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danbastille God bless this chapter.


It felt like Londy had created a divide between us that made both you and I nervous. Yet we'd never admit it. If Londy could do this then fans could do this. Play games with your mind and play on my boyish and obliviously sweet heart. You seemed to just push it down and bury it. However like always you protected me. In mere minutes the photo was taken down, her accounts disappeared and everything went back to normal. Like a child I seemed to always need you to come to my rescue.

" Hey.... Nicole giving you the cold shoulder?" Kyle grumbled, glancing to his phone.

" No, I just haven't rang her yet... Why?"

"Janna stopped answering me hours ago." I sighed and dug my phone from my pocket, dialing your number, it only rang twice before the loud background filled my ears.

"Hello love!"

"Hey babe, is Janna there?"

" Yeah... I mean she's singing karaoke right now though?" You giggled into the phone as a smile crossed my face.

"O yeah? Well how are you? If you've got a few minutes that's it..."

"I'm good... I'm sorry about earlier... It just pissed me off. I'd ring her bloody neck you know." A smirked crossed my lips as I laid down and looked to Kyle who was amused. "O and I had one drink. It was a wine cooler not even beer. Janna however is smashed and singing Britney Spears."

"O do put the mic closer so I can hear!" Kyle cackled into the phone. Before we could faintly hear Janna hollering Oops I Did it Again. Kyle lost it and fell back, nearly rolling off the sofa.

" Yeah, think about how it sounds live to my sober ears. I'm gonna go outside so I can hear you better."

"Alright love." I heard the phone jostle about before you cleared your throat.

"So tell me, how's Paris?" I turned the phone off speaker and pressed it to my ear, wandering out on the balcony.

"Beautiful... I wish I could show you."

"Mmm well the last time I was there I was drunk and high out of my mind... I think it was the day Pompeii came out."

" Well I hope you make your memories of Paris better one day." You laughed softly.

"I'll hold you to it Smith... You do no know how hard it is not to get shit faced at this bar."

"What's stopping you?"

" You. I don't wanna disappoint you." I scanned the overview of Paris and nodded to myself.

" That must mean you love me a hell of a lot."

"I do... Listen I gotta get back inside and tame Janna. You get some rest. I know you got shows tomorrow that start again. Less than a week till I get to see you."

"I can't wait... Then my birthday is coming in July. I'm sure you've got big plans for it...?"

"I won't tell you even an idea of what we'll be doing Mr. Smith... On that note... I love you. Safe travels handsome."

"I love you too... Enjoy Britney Spears karaoke." You groaned before laughing. "Bye love."

"Bye Dan." I hung up and wandered back inside towards my room, my phone pinging like crazy with Twitter mentions and notifications. I had forgot to change the settings back recently so to humor the fans I sat down and scrolled through.

@Stormer2: please update the Dyle fan fiction.

@Stormer3: I would die if @bastilleDan read these stories.

@Stormer5: I totally ship Dan and Nicole @stormer2 but hell if he reads Dyle I would die happy.

I clicked the link. There was no turning back. Of course I was forced to download an app called Wattpad. The page of a fan popped open, my curiosity was heightened at the edited picture of Nicole and I. Another cover has Kyle and I laughing and smiling. What had I found?

"His Oblivion..." I put on my glasses and settled in, like a addict I was hooked. This person had made up a life for us. Made up children. O, but the gold of it all. Smut. According to my Google search it was the female version of porn with storylines backing this... Sexual activity. "He grabbed her hips roughly, lifting her to the counter.... And... Bringing her hardened nipple into his mouth..... Bloody hell...." I mumbled aloud and adjusted my trousers before sitting my phone down on my chest. It was like having sex with Nicole in my mind. "Okay Smith you've got nothing better to do... Hmm.. Create an account." It was in this shameful moment I disguised an account and quickly added an array of books into my library though I still hadn't understood the reasoning behind mixing my name with Kyle's. I sighed and clicked on one of the many Dyle books. I couldn't take back what I read. It gave me odd chills with the mental pictures of Kyle going any where near my penis.


"Ah!" I nearly tossed my phone into the air as Kyle barged in, catching me mid read. "What don't you knock?"

" What are you doing? Watching porn?" I chuckled and shook my head, glancing back at the screen.

" No... Actually some fans tagged me in something on Twitter... I clicked... Roamed... And well here..." I tossed my phone at him, he examined the screen before chuckling.

"Its a photo of you and I laughing with 'His Not so Furry Catman.' At the top. What the fuck is this?"

"Scroll down... Hit read." Kyle sat down and began scrolling like mad. He was five chapters deep when he narrowed his hues at the screen "SMUT... What's that?"

"Urban dictionary states it as female porn... Literary porn..." Kyle smirked, thinking obviously it was going to be girl on guy. Boy was he wrong. His smirk quickly disappeared into horror.

"O no... O gosh... I'm begging you to suck my cock?! Ugh gosh... What do these people think we do on tour?!?!" He tossed the phone at me, I was bursting out in laughter at this point with tears in my eyes.

"There are a ton of them like it's apparently people 'ship' Nicole and I. There are a few for you and Janna." The smirk reappeared as he pulled out his phone.

"Kanna smut... Ooo I know what I'm reading tonight."

"Ew get out." I chuckled as Kyle stood and walked to the door.

"But DYLE!"

" But nothing!" We laughed and he closed the door as I resumed my scrolling through wattpad. There were people who adored you. Then again there were people who hated you too. "Nan... Dacole..." I clicked on one of the stories and entered into the comments. Typing as I talked out loud. "I ship Nan. I believe there should be more smut. 😁" I smirked and clicked off my phone, laying down yet wide awake. This fan fiction stuff was gold.

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