Welcome Home

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You were nearly jumping with excitement in the car, your leg bouncing slightly as you looked out the window. The house slowly came into view as I drove past the gates and parked the car.


"Is that a question?" You laughed softly before opening the car door and climbing out. I quickly did the same and grabbed your bag before guiding you to the door. You turned the knob and soon enough everyone hollered surprise, a smile crossing your lips.

" She really didn't look that surprised Woody." Kyle mumbled before Woody flicked his party hat.

" No shit probably cause Dan told her mate." You laughed and slowly made your rounds hugging everyone, but lastly was Charlie.

"Hello... I don't believe we've met." You flashed him a smile and shook his hand.

" My name's Charlie Barnes..."

"Ahh the voice in the background of those new songs."

"How... How did you know?" He laughed, meanwhile I was in shock.

"Charlie I'm very good at what I do... And I also know my husband very well. Which means he's given you a pep talk before introducing yourself to me. Am I right?" His cheeks and my own flushed red as I laughed a bit awkwardly.

"I wanted to talk to you about adding Charlie to the group. Not officially public wise, but contract wise. He's got a good voice." You hummed in thought before nodding slowly.

" It's your band love. I don't have any control over what you decide... Surely we can add him and work with it... How did you two meet?"

"He went to Leeds too. I ran into him at the coffee shop down the ways."

"Ahh... Well pleasure to meet you Charlie. I look forward to seeing you around." He sighed with relief almost before Kyle started bugging him. In a swift movement I pulled you into my arms, pressing a kiss to your lips. "Were you worried I wouldn't approve?"

"A bit... But I should have known." You smirked slightly and fixed my jacket collar.

" You should have darling... Now where is our beautiful daughter?" You spun around and examined the room. She was on Will's shoulders demolishing a lollipop. Slowly you wandered over and scooped her up, covering her in kisses.

"Mummy! Yous is home!" She squealed with excitement before returning to her lollipop as if you being home was nothing special. "Willy! Up!"

"Ah she has chosen her favourite." You laughed and glanced to me as Will returned her to his shoulders.

"Will is stealing our daughter with candy bribes." He smirked before you laughed and began chatting with Janna. The night carried on, I was busy chatting with Kyle when I noticed your absence.

"I'll be right back yeah?" I patted him on the shoulder and wandered up the stairs, slowly opening the door to our room. You didn't hear me as you leaned over the railing on our balcony. A glass of whiskey between your fingers and half full. Your posture told me more than your words would. Exhaustion laced your form like a cloak. You took a swig before glancing up at the sky. "Love?" You jumped slightly before glancing back at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed." I wrapped my arms around you over looking the garden.

"I can surely understand why darling."

"I just keep thinking how much I missed. Chrissy and Woody have their baby... Janna is already married... I missed her wedding and everything... I missed it by a couple days.... Now we've got the album to worry about and the tour to plan..."

"Shhh don't worry about anything right now okay? Worry about this moment...." I whispered, kissing your neck. " About you and I... Our friends downstairs... Our beautiful daughter probably bouncing off the walls with a sugar rush." You giggle and turned around, placing your free hand on my cheek before kissing me.

"You're right... I just needed a moment to myself." You took my hand before taking another sip of your drink as we left our room. We walked down the stairs together, music filling the house along with chit chat.

" Nicole! O thank God you're back." Ryan hollered, embracing you. "I don't know how you did it. Putting up with all the acts... Virgin Records would be a wreck without you." You laughed as he released you from the hug and coiled closer to me.

" It's patience which you lack love."

"I'm aware..." He chuckled. "We'll have to go over all the contracts when you get back in the office. I know you need some time to rest so no rush."

"Of course.... Now relax. Your hair is turning more gray by the second Ryan." He huffed as he began walking away.

"Thankssss. Night all!" He waved his hand in the air before walking out. You finished off your drink before collecting a sleeping Clara off the sofa, adjusting the bow in her hair.

"I'm far from the hairstylist you are..." I mumbled looking over her and you.

"You didn't great Dan... Perfect." You smiled before yawning. "I know every one else here can stay up till the sun come up but I'm exhausted. Make sure no one drives home drunk. I'm going to bed." Your lips found mine before you pulled away. I kissed Clara's forehead and cracked a smile, then you wandered upstairs slowly of course.

"She's doing great Dan." Janna mumbled looking at the stairs as well. "I'm glad you didn't listen to me."

"I know... Me too... She told me she wasn't ready to die and I believed in her... Even though it was frustrating..."

" You think she'll be ready for all the work coming our way?"

"She's Nicole.... She's ready for anything." I shrugged with a slight smirk on my lips. "Even if she's not she'll figure it out. She always has...." I was unaware of your plans for tomorrow. Revenge is always best when it's a secret I assume. It's a surprise then seemed to trigger more than just sweet revenge.

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