Calm Before The... Wild World?

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You're all probably wondering why I'm updating so late in the day well.... I decided to get bronchitis which in turn let me to spending the night in the ER with a catheter in my arm for six hours. What a glorious (haha) time.


I woke up once again, plagued by the nightmare of losing our daughter. Yet she was in your embrace as you were in mine. Your sister was safe in the room next to ours and everyone had been staying here due to the fact that we'd be leaving for Coachella in a few days. I sighed and ran my hand down your arm, goose bumps slowly rising as a chuckle escaped me.

"Mmm morning love...." You mumbled and turned your head to glance at me with sleepy eyes. "Another nightmare?"

" Yeah..." I sighed softly and you turned into your back, beckoning me to lay my head against your breast. Your finger nails drew patterns on my back as you sighed softly.

"She's been having them too.... And Jen..."

"And you?"

"No... I guess that's a blessing." You stopped drawing on my back and raked your fingers through my hair. "Hopefully she'll feel comfortable staying with your parents. After all we can't bring her to Coachella."

"I know she will... They'll sneak her off to Disney World or something crazy exciting that she'll never want to leave." I chuckled and you cracked a smile. Silence overcame the room before I cleared my throat. "Were you scared that we wouldn't find her?"

"It was never a thought in my mind that we wouldn't find her... I trusted Alex and my own instinct."

"Will you ever give it up.... that part of you....?"

"I don't have the answer for that considering that part of me just saved our daughter... I know it scared you... who I was and who I can be sometimes... but I'm still me Dan." I put the weight on my elbow so that I could look in your eyes before kissing you.

"I know love... It's just a lot to take in you know...? Jen told me how you feel though... That everyone is your sanity.... music and I so to speak." You lifted your hand and brushed it against my cheek.

"I wasn't lying Daniel... you tend to keep me grounded." I managed a half smile before placing my head back down against your body.

"I would be lying if I didn't admit your my sanity too..."

"Well... I know we both need this little break.... Coachella is gonna be a blast. No worries other than showering and snacking and drinking." You laughed quietly not to awake Clara. "Before you play we'll go see the Black Keys... Arctic Monkey.... then after you play there is Rag N Bone man to see... Rihanna..."

"You know the fans will be watching us." You huffed slightly almost as if you really didn't seem to mind.

"I don't care I'm gonna be focused on having fun with my husband. I have nothing to hide from the fans anymore... We'll dance like fools whatever the hell we want.... Which reminds me we need to finish packing since we leave tomorrow." You slowly fidgeted to get out of bed before I reluctantly let you free and pulled Clara closer to me. 

"Have you spoken with Charlie lately?" You shrugged slightly and dug through the closet, picking out a few pairs of t-shirts. 

"A bit here and there... why?"

"Does he seem a bit down? I don't know. Usually Charlie has the energy of Kyle. Now he's giving off a really.... low vibe. Maybe I'm just crazy." 

"Come to think of it he has been down a bit." You stopped what you were doing and gnawed on the inside of your cheek like you always did when you were thinking. "I'll talk to him at some point today..." You sat the clothes down and climbed back onto the bed, eyes scanning mine. "Why are you so loving and caring Mr. Smith?" You reached under the cover and squeezed my foot slightly before massaging it. "You'd care about a bug if you didn't hate them so much."

"I don't know... I don't see a reason not to care about someone or something unless it doesn't care about you-." Clara groaned slightly and sat up, rubbing her eyes before smiling.

"Daddy!" She grinned like a fool, maybe she was just surprised that once again she was waking up safely at home. She was one of the few people I couldn't read, maybe because she was a child, then again she was our child. If she thought like either of us she'd have it rough in this cruel world. "Mummyyyy I'm hungry." 

"That's alright, I'll make breakfast this morning." I shot you a smile and you seemed relieved. This meant you could pack in peace. You mouthed a thank you before I got out of bed still wearing my sweats and grabbing a t-shirt out of the dresser. 

"What do you want this morning sweetheart?"

"Pancakes" She grinned as I picked her up and looked to you.

"I'll be down in a few yeah? Try not to burn the house down love." 

"Ha....ha....ha" I huffed slightly. "I'll have you know I am the master at Mickey mouse pancakes love." 

"Mmm add some whipped cream to mine." You flashed a smirk before swatting my ass as I walked out of the bedroom. I sat Clara on the counter once in the kitchen and laughed to myself. This was the good part of the story in my mind. The calm before the hectic world awaiting us of the touring world. I started cooking as everyone slowly trickled into the kitchen. Charlie's spirits weren't high like Kyle's though I saw you keeping an eye on him. Whatever was happening you'd have it solved in no time I'm sure. For once everything felt like a family. Mother stormer they nicknamed you. That warming motherly smile overtaking the genes you were born into showing. Sounds peaceful right?

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