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This is me writing on a Friday drunk and killing all your feels

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This is me writing on a Friday drunk and killing all your feels. 😎... And every other weekend ... Night.... Time... By the time I publish this it will probably be Sunday 👍


With Kyle driving my only plan was to try and get to the hospital alive. You'd called but sounded far from okay. Why would you die? Nothing was making sense. We rushed into the hospital, my eyes spotting the nurses station.

"I'm here for Nicole Clark... I'm Dan Smith..." She glanced down at her board.

"They're performing a C-section on your fiancée... After all she couldn't go through labor with the cancer."

"Cancer?!" I heard Janna, but I felt nothing. Cancer. What a ugly word and even more ugly disease. I saw Janna hollering with the nurse but my ears were ringing as I stumbled back.

"I need to see her... " Dizziness overwhelmed me and I blinked a few times trying to push it away. The nurse stood and motioned to the hall all I did was follow. Janna's hand was gripping mine as we walked. All of us funneled into a empty hospital room and waited. Overwhelming silence came over us for awhile till Janna broke.

" How long did you know?" I looked at her and shook my head.

"I didn't.... Nicole left me... Before my birthday." Shock crept upon her features before I looked down. "She told me... I could have the baby when it was borning and it didn't make sense till now.... She's dying..."

"She could have gotten chemo." Kyle mumbled, rubbing his hands together. I cursed under my breath, standing and walking to the window.

"I don't know why she didn't."

"The baby... She didn't want to lose the baby." Janna sighed, rubbing her face. "Any mother would put her child before herself." I stood to pace yet before I could even get into motion the door opened. You were out cold on the hospital bed, wrapped in blankets and ivs accompanying you. Then the nurses behind you came in with her. Blonde hair already on her tiny head and huge blue eyes mirroring my own were examining the surrounds.

"Mr. Smith?"

"That's me?"

" This is your daughter.... Miss Nicole said you'd be dying to see her. We gave her a little something to help her sleep. The doctor needs to discuss her case with you and her tomorrow morning." All I could do was nod. My full attention was on the baby being pasted to me. Her eyes now closed and her breathing even. I cried just looking at her. She was ours. There was no doubt about her being the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"O my gosh... Daniel she's beautiful." I sat down between Janna and Kyle, overlooking the bundle in my arms.

" Your mum is gonna be alright beautiful..." I kissed her forehead before handing her over to Janna. It was only a moment before I was standing by your bedside. Your skin was pale with a hint of yellow in your arms. The cancer was killing you. I could see it now and it killed me even more. I didn't say a word before walking out of your hospital room in search of a doctor.

"Excuse me? Do you know whose Nicole Clark's doctor?" The grey haired man nodded, glancing to his board.

"Miss Hughes. I'll get her to come to the room. Does that work for you?" I nodded before taking a deep breath, shoving my hands into my pockets. I was a dad. A husband essential... And a musician. I returned to your bed side, Janna handed our daughter back to me. She was calm compared to any baby I had seen before. She didn't cry nor whine. Just sleep peacefully in my arms and occasionally wake up to almost see if I had anything to tell her.

"Daniel...?" I looked to you, your eyes opening slightly to glance at me. "Is she okay?"

"She's perfect darling." I stood and kissed your forehead before half sitting on the bed. " Why didn't you tell us.... About the cancer?"

" Because I didn't want to lose her..." You mumbled, but what showed on your face was defeat. " You would have made me choose myself and I couldn't do that... I still have a chance... 17% but it's better than zero." The door clicked open, a woman with curly black hair and a full figure walked in with a clip board.

" Miss Clark? How are you feeling?"

"Okay considering..." You sighed and looked to me, yet I was staring at her.

" How can I save my fiancée?" I was blunt probably more than anyones liking at the moment. The woman sighed and looked to me then you.

" If we can find a donor... She's got a good chance... The person needs a healthy liver. We'll take a piece and it will be enough for miss Clark. Her cancer is secluded to one part of her liver. The donor needs the same blood type and a few other genetic requirements-"

"Test me. I rarely drink."

" Dan... Clara can't risk losing us both." My eyes met yours then I looked down to our daughter. Clara. A powerful historic name. You knew my love for history. I handed you Clara before walking to the doctor.

"Test me... If I'm no good test everyone in this room because my daughter isn't losing her mother and I'm not losing her either." Kyle stood beside me now and nodded in agreement.

"We're not losing our best friend." Doctor Hughes nodded before leaving the room. I turned around and sat down, watching you examine our daughter.

"You're crazy for doing this Dan..."

"I'm not crazy for trying to save you... You should have told me about the cancer Nicole... But I understand why now... I wouldn't have wanted to lose her either... Especially now that I see her." You smiled at our baby in your arms and released a sigh.

"Are we really going to try this?"

"We are...." I chuckled slightly and stood, pressing my lips to yours. The risk of losing you scared me more than death.

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