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" Dan cut the cake for him?" Amy flashed a smile before snapping a photo and sending it off to you. Little did I know how much the photo would make you feel. The boy's name is Dylan. My sister's boyfriend's son. He was deployed and she had his son for his birthday. "I told Nicole, Wish you could be here x" I kissed the top of his head before sitting back as each slice of cake was snatched by a child. The Christmas countdown had begun in my mind with only ten days to go.

" Yeah she's home sick."

"But how are you Daniel?" Amy gave me the look. A reminder of that day she found me. The constant worry.

"I'm okay. I miss her and it sucks when we can only talk for a few minutes because one of us has to rush off somewhere. Being at our place makes it tolerable because I feel like she's close. I think she's got it worse." I adjusted my glasses while watching the children.

"You think she's drinkin?"

"I know she's drinkin..." I shrugged slightly. " She doesn't drink heavily there though. A couple weeks ago when she first go there she tried cocaine... Well I guess I shouldn't say tired because I'm sure she had done it before, but still."

"Be careful Daniel..."

"Amy I'm fine." I sighed and glanced to my sister.

"I know, but if anything happens between you two I know you'll be in ruins. She makes you smile like I've never seen before." I nodded and waved to my mother as she walked in with a goofy smile. "O bloody hell what is she up to..."

"I don't know." I chuckled till my mother hugged me then Amy.

" Dan were leaving for California in 9 days."

"Who... Why?"

"All of us! You, your father, me, your crazy friends. I talked to Dick and he said he could pull the funds for the trip for us to visit her for Christmas. If she can't be here for Christmas then we take it to her!" Sometimes I think my mother is a genius because I hadn't thought about it. Yes she was stuck there, but I wasn't stuck here. Not till January at least.

"Mum you're brilliant! Did you know this Amy?"

" Well of course! I can't go because I'm visiting Thomas on base with Dylan, but I'll give you a card to give Nikki."

"You need a bloody hair cut again Daniel. I swear your hair grows like a weed!" My mother huffed slightly before I chuckled.

"Well let me go tell the lads. I'm sure they'll be excited to go back. I know they miss her and Janna. Chrissy missed the last trip hopefully she can make it this time."

"Run along then Dan. I'll handle the party with mum."

"Thanks!" I hollared walking out the door towards my car. I never drove yours because it felt too expensive. I was perfectly happy with this beaten up old car. My first stop was the studio in hopes someone would be there. To my luck Kyle and Janna were fooling around with some sounds.

" Dan it's your day off what are you doing here?"

"I've come to tell you that we're spending Christmas in LA my mother talked to Dick and it's all settled. We're all going there for the holidays." Kyle grinned as Janna shrugged with a smile.

"I can get some warmth and a tan perfect!" She laughed softly.

" Can you call Will and Woody for me? I've got some errands to run before we go. I'll send you the tickets when my mum gets them from Dick. We leave in 9 days."

"Christmas eve? Bloody hell I better finish my shopping." Kyle whined before I walked out of the room and towards the elevator. My heart was thumping with excitement. You wouldn't be alone on Christmas and that was what mattered to me most. That day was dark enough for you. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed your number, gnawing on my lip as I wandered through the lobby.

" Hello love!"

" Hey, how are you?"

" Mmm tired I didn't sleep well last night. How's your sister and Dylan? Did he have a good birthday?"

" Yeah, he missed his dad, but I think he enjoyed himself."

"I can't blame the kid for missing his father. How are you? Tell me about London life?" You laughed weakly, it sounded as if you hadn't gotten out of bed yet and it was nearly noon there.

"Gloomy. Freezing. How about LA?"

"Warm and windy." You clicked the FaceTime button and I quickly shoved my headphones in and grinned seeing your features. Your hair was in a bun and you were actually laying on the sofa in your robe. A moment later you stood and showed me the view from the back deck. "I wish you were here or I there."

"Soon enough we'll be together, I know it's difficult." I kept walking towards the garage to get in my car.

" Well you're doing great Dan. You need a bloody hair cut but you look good. Thought you need more sleep."

"I'll get more sleep when you're safely with me." I huffed slightly then smirked.

"Mmm about a month from now. Promise me you'll call me Christmas morning when you all wake up so I can semi be there to see your faces and gift opening?"

"I'll surely see if I can do that darling. I'm gonna head home and get a shower. I'll call you before I go to bed?"

" Yes that sounds great. I love you Dan."

" Love you too." I hung up then started the car. I wasn't going to tell you our plan to visit. In fact I would leave it a surprise till I would come knocking on your door. The biggest question of all who was in for the bigger surprise. You or I darling? Little did I know the secret you and Janna held so tightly against your minds.

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