I Don't Trust Him

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He was taller than you, yet shorter than me. Hair tucked into a black beanie and tattoos peaking out from every spot possible. This was him. The guy who had been yours. I knew you had been with many but he was different. Your vanilla scent probably still lingered in his bed. Awkwardly enough he had been the one to sleep with you last.

"I was thinking we take Williams up on the offer to go out."

" You should. It's good PR... Considering I think both bands needs some... And you Nicole." You chuckled slightly.

"Any attention is good attention, but I'm up for late night antics." Williams smirked slightly and pulled a card from his jacket pocket.

"Good. Find the limo driver downstairs. He's awaiting all of you. I'll be sure to tip the paparazzi off... Just make yourself look good. That goes for all of you." He glanced at you and you rolled your eyes before leading the way. Kyle was attached to Janna's side and the irritation rising by the color of her face.  I walked beside you and the others were behind us.

"I see your displeasure love... Relax. It's better than sending me back out to LA." You mumbled for only I to hear.

"Maybe not... I don't trust him Nicole." I huffed slightly, shaking your head.

" You should because without him I would have been dead awhile ago." Moments later we all shuffled in the limo, you were between Jesse and I, fiddling with the music as Will poured drinks.

"To a nice night!"

"Fuckin cheers!" Zach smirked taking the glasses and passing them down. Jesse was near the window and put it down, pulling a blunt from his jacket pocket. "O shit, Mr big-time over there."

" You know I can't relax unless I smoke." Jesse lit it before taking a drag then passing it to Janna in front of him. Surprisingly she took a hit before handing it to you. I watched you start to settle with each puff of smoke.

"You're preaching to the choir. So how's Dev?"

"Eh she's been busy with her own stuff ya know? I'll only be out here for a month so she's cool with it. She says hi of course."

"Im sure she is missing you."

"I hope so. How you been? How's the sober life?"

"Eh... I still haven't fully quit. I mean I'm better functioning." You shrugged slightly and sat back, closing your eyes. "I'm trying to quit the pills. Fuck quiting alcohol." He chuckled slightly and glanced out the window for a moment till the blunt was passed back to him.

"Remember that time we took all that Molly?" Kyle shivered.

"That stuff is awful. Nicole had to literally talk me down." You chuckled opening your eyes to glanced at Kyle.

"I remember that... And yeah we went fucking cliff jumping at night. I really don't know how either of us didn't get hurt." He laughed with a smirk on his face. I never had the urge to punch anyone in my life. I was always a peaceful person. Yet even seeing his leg brush against yours from a bump in the road made me want to hit him. "Kyle took one pill... He was gone."

"Really? Shit if I take one now it's just a body Buzz." The limo jerked to a stop and we all climbed out, photos snapping as we walk walked into the private club. Only other celebrities were dancing and venturing around. You and Janna were giggling away, ordering drinks before hitting the dance floor. By some awful chance I was left with him sipping on a glass of whiskey. " Dan?"

" Yeah mate?"

"You've got a great girl... She's beautiful... Brilliant mind too." I tensed slightly.

" Do you love her or something?"

" Yeah of course I love her... Not like you love her, but I would kill anyone who would hurt her in a heartbeat. I know you're the best for her..." I glanced at him, his eyes following you till he looked at me with a serious expression. "I feel what you're feeling towards me. I can't blame you... If I was stuck talking to the guy Dev use to bang I would fuck him up... I just wanna tell you that you're lucky... Her and I were odd. I missed Dev and she missed you. Yeah we slept together... But it wasn't anything. I would fucking cry over Dev just like she would cry over you. She kept telling me how the label was gonna make you choose and she didn't want that for you. She's strong as shit." He downed his glass of vodka before pouring another. "She saved me a couple times... I saved her too, but she's always start calling your name out when she was scared she wasn't gonna make it." I watched him blink back tears, my stomach knotting up. I still didn't trust him. Yet he was right. You and him had something completely different. Sick and twisted.

"I love her... A lot..."

" Is that why you tried to kill yourself when you heard she was dead?" I looked at him wide eyed and he raised his wrists, his shirt sleeves tugged down. " No shame... I've been there too. Use her as your anchor, just don't pull her down with you." His words trailed off, I felt someone tug my hand and looked up.

"Come dance with me love. Please?" I chuckled and stood, giving a nod to Jesse. My mistake was sitting there talking to him. Truth was he knew a lot more about me than he was revealing.

" You look beautiful." I mumbled before pressing my lips against yours. Your face turned red under the light as you bit your lips together.

" You look handsome as hell. Why do you look so upset."

"I'm fine love. I'm perfect." Bullshit. I was still fuming over the way his eyes followed your body. He knew you and I wish he didn't. My blood was boiling and soon I wouldn't be able to control my anger.

Dan's turning into a bit of an ass am I right? Or maybe there is a good reason, who knows 😉

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