London's Pompeii (2 POVs)

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Nicole POV

I pressed a kiss to your lips before slowly getting out of bed and showering. The day had come for me to go cancel that contract with NatWest. I wiggled into my orange lingerie, noticing you slowly opened your eyes. Then into my slacks, red blouse and black blazer.

"Where are you going love?"

"I've got to go play scary business woman today. Can you hold down the fort and make sure Janna and Kyle don't fuck in the studio?" I smirked slightly as a laugh passed your brims. Your voice always so husky in the mornings. Trying to coax me back to bed. I should have listened. Remember that moment of fate I was talking about? Yeah this was the day.

"I'll try my best." I leaned over and kissed you softly, you grasping my wrist as I tried to pull away. "I love you Nikki."

"I love you Dan." A smile crept on my face before I leaned down again and kissed you. Your grasp released me, I think we both wish you had convinced me to stay this morning. I took the elevator down to my car then drove off like any other day. NatWest was busy as usual so I parked my car down the street, adjusting my blazer.

"Hello, you must be from Virgin Records please follow me..." The man with black hair slicked back and a small child by his side called me out. All I did was nod then flash a smile. " My name is Damon Hughes."

"Nicole Clark."

"Ah yes Clark.... Sorry this is my daughter Isadora, her mother had a appointment come up so she's working with me today." I smiled at the short black haired girl with green eyes and she waved.

"Hello beautiful. You're a lucky girl to work in such a beautiful place." We climbed into the elevator, shooting us up to nearly the top floor. My heart was pounding being so high, but I pushed it down as we begun walking towards the large office near the elevator.

"Miss Clark if you'll excuse me I need to find Mr. Chang. He'll be signing off with us." I nodded and sat down, looking at the little girl swing her feet from the chair that was extremely tall for her. It surely had been a few minutes. Then that's when I felt it Dan. The building jerked, people screamed. The ceiling collapsed slightly. My heart sunk as I ran to the girl and picked her into my arms, the building tilting back and forth.


"Sweetie get under the desk!" I shoved her towards the desk. I yelled as I looked around then it hit me. It's weight pushed the air from my lungs like a ton of bricks. The floating ceiling tiles and wiring began to fall and then the pain. The pain that made me scream to no end. The metal rod went through my thigh like I was butter.

"Clarkie!" She was crying, looking to me as I laid there, attempting to catch my breath. The dust clouded my lungs, it was thicker than smoke. Yet I could feel the heat from a fire nearby. My consciousness was fading, but now I had this little girl to worry about. This was my Clark fate, but she had a chance. I dragged myself slowly from the rubble, the girl running over and grabbing my hand. "I helps! I helps!" I was free enough to assess my damages. My head was pouring blood from a cut, my leg obviously was no use. My arms scratched as if I had held a wild cat.

"Alright good job sweetie. Let's..." I groaned, using the nearly mangled desk to pull myself to a standing position. Blood clouded my vision partially. The rod in my leg constantly scratching my skin."Let's... Get out of here alright..." The pain of putting pressure on my leg was unimaginable Dan. Like instant nausea. The girl took my hand as I nearly drug my leg along, no blood was coming from the wound except a trickle. The rod was clotting it like a plug. People were swarming towards the fire escapes then again half the building was already missing, in rubble below. Pieces of a plane lingered near the now cliff like structure. I fell, looking at London from this angle through the fire. My body ached as I struggled for my breath. Fire was melting the building like wax.

"Clarkie we have to go! Get up... Get up clarkie!" I snapped out of my gaze and looked to the fire escape and slowly pulled myself up with part of the wall. The girl's hand finding mine. She had a small cut, nothing awful, though these sights would scar her. She no longer cried, yet her cheeks were still wet as I pushed against the door.

"Isadora you gotta help me love... Ready... 1...2...3" By a miracle the door releases open, smoke rising through the stair case as I sat down and slid my way down some of the stairs. Surely if the building shook anymore these bricks would let loose and crush us both. The metal pole in my leg scraped against the stairs, making a shiver run down my spine. Then of course like Clark luck would go the building shook, another part falling and crushing lives and property at the ground below. Isadora screamed and clung to my good leg. This poor girl didn't know who she was with. Me, the bound to a shit show of a death Clark. "We gotta keep going honey... Come on... Just..." I couldn't breath anything but that thick dust. My mind was foggy as I managed a few more flights. We passed dead bodies, crushed by bricks or inhaling these awful fumes. I tore my blazer off and held a sleeve up to her face. I tore the other sleeve for myself, yet it didn't feel as if it helped at all. "Breath through this..." She just nodded as we then continued to walk down the stairs, by walk I mean slide with my bum violently hitting each step. I swore I could have seen the light of the lobby, the firemen screaming and pointing to us. All I could see was them taking the girl into their arms. Then dust filled my lungs. I gave into the awaiting bliss. The Clark curse.


After you left and I had showered I rushed off to the studio. The day felt normal till Janna walked in with tears and flicked on the tv, Kyle quickly wrapping his arms around her.

"It's... It's... It's where Nikki is Kyle! She was where the plane... Plane crashed..." I watched my world crumble. This was Pompeii. " The... The engines gave out and the plane... It just... Fell and... Nikki!"

" No....No!" I didn't notice, but I was crying as I slammed my fist on the table. "We gotta go... We gotta get down there."

"Dan there is no chance she-"

"Kyle! If you aren't going with me I'll walk down there alone!"

" What could you possible do down there?!"

"That's the girl I fucking love Kyle! Whether she's buried alive or dead I'm gonna be there when they pull her body out!" Our secret was out. I grabbed my phone and slipped it into my pocket. "Are you all fucking coming?" Woody and Will were already out the door, Kyle and Janna right behind me. All I could keep picturing was your lifeless body. Was this Clark name really a curse? We ran out of the building, towards the smoke clouds and fire trucks. People stood around, there was Jonathan Burrows, cursing up a storm.

"Have you seen Nicole?"

"No... I told you that Clark curse was no bloody joke." He shook his head before lowering it. The building was falling to pieces, we all of course were nearly a block away. Half the building slid to the ground, shaking London to its core.

And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above

" My daughter! She's.... She's in there!" A man covered in dust was yelling with an oxygen mask on and forced behind the line with us. Janna gripped my hand and stared at the people flooding out. Minutes passed like hours. Ambulances were loaded like pens, then a little girl in tears and covered in dust.


"Isadora!" She was yanked up from the ground into his embrace right in front of us.

"Clarkie! She's got a big stick in her leg.... See daddy!" I looked to wear the girl was point. There you were. Wheeled on a stretcher towards the ambulance near us. I didn't realize I was sprinting towards you, your eyes shut and oxygen mask over your face. Blood covered you like make up and a metal rod was lodged into your thigh.

"Nikki!" Your eyes opened slightly, tears left your eyes as I took your hand and you moved the oxygen mask slight. I was able to kiss you before your eyes closed again...before they took you away. My Angel in dust. The Clark curse didn't win... Yet.

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