Clark Curse

161 11 2

Nicole POV

We were all relaxing in the green room when my phone rang. Phil's name and number appeared on my screen. I shouldn't have answered. I should have ignored it, but I didn't.

" Hello?"

"Hey Nicole, you got a minute."

"Of course, what's going on?"

"It's Vivan he's got cancer and... It's really aggresive." I took a deep breath and stood wandering out of the break room and sitting down in the hall.

"I'm sorry."

"We need your help for a week. Just to finish up the tour till he can come back."

"You want me to be my brother's ghost?" I laughed bitterly. "What makes you think I've got the bloody time to do that? I'm in England with Bastille and you lot are where?"


" Christ." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Fucking shit.... How many days... Where... When... And what songs. Get that shit to me by midnight tonight otherwise you're fucked and you can call up someone else."

"Thanks, I'll send it to you in a few Nikki." I hung up and nearly chucked my phone at the wall. Instead of going back to the room I wandered down the corridors to outside and ran to the bus. I found Dick's stash of cigarettes and put one between my lips, sinking to the floor as I lit the cancerous object with a lighter. The smoke clouded my lungs until I forced it out. The nicotine giving my brain a buzzed high of calmness.

"Fuck! Fuck!" I yelled at the top of my lungs in the empty bus. " Why?! Why me Steve?! Fuck you!" I threw the cigarettes down the aisle and walked off the bus, puffing away at the one between my lips. Of course before I went back inside I put the cigarette under my shoe and stomped it out. I tried so hard to compose myself yet you knew. You knew that something was wrong by the anger on my face when I joined everyone in the room once more.

"What's -"

"I'm leaving next week for a few days."

" What? Why?" I looked to you and shrugged.

" The guitarist who... Who replaced my brother when he died...has cancer. So I've gotta go cover for him while he gets pumped with chemo..." You took my hand and kissed my cheek.

" Hey? Relax. Yeah? It's okay. It's life right?" Once again you calmed me in my storm. Silencing the angry voice who was yelling in my mind.

" Yeah... You're right. Hey well you've got a day off soon maybe you'll come see a show." I chuckled as you nodded.

"I would love to see you perform."

" Well my dancing skills are far from yours..." I nudged you with a grin and you groaned.

"Ha. Ha." You put your ear pieces in and took a deep breath.

" You know I'm only kidding darling. I think your dancing is sexy. In a totally dorky way." I laughed before kissing you then taking a deep breath. " You ready?"

"As I'll ever be..." I guided you to the stage along with the others, the fans went wild. This was your life. This wild touring and crazy teenage girls. Yet I don't think either us would have it any other way. The set went flawlessly, however you went running through the crowd sending Dick into a panic. I couldn't help but smile watching you free and happy.

"Miss Clark we found this phone in the rest room." A woman from the venue handed me a phone. I abscentmindedly clicked the button and I wish I hadn't.

Chrissy: Babe the doctor told me it's your fault we can't have kids. It's okay. Well figure it out. They can get you on a hormone treatment.

"Fuck me..." I grumbled. Now I knew. Officially everyone had an issue in this band. The on me person left was Janna. Sure enough I would find something out about her sooner or later.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah woody forgot his phone is all. He's lucky someone turned it in..."

" Ah yeah that good. Otherwise someone could totally release god awful photos of all of us." I managed a laugh before shoving the phone in my pocket. The evening went on as normal. Ending with Pompeii and Dick taking you and Will to meet fans. However I had to face Woody. I dug the phone from my pocket and took a deep breath, extending it out to him.

"Someone found this..."

"Wow I totally forgot about it. Thanks..." He looked down quickly once he took the phone and pressed the home button. It took him a moment to realize I knew. I knew the secret he was hiding. "Did you?" I just nodded before taking a moment to read his expression.

"I won't tell a soul, no worries."

"Thanks... I know the guys would... Freak out and worry about me. We've just gotta focus on touring, I'll deal with this when I get home."

"Like Chrissy said you two will figure it out. Don't be afraid to tell your friends though yeah?" He just nodded and continued to look down. I cursed under my breath walking into the hall. I collide with you, your arms pulling me into your embrace and lips colliding with mine.

" Hey where are you rushing off to?" I sighed softly and kissed you again.

"I was coming to find you." Bullshit. I was running away from all the secrets. It was overwhelming and I wanted to just get everyone on the same page.

" Mmm are you still bothered by the fact that you've gotta leave?"

"Partiality. I just got a lot on my plate. I mean bloody hell! Everyone has issues and they keep landing on my plate." You took my face between your hands and memorized me with those blue eyes.

"Whatever it is... Relax. Worry about only yourself."

"You know I've gotta worry about you Dan. You're my first priority." I placed my hand over yours and stroked it slightly. You forced a half smile and took my hand, kissing the back of it.

"Then just worry about us yeah?" You say this now, but what about when this all blows up?

Another build up chapter. Next chapter breath... Because all the shit is hitting the fan 👌

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