Journalist Games

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Nicole POV December 12th 2015

"Nicole!" I glanced up from looking at my tablet to see Kyle's frazzled expression. Burrows was behind him and whenever he was involved I knew something was wrong.

" What?"

"Turn on the telly..." Burrows mumbled Every one else trickled into my office. I clicked on the telly and felt my heart sink. It was a drunk Kyle chatting away with someone out of sight.

" Janna told me about the whole Nicole situation Kyle."

" She did?"

"yeah... How you and her slept together... I'm sure that was hard on Dan..."

" Its been almost a year... They didn't talk for eight months... They're back together."

"Whose voice is that?" I glanced to Janna while grabbing my blazer and buttoning it up before grabbing my tablet again.

"Sarah... Um... Sarah Cruz. We were friends but apparently she's a snitch... She's been playing me." I sighed softly and glanced to Burrows. He knew what I was thinking and gave a nod.

" Alright well... I'm sure the press is already blowing up the phones." I tossed the tablet on my desk before grabbing a cigarette from the drawer. I knew you hated my occasional cigarette smoking yet today called for such a stress relief. " Listen I'll handle an interview... The rest of you go home... Dan get Clara from your mum's." You nodded slowly and everyone left my office except Kyle who looked as pale as ever. " Kyle?"

"They're gonna hate me." I sighed softly and wandered over to him, offering my cigarette, which he accepted and took a drag.

"They're not gonna hate you... We'll have this fixed soon enough." He sighed and glanced to me before shaking his head.

" How can you be so calm?"

" Because I don't give a shit if anyone hates me... I give a shit about Every one else though. You trust me to take care of this?"

" Yeah... Thanks Niks."

"You're welcome... Listen tomorrow meet me for coffee around... Say 3 p.m... I've got a bit of a plan." He gave me a questionable look before handing back the dead cigarette.

"Alright... See ya." He walked out and I took a deep breath. My head was throbbing as I grabbed my things and wandered out of my office, heading to the interview studio.

"Niks! Wait up!" I glanced back at Williams rushing towards me. "I knew you'd want to handle this so Ryan Bloody Seacrest is in there waiting for an exclusive interview.

"O wow... Thanks..." I sighed softly before glancing to the door. It only took a moment to compose myself before opening the door. Ryan gave a nod and motioned to the seat.

"I haven't seen you in awhile."

"That's cause I try to stay out of the news..." He chuckled slightly and nodded.

"Well you know I'm on your side so we'll take a few takes if you need them."

"Thanks..." I sighed and took a seat, adjusting my skirt. "Ready..." I glanced to the camera to see the man flick it on record before glancing to Ryan.

"Today we are here with Nicole Smith. As you all know she was in the news this morning in regards to Kyle Simmons. However we've been lucky enough to grab an exclusive interview so Nicole can you start by clearing this up a bit?"

" Well I can start from the beginning. Roughly nine months ago we had a Press tour just to get a bit of excitement going for the new album... Which we are aiming to release in 2016... Anyways Kyle and Woody came back for a day. Kyle and I grabbed a drink and as the world knows I have a huge issue with alcohol. I'd be the first to admit it." I shrugged slightly. " We slept together and obviously the next day we told Dan and we told Janna."

" And they just forgave you?" I laughed slightly.

" Dan and I separated for 8 months. A bit after Clara's first birthday we started talking again. It was a lot of trust broken. Between us and him and Kyle. It wasn't just like over night Every thing was okay. We only started talking again once Dan got Janna and Kyle to reach out to me. I obviously don't forgive myself for the situation."

"Wow and from what the media has been publishing you and Kyle Simmons had a relationship before Bastille?"

" We... We were never a couple but yes we had relations before Bastille."

" So is there anything you have to say to the actual fans. Obviously they know the situation as much as you've explained but we all know that they're surely upset." I nodded slowly before taking a breath.

"I expect backlash and hate. I really don't care if it directed towards me because I know I deserve it. Yet it was a very private family situation and there are a lot of factors they don't know... But I can say Janna and Kyle are great... They're gonna get married this spring... Dan and I are well and our daughter is doing good too. We just ask for understanding during this time..."

"Thanks so much for the interview Nicole... Next up today we have ed Sheeran... Stay tuned." The bright lights turned off and I stood,  releasing a head breath.

"You did fine Nicole."

"Thanks..." I mumbled before rushing out. It was like a walk of shame to the car yet I kept a stone cold expression with each camera flash and glance. It seemed like the interview was on every radio station. Thankfully no one was standing outside our home. Slowly I walked inside and poured a drink, it had been awhile, but today had been enough of a shit show. I kicked off my shoes and sat on the floor, looking out at the snow covered back yard, sipping at the glass. I didn't notice your presence till you sat behind me and wrapped your arms around my frame.

"I know that look..."

" What look?" I mumbled.

"The look of... I'm not gonna let anyone know how much my feelings are getting hurt... And instead I'll bottle it up and act okay." I sat the empty glass on the floor beside us, feeling your arms tighten more. You were right. More than I cared to admit. Yet you knew the moment tears slid down my cheeks that you'd cracked my shell like always. Such a strong mask I was able to take off around you. "It's okay... We'll be okay love." You kissed my temple, letting me silently cry in your embrace as we watched the snow take over the backyard.

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