Chase those seconds

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Nicole POV

We were dying for more time together. Yet it was running short. I forced myself to remember every feature that graced your face and form. Your nails were always short. If they showed a hint of white you'd chew them while watching tv. There was always a taste peppermint on your lips and freckles decorating your nose. You squint when it's bright even with sunglasses on. You hate too much milk in your coffee. I've never heard you snore yet you sleep with your mouth open to catch flies. Then there is the bracelets that never leave your wrist, they cover up a topic even we haven't talked about. I know you're not ready and I'll never push you to talk about those scars. Your blue eyes vary in shades with your emotions. When we make love they're dark blue, luring me into your depths. Though quickly they revert back to the light shade of blue when you've calmed down. When you're tired they look gray. The stubble on your face is nearly red when it grows out. You're self conscious about being shirtless around anyone but me and your bandmates. I've yet to figure out why because your chest bares no scars or odd marks. While you're far from buff you're anything but fat or strange looking. There is a birth mark behind your right ear.

I wasn't able to sleep leading up to this day. I was in denial about this trip and the time I'd be missing. I would miss Christmas... New Years in Durban... I would miss every thing. I turned over and looked over your sleeping form. In all honesty this is what I would miss the most. Waking up beside you every day Dan. The calm breathing and warm arms I'd come to find every day.

Slowly I got out of bed and forced myself to the shower. I wasn't going to cry. I wouldn't let you cry either. This wasn't the end or good bye, but a I'll see you soon. I washed my hair and made myself feel presentable when in truth my mind was far from it today Dan. I wrapped a towel around my frame and wandered back into the bedroom, you were awake and glasses hanging on your nose. You caught me standing there and sat your phone down, giving me this weak smile.

"Hello love... how... how did you sleep?"

"I didn't..." I sighed and sat down, you were quick to pull me into your embrace.

"It will be okay... we both know that."

"I know, it is just a lot time... I'll see you later this month, which is great, but I'll miss Christmas and Durban..." You kissed my temple and ignored the fact that my blonde hair was soaking your shirt. "We've gotta get going love. I know Kyle and Janna and Will and Woody will be waiting for us."You sighed and pressed your lips to mine.

"I'll get ready only if your promise to continue to tell yourself it will be okay... I'm a phone call away."

"As am I Daniel." I kissed you again, that ever hint of peppermint was against my brims. Slowly you got up and got into the shower. Sluggishly I changed into jeans and a blouse before slipping into some heels. I had three large suitcases sitting by the door yet there was now a wrapped gift on top. I stood and wandered over to the package, it was obviously your wrapping due to the minor rips and extreme taping job. My fingers fumbled to tear open the gift and I was greeted with a hoodie. It was identical to yours in every way except size. Your cologne was sprayed on the fabric as a reminder.

"Do you like it?" I jumped at the sound of your voice. A towel was wrapped around your waist as you leaned against the doorframe. Your bracelets were off obviously for your shower, yet usually you were rushing to shove them back on.

"Yes... it is exactly what I needed." I smiled and wandered over to you, pressing my lips to yours. I looked down at your wrist, decorated with scars, which you quickly hid away.

"Not today... not before you go. When you get back yeah?"

"Whenever you're ready babe." I kissed your forehead before you rushed off to get dressed and put on your bracelets. You called them bracelets, I called them strings, a watch, and concert passes. You were wearing your wolf hoodie, black jeans, swiss lips t-shirt, and your converses. Will helped you carry my things to the van from the lobby. I would have loved to say good bye to you alone, yet then paparazzi would surely ask why you and only you said good bye to me at the airport. I wouldn't let your name be ruined by and chance. Kyle, Janna, and Woody were already inside the car waiting. The drive to the airport was short, your hand gripped mine while my other hand gripped the gift you had given me.

"Can we walk you in at least?" Janna mumbled once the car stopped all I did was nod before climbing out of the van first. I remember ever second leading up to me getting on that plane. You, Woody, and Kyle tugged my bags along and dropped them off at the luggage desk. Your eyes were dark blue as you watched me hug Janna then Kyle. Will gave me one of his bear hugs and Woody lifted me up. I recalled Janna whispering that everything would be okay. Kyle told me to stay strong. Then there was you. The man whom had read me like a book and turned me into a respectable woman in a way. You pulled me into a tight hug, I felt my eyes begin to water as you whispered against my ear.

"I love you... call me the moment you land... call me when you're happy.... sad...Just call me?"

"I will... I love you too." I kissed your neck as you kissed mine since we couldn't kiss in public. Our glory still hidden from the world for years to come. I took a deep breath and gave a nod before turning to security and sitting my things down before getting scanned. Los Angeles.... here I come.

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