Not As Planned

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Nicole POV

I woke up stretching out, only to find your side of the bed empty expect for a note. Slowly I sat up and unfolded it, cracking a smile.

Went to the studio for a bit. Feel free to come! Clara is at my parents. I wanted to let you rest.
Dan x

I sat the note down before smirking to myself. Surely I wasn't planning on visiting her today, but there was no better time than the present. I showered and changed into some business attire. I grabbed my phone and texted Alexander.

Niks: I'll be seeing her soon .
Alex: I got it.

While slipping the phone in my pocket, I went downstairs and grabbed my things. I would surely have to make this a quick visit. With car keys in hand I wandered outside and adjusted my sunglasses. My body was stronger, but far from its normal strength. Then again I knew I had Alexander overseeing everything. The drive to her house was a mere twenty minutes. The size was modest and gate wide open. It didn't take long for me to get out of the car and knock on her door. The first expression was fear as she motioned for me to come inside.

"You've got nerve coming here.... I have cameras every where-"

"Save it. I have people already hacked into them. It's time to have a little chat." I mumbled examining Sarah as I walked to the sofa. "Sit."

"Listen if you're going to kill me then just get it over with! My father is dead.... You won! I should have never released that stuff on you and Kyle so like I said... If you're here to kill me make it quick-"

"I'm not going to kill you..." I grumbled, crossing my legs. "I won't today at least... I'm giving you a chance... You see your father because of my interest in you decided I needed to die... I'm not that petty." She sat down, obviously observing my body language. "However come near my boys again... I will chop you into pieces and you'll be joining all the other bodies." I stood and began walking towards the door.

" What if I had a peace offering to give you?" I stopped and spun around. "There is another Clark... You have a sister.... Half sister."

"What's her name?"

" All I know is her mother's name... Karen Lawrence."

"Consider your debt paid then... But that means still staying away from Bastille... My child... My family... My husband." I closed the space between us, looking in her eyes. "Don't test me." I smirked before once again walking for the door. Only when I got in the car did it sink in again. There was another Clark. Living and breathing. I quickly head in the direction of Virgin Records. Once inside I ignored the surprised glances from every one. The stock of my return was a mix of excitement and worry. It didn't matter right now. I closed myself in my office and brought up the search engine. Karen Lawrence. This was going to be a long search.

"Love?" I jumped hearing your voice and glanced at you.

" Hey... I didn't even hear you come in...." You chuckled and wandered over, half leaning on my desk before your finger wrapped around one of my curls.

" You look beautiful but stressed love... Wanna come into the studio? I think we've picked our songs."

"O really?" A grin spread across my face as I stood, pressing a kiss to your lips. "I surely can't wait to hear..." Your arm wrapped around my torso as we walked out of my office, everyone watching as we walked together. We were that couple people either loved or hated, but it didn't matter to us. We walked into the studio and I sat down at the table, clicking through the laptop. "Nineteen songs...."

" We couldn't narrow it down any more." You groaned as Kyle chuckled.

"I told you she would think we're crazy."

"Moderately crazy... What do you think Dick?"

"I think they're good... We need officially name the album." I nodded as clicked through the songs stopping at warmer.

"Wild World." I stated blankly, glancing around the room. " It's what we live in... A wild wild world." You smirked slightly before standing up.

"I've got an idea."

"O bloody hell." Will whispered.

" We should add bits to the beginning of some of the songs... Like.... Captions almost." Everyone glanced to Dan and we all knew in the end you would get your way.

"Fine, but you've got a month. Then this thing needs to go to production if we want to get it out by September.... And don't forget to get the rights to whatever you want to use!" I said sternly before laughing slightly. "I remember when I met you all and you had a copy right against you. You all were so scared."

"Very funny." Will huffed sitting back with a smug look on his face. You were already hogging the laptop in search for the art you wanted. Janna clicked on Warmer from the board and started dancing around, singing at the top of her lungs. Kyle joining in and Dan cringe at the sheer destruction of his beautiful and meticulous lyrics. All I could do was sit there and laugh. Meanwhile there was something else going on. I twisted my jem hanging around my neck as I watched the people surrounding me. My friends and family in the best sense of the word. Then again there was the thought that I had a sister roaming the world. An actual blood relative still living to my possible knowledge.

Did she know she was a Clark? Then again considering the track run of the last name hopefully she didn't know. Or maybe her mother was just doing what she could to protect her. Either way I was going to find her if she was out there. After all us Clark's have to stick together.

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