

"Can I help you find something love?"

"Someone moved my book... I swear it isn't here." Without even noticing my jaw tensed and I started tossing things to the floor. " Where the fuck is it?!" Cries. I stopped and watched those blue eyes fill with tears and you sighed handing Clara to me.

"Good job Dan..." You sighed and searched around, finding exactly what I was looking for in mere moments. You took Clara and hit me in the chest with the book before brushing her tears away. "Calm down... I've never seen you so hostile lately." You were right but this was just the tip of the iceberg. We hurried out and to the car, awkward silence over taking us.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be..." You mumbled not even looking at me. " You act like everything wrong is the end of the world."

"Sorry I'm a pessimist."

"You're worse than that..." I scoffed and stopped the car outside of our house. You didn't wait for me and quickly grabbed Clara heading inside.

"What's your problem?!" I yelled slamming the front door. Clara was on the floor playing with her things.

"My problem? You! You are my problem! You start hollering over a bloody book!" I closed the space between us, staring into your eyes.

"I was upset... Excuse me for being upset...."

" The point is you blow everything out of proportion..."

"I'm fucking stressed!" I snapped. I don't normally snap. Only Jesse Rutherford had ever made me crack out of anger. Yet you took the cake. I grabbed your neck and pushed you against the wall, pinning you between it and my body. "I have a fucking job Nicole! A fucking baby! You! I have enough on my fucking plate! You're a hand full as it is!" You smacked me and I let go of your neck, Clara now crying loudly.

"Fuck you!" You picked her up and walked to the stairs. "I'm sorry I'm such a fucking burden Dan! Sorry our daughter is too! Maybe I should have let that cancer kill me!" Tears streamed down your face before you rushed into our room and slammed the door. It took me a moment to realize what I had said out of anger. Slowly I walked to our room, pulling on the handle to only find it locked.


" Go away..." Your voice was laced with broken sobs. I sunk to the floor with my back against the door. This was me. The me you learned to hate at times.

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