I'm on Edge

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You didn't wait for me to go to the studio. I showered and got ready alone. We took two separate cars and the drive there was silent. I couldn't stop thinking as to why I lashed out. Then again I couldn't change the past. I parked my car beside yours and wandered into the lobby, clicking the button to our floor. Once upstairs I got a look from Kyle that could reveal his irritation.

"What's wrong?"

"Pretty boy... Him and his boys are meeting with Janna, Nicole, and Williams about a manager. I never knew someone could piss me off just by saying Hi." I chuckled slightly before shrugging slightly, crossing my arms as I side beside Will.

" You could be in the dog house like me. I went off this morning on her. I had no right, but I bloody well did." Kyle was curious now, lifting a brow and glancing at me.

"What happened?" I sighed and lowered my voice slightly.

"She was taking a bath... We had mind blowing sex last night... Well anyways... This morning she's standing, getting out of the tub... She's got a fucking set of teeth marks on her hip... It's a scar from him." Kyle shakes his head, adjusting his arms that are crossed over his chest.

"Fuck... Of course she does. I see the way he fucking looks at Janna, but she doesn't believe me!" He huffed a breath, reaching for a mint from the dish on the table. He starts mimicking her voice. " Now Kyle he's just friendly. Kyle stop being an asshole. Kyle he's got a girlfriend."

" You two are ridiculous." Will mumbled glancing up from his phone. The door opens in front of us, a red dress hugging your features with black heels and red lipstick. You conveyed power and in that instant I wanted to control it. I couldn't hear you, but you were talking with Michael and Jesse along with Janna. Williams was showing the others something on his phone. I think Kyle growled once both of them kissed Janna's cheek. They did the same to you, but Jesse adding a hug that seemed to last forever. You and Janna approached, looking at us like two dogs who knew they had just done something wrong.

"Come into the office guys..." We followed after, Jesse didn't return my glare or Kyle's considering he was looking down at his phone. " So, it's almost December... I think it would be best to start focusing on the next tour and the award shows coming up. I got the letters in and you all are in the running for quite a few awards." You flashed a smile, resting your elbows on your desk. A bruise decorated your wrist and guilt sunk into my chest.

"The Brits?" Woody's eyes grew wide with excitement as you nodded.

" Yeah those are gonna be in February of next year."

"In other words we are saying enjoy your two month break. Work on the next album if you guys want." Janna took a sip of her tea before shrugging. "Williams is so happy with where you guys are he doesn't seem to care. Also Nicole has a bit more news."

" Yeah... I'm officially back on the Bastille contract!" I watched you fake it. Smile at me even though you were upset.

"Thank God. Daina was awful." Daina was your replacement for the time you were gone. She wasn't even around most of the time. Dick took over your role more than anyone.

" Well go home, relax. Get ready for the holidays... Really you guys earned it." Janna smiled. Soon everyone filtered out but me. I sat there watching the smile drip from your face.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.


"I hurt you."

"I'm aware." You sighed, glancing outside. "I don't understand why you find the need to compete with him Daniel."

"So I'm competing with him?" You shot a glare at me.

"I didn't mean it like that... You are the one thinking there is competition." I sighed before crossing my arms over my chest.

" The way he looks at you and Janna is like prey." You laughed before standing, grabbing your keys.

"You're ridiculous right now Dan. Listen we've gotta make an appearance tonight with them. So play fucking nice for one more night. Can you manage that?" You stopped in front of me, examining my eyes. "I have never.... Ever been so disappointed in your character. I really thought you were always this sweet and innocent guy... But you're like every other guy. Your ego gets bruised and bam..."

"Niks... I'm just trying to protect you-"

"From the guy that kept me alive... For you....? I see the logic there." I followed after you, keeping my distance considering we were a couple in public. People watched you more now. The woman with no shame. Whose lips molded against his for cameras and videos. Whose drug addiction was plastered across the screen. Yet you wore it with no shame. It told your story. It proved how strong you were because at the end of the day you could still hold your head high. You could still walk with power through the office and everyone look up to you even after all you had done. A survivor so to speak. Lasting all the battles to stand on top.

I got into the elevator with you and Will. He could sense the discomfort just by looking at my cold expression. This wasn't me Nicole. Looking back I should have never done it. I'd be covered in shame. Wearing with my head held low as you looked upon me. Kyle screaming at me to keep it together. Yet how do you keep something together you didn't know was apart? Let alone even exist within side yourself. We all have our flaws. Some wear them, some hide them, and then some escape that we never thought would. I'll never forget the look on your face. This was another test against our glory.


Hello! So I'm most definitely going to start another Fanfiction once "his worst nightmare" is finished. However it will be for the band called "The Neighbourhood". So time for a vote. The main character isn't going to be some basic ass girl. She needs to be unique. So what does she do for a living? I have a few ideas in mind, but I don't want you all to know just yet 😉

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