Panic of Stormers

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Stormer POV

I watched the tv in disbelief, people looking as if they had been in a war zone were exiting the building behind the news reporter. Dan Smith, Nicole Clark, and Kyle Simmons on the possible death list now. I glanced to my phone blowing up on the coffee table before sitting up and grabbing it. Twitter was blowing up with fans saying rest in peace or it can't be true. It was blowing up even more by each passing second. I sat it down and looked at the tv once more, scanning each face in the background. It'd been hours since that actual accident, but still no word if they truly were dead or alive. Surely it couldn't be true. The perfect people I had met and spent time with at a festival now mere bodies with the soul torn out. 

"Did you hear the... news" I looked to my roommate and nodded slowly before she sat down beside me and we got lost together looking at the tv.

"They can't be dead... What about their families.... the music... Clara? I wonder if she was in there..." She looked to my phone continuing to buzz with notifications before picking it up.

"You still have Nicole's number yeah?"

"Wait... you're right!" I snatched the phone from her and scrolled through my contacts clicking her name. This call would cost me a fortune, but considering the life or death situation it was worth it. 

"Hello?" I nearly sighed with relief at Dan' melodic voice coming through the phone's speaker.

"Dan! Is Nicole okay? It's me from the festival and all that... I saw the news and I was worried about you and her... and well everyone else."

"O bloody hell, I completely forgot to post something... is the news saying we're all dead?"

"Yeah you, Nicole, and Kyle now..." 

"Well Charlie, Nicole, and Kyle are in the hospital. Kyle hit his head, Charlie has some large cuts and so does Nicole. They're all a bit dizzy from the actual explosion.... Thank for checking on us and reminding me to let the world know I'm not actually dead...." He managed a chuckle.

"You're welcome... Stay safe.... bye." 

"Bye." I hung up and sighed with relief. Bastille was still alive.


I hung up with the girl before looking back at you. They had an oxygen mask on your face, Clara was curled at your side fast asleep. I was so grateful that it wasn't worse for us. That you were still alive and here. Then again plenty of others lost their lives. I wouldn't know how to handle the press in regards to any of it like the way you could. I grabbed my phone off the table beside your bed and brought up twitter, watching the curser blink with my tired eyes. My tweet ended up being broken into multiple posts, but it all needed to be said.

BastilleDan: We are all alive and either healing or uninjured. Charlie and Nicole were hurt the worst, but will be okay. Kyle got knocked unconscious. Sadly not everyone survived the blast that were fans and it is with my deepest condolences that I say I'm sorry. I'm sorry the venue was not safe. I'm sorry for the pain of the families, friends, and loved ones. I'll be answering any thing I can and also working harder to make sure any future public events will be safe. I love you all and we can unite as a family. I'm here for each and every one of you. Dan x

I sat my phone down before looking back at you, your eyes fluttering open. You scanned your surrounding before looking to me and lifting the oxygen mask off slightly just to speak.

"You're okay.... Where is Charlie and Kyle?"

"Charlie is in surgery, he's just getting all stitched up and they're checking for any internal bleeding in his arms... Kyle has a concussion and so do you and Charlie..."

"Mmmm" You groaned and moved around slightly, pressing your lips to Clara's head while closing your eyes. "How many are dead?"

"Last I heard ten..." You opened your eyes and reached out for my hand, which I gave you and scooted closer to the bed. "The news reported you and I as dead for a bit... Kyle too.... I posted something to clear it up. The fans were already starting to freak out."

"Thanks... I know you would have preferred I handle it." 

"I don't mind love considering the situation." 

"We'll have to deal with the rest of the tour dates-"

"Will, Woody, and Dick are handling it alright. They pushed back tomorrows show so we'll have a few days off. You'll have to rest on the bus though. As for Charlie someone is going to need to stand in for him for a bit... He can't play in the shape he is in or not the whole show...."

"Christ." You mumbled and slowly sat up, adjusting Clara slightly so that she was still resting comfortably.

"You can stand in for him right?" You looked at me with a curious express before shrugging.

"I can, but I don't know how the fans would respond... Then again we don't really have anyone else who can play anyways..." 

"Then it is settled... you're Charlie till he gets better.." I sighed and sat back, glancing at the clock for a moment. Four am and I was still wide awake with crazy thoughts going through my mind. 

"Go check on Kyle and Charlie... I'll keep an eye on Clara for a bit till you get back." I slowly stood, leaning down and pressing my lips to yours. 

"I'll be back in a few." I wandered out of your hospital room and instead of going to check on the others I walked outside and looked at the sky. Digging in my pocket I pulled out one of your cigarettes I had and lit it between my lips, taking a drag and letting the nicotine numb my brain ever so slightly. I was tired of this wild world. Who could blame me?

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