Silent Angels

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The lyrics to this song above is so fitting. Don't cry? 😅
(Checks all the readers for pulses)
One of you made me feel guilty because that's what she does best when it comes to me holding out on updates. 😂😂 So enjoy this a day early lol

You fell to your knees and I never saw that look on your face before... It was as if everything bothering you disappeared. It was innocence. Innocence looking at the face of death without fear.

" Dan?" You said my name as if I could offer you an answer to fix this, but I couldn't. This moment lasted a century before my eyes. Your chest was leaking blood then you coughed. Blood spilled from your mouth yet you didn't have a second to fear for your life anymore. You fell back and I was pulled from my moment.

"Baby! Baby!" I yelled before going over to you and pulling your head into my lap.

"Don't let her forget me..." You mumbled as I was watching your eyes fill with tears. Yet they couldn't focus on me for very long. You kept opening and closing then as if sleep was coming for you yet it wasn't sleep.

"You're gonna be okay! Stay with me beautiful." I brushed your cheeks, my hand shaking as I raked my fingers your hair. Alex was pushing on your chest with a towel. Janna was hollering in the phone. Kyle was helping gather towels. Will was holding Clara out of sight of your slowly dying body.

"I don't wanna die... I wasn't ready... Dan..." You nearly whispered it, yet it tore me to my core. You were dying in my arms right before my eyes.

" Nicole! Niks?" Your eyes stayed closed, your pulse fainter with every beat. The EMTs gathered you from me, not looking at all convinced that they could save you. Alfred's eyes were still open as they zipped up his body in a bag. Alex was discussing everything to the police, yet it was all lies. Every criminal was out of the house. Scattered the moment your body hit the floor. I looked down for a moment, the ring that was the heat of this discussion laying covered in your blood.

" Dan...?" I looked to Woody who motioned to my clothes. "You should get changed... I'll drive to the hospital."

"Thanks..." I mumbled before slowly walking up the stairs. Every step was a bloody converse foot print. I kicked off my shoes before entering our room. Maybe I was still in shock. My body trembled as I changed, washing my hands of your blood. Yet all I kept seeing was the blood pooling from your mouth like a horror scene. I walked down stairs wearing different shoes and clothes, stopping to look at the scene before me. Two pools of blood almost the same size. Alex was cleaning them up, I barely remembered him, though you'd stayed at his house in California. Seeing him again only made the whole situation more confusing.

I don't wanna die... I wasn't ready... Dan... It echoed in my mind as I walked past the scene and outside, taking a deep breath.

"Mate?" Will mumbled offering Clara to me who was rubbing her eyes.

" Hey princess..." I pulled her into my arms before kissing her forehead.

" Where is mummy..."

"We're gonna go see here right now." I whispered before kissing her forehead again. It felt like a nightmare getting in Woodys SUV. The cameras and reports all hovered outside our gates. Janna and Chrissy kept shooting me sympathetic glances and Kyle kept distracting Clara from reality. Will and Awoui would wait for Alexander before joining the procession. The car stopped out of the hospital. It felt like I was always ending up here somehow. Maybe this time would be the last time. I held Clara tightly against my chest, nearly hiding her within my wolf hoodie.

"I've um.... Come to check on my wife.... Nicole Smith." I stated to the lady at the front desk before she checked through her computer screen.

"Mr. Smith I assume? She's still in surgery."

"I assumed... Thank you." I walked over to the familiar plastic seats and sat down before glancing to everyone else. Hours passed and people came and went, with each hour my confidence declined. Alex, Will, Awoui, Lorelei, and slowly other people that cared about you showed up. Bono and Phil were the first of many.



" Where is mummy."

"She's resting... We'll see her soon."

"Is she okays?"

"Of course..." I was an awful liar yet for her sake I did just that Nicole. I lied because I didn't know if you were okay. If I would ever see your perfect blue eyes or laughter fill the house. I handed Clara over before walking outside without a word. I sat on the bench and brought my knees to my chest. It was all hitting me now. That numb feeling getting over whelmed with emotions.

" Why me.... Why her..." I felt my bottom lip wobbled as I raked my fingers through my hair. I should have memorized your lips. Eyes. Laughter. Smile. Even the way you use to walk after the accident was something I had to hold onto now. The way you play the piano. The way your hands raked through my hair. The way your fingers drew lines on my chest in the dead of night. The way you did everything.

" Dan?" I glanced to the sliding doors, Kyle zipping up his hoodie before he sat down next to me. I nodded at him as if to say I was okay yet my face probably gave away how I was feeling. He wrapped an arm around me in a form of a hug. " No matter what everything is going to be okay..."

"Not if she dies Kyle... By some shitty... Shitty chance I've gotta tell that little girl in there that she may never see her mother again other than at her funeral...." I ran my hands along my face before looking to him. "I can't... I can't do that..."

" Dan!" I looked to the door as did Kyle, Lorelei was beckoning me inside. "The doctor is here... He will only speak to you." I nearly jumped up before jogging inside yet when I saw his face I wanted to run right back out.

"Mr. Smith?"

"Yes...?" I approached him as he signed.

" Your wife is... On life support.... She's not brain dead which is the good news... The bullet punchered her lugs and it bounced around a bit. We repaired what we could... The rest has to heal... However I can't say when or if your wife will wake up. We could be talking substantial time." He lowered his eyes for a moment. "The options are you wait.... Or you can take her off life support... She won't be in any pain... She's comatose."

"I need see her... I'm not taking her off life support." I picked up Clara before glancing to the others. Maybe I was being selfish keeping you alive.... Or maybe you just needed time.

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