New Family

158 11 10

Nicole POV

I landed in Germany and was rushed off to the venue. I didn't even have time to unpack my suitcase before a guitar was handed to me. Steve's guitar one he gave to Phil. There was a boy in the crowd, scratch that... Man. Maybe a few years younger than me. He was bald and ill looking. A woman roughly my brother's age stood beside him, but their eyes were on me.

"Hey! Nicole!" Joe grinned walking over to me. " How ya been?"

"Busy as always. How about you... Whose the two people out in the crowd?" He knew, but it wasn't time to tell apparently. He shrugged slightly.

"Eh Phil will introduce ya soon. I've been alright, my voice is getting iffy, but we'll make it through. Only this week and then we've got a break. We're gonna go support Vivian and all that..." I nodded before looking down at the guitar as I brushed my fingers along it. "We miss him a ton... It's crazy because when we look at you we see him."

"I just hope you see a better him..." I managed a half smile before Joe wandered away. Using the set list I got my own guitars tuned and soon I was faced with a reality I didn't want to face. Phil walked up to me and forced a brief smile.

"Hey glad you could make it."

"Me too. What's going on?"

"I've actually got someone I want you to meet... Follow me." I did as told and walked down the steps of the stage. We stopped at the blonde woman with green eyes and the frail man with bright blues. "Tina, this is Nicole.... Spence this is your Aunt." I could hear my heart in my ears.

"Steve had a son?"

"Yeah... We just met him two weeks ago."

"Hi Spencer.... It's nice to meet you." I shook his hand before shaking Tina's. It was now obvious his affliction was because he shared my last name. Clark. Fuck this name.

"It's nice to meet you too... Nicole." He was breathless just by talking. I wanted to say sorry he was a Clark, but it didn't come out.

" Are you going to stay for the show?" He nodded with a weak smile and I smiled back. "That's great maybe we can chat after..." I waved and turned around, walking as quickly as I could backstage. Phil was right behind me, but I slammed the door in his face and locked it, sinking to the floor.


"He's fucking dying!" I pulled my knees to my chest and felt the tears fill my eyes. "He's fucking dying because he's a Clark! A fucking Clark!" I felt guilt entrap my mind. This boy was nearly my age he had to of been no more than 3 years younger than me after all Steve died when I was three.

"Let me in love... It's from cancer not because he's a Clark..."

"You don't understand..." I clicked open the lock with just reaching up. Phil pulled the door open and sat near me in silence. " How long?"

" How long what?"

"Does he have?"

"Any day now... Tina wanted him to meet you... Vivan could still play with his cancer, but we told him you were coming..."

"I can't... I can't look at him. All I wanna tell him is I'm sorry... I'm sorry this happened to him. But no one wants pity like that Phil..." I looked at him before biting roughly on my bottom lip. "I don't know what to do..."

"Live for him... For Steve... For Spence..." I released a bitter laugh and looked back down.

"Whatever.... Just leave me alone. I need to get changed and relax before the show starts." He just placed his hand on my shoulder before walking out of the room. I didn't move till it was time to go on stage. Faking smiles for the dying boy in the front. He made it through the show. Thank God because it would have broken me. He didn't make it to midnight that night. In fact he died once he left the arena on the way back to his hospital bed. Age twenty one. Alcohol would never pass his lips. He probably never lived anyways. It was then that I sat in the hotel living room. My phone in my hand as I clicked 1 to speed dial you.

"Hey love how was the show?"

"Dan I don't want to be here..."

" Love it's okay it's only-"

"Dan Steve had a son I met today..."

" What?!"

"He died today too... Cancer... I told you us Clarks are bad."

" Nicole... It isn't your fault he was sick before you even knew him." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"He had my stupid last name.... I didn't even get to tell him tons of good stories or... About you... About me... About life... He was twenty one... Twenty bloody one and his life is over! Gone! Erased from memory!" I started screaming, then the tears as I fell to my knees. " The world will never know his great story... I will never know it either..."

" Nicole... I want you to relax... To lay down and take a deep breath. Okay? Tell me when you've done that..." I blinked a few times and forced myself to wander to my room, crawling under the blankets and taking a breath.

" Yeah... I'm in bed..."

"Close your eyes okay?" I closed them.


"We are the last people standing
At the end of the night
We are the greatest pretenders
In the cold morning light
This is just another night
And we've had many of them
To the morning we're cast out
But I know I'll land here again" Your voice was like a lullaby. Pulling me from this cursed world into sleeping peace. A place where these daily nightmares couldn't get me. You seemed to always know how to make me fall asleep. Silencing me with the voices even angels couldn't ignore. I was Clark. I was cursed. Now, how would I survive knowing my fate one day would come.

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