Bad Blood June 29th 12

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Nicole POV

After Coney island we went back to our normal routines. Sneaking you over my place for the weekends and trying to make it work as smoothly as possible. Today was what I wanted to call a train wreck day, yet it was anything but that. I rolled over and clicked on the tv before sitting up and checking my phone as you slept. Bad Blood was on the charts.

"It's on the mother fucking bloody charts!" You nearly jumped as I yelled, standing on the bed with my phone in hand. Why was I so excited when this didn't effect my life. Yet then again it did. You were part of my life.


"Daniel bad blood is on the charts!" I bent over to show you my phone before you sat up and put on your glasses. Your hand went over your mouth before I could see a grin peak through. Like a proud father your creation was there. There being on the charts and reaching the public. You grabbed my hand and pulled me into your arms, your lips moulding to mine.

" Thank you love"

"For what? You wrote the bloody song! I did nothing." I chuckled as you rolled your eyes.

"You got us noticed. So thank you. Really." I tapped your nose before climbing out of bed.

"Trust me you would have gotten noticed sooner or later without me. Come on we need to get to work. I'll leave before you and meet you there." You nodded slowly, still amazed by the data on my phone. I slipped into a red polka dot sundress and black heels while you showered. By the time I had gotten to the office Janna had a bottle of champagne and a breakfast buffet set up in my office. Mere minutes later you showed up grinning like a fool.

" Nikki our babies are growing up!" Janna chuckled and sat down beside me as I munched on a bowl of fruit. You poured yourself a cup of coffee and sipped on it while sitting down. Once again you tried to be quiet and behind the scenes. Kyle always forced you into the spot light.

" Mate come on get cheerful! I mean yes you don't have a beautiful girl to celebrate with like me, but it's okay!" He chuckled and kissed Janna as you rolled your eyes.

"My love is music Kyle, sorry." Woody chuckled and sipped on a glass of champagne examining you.

"Mate what's that on your neck?! Is that a girl's mark left on you?!" You turned bright red as I forced a laugh out to fit in with the rest.

" Yes, it was just a one time thing! Why must you all pick on me?!"

"Because it's easy. We're glad you're getting over Carly." Will smirked slightly and you nodded.

" Yeah well she's easy to get over now... Considering she's pregnant and trying to pin it on me when we haven't slept together in a long time. Her baby is due in two months. Then we'll finally know that it isn't mine. I'll really be able to move on." You glanced at me for a split second. I stood and poured myself a glass of Orange juice as Dick walked in grinning.

"We made it boys! Now we just keep climbing!" He gathered a plate of food and sat down. We were all enjoy this moment of success.

"I say tonight we go out for drinks?" Will grinned then wiggled his brow. Of course everyone agreed before we all went our separate ways. Of course by that I mean everyone went for the studio except me. The work on my desk had been left unattended for way to long. There was thirty seconds to mars, Katy Perry, and the rolling stones sitting on my desk in need of signed paperwork. Yet my mind could barely focus on any band except Bastille. It was the child so to speak that I raised from their beginning with my own hands.

" Nikki?" I was pulled from my thoughts as Janna walked in with a goofy smile. "So I was talking to Kyle about Dan and the whole Carly thing. We found this girl I knew back in high school. Her name is Joanna, you think I should invite her tonight?" My stomach nodded up as I shrugged.

"That's on you Janna. You know Dan is a shy guy." She nodded slowly and sighed. Meanwhile I was praying she wouldn't invite her.

"You're right, but you know he'll never agree anyways. So why not give it a shot. Worst case scenario you know Will will snatch her up if Dan shys away."

" Like I said that's on you." I knew my demeanour was surely going south fast. I looked back down at my work and waved my hand in the air. "I have work to do... I'll see you tonight." She rolled her eyes before slamming my office door. Janna always had her over dramatic moments. I sighed and looked back to my work when my phone pinged with a text message.

Apparently I've got a date tonight - Dan

Yeah, thank Janna for that 🙄 - Nikki

Don't be mad? - Dan

I'll try my best not to get jealous- Nikki

In the end I'm always coming home to you. - Dan

I couldn't help but crack a smile as I sat my phone back down. Little did we know how fucked up tonight would get. That my demon would come out to play and control wasn't in my cards tonight. Once I finished up my paperwork I clicked off the lights and begun my journey home. Tonight was set for a celebration. I sure as hell was going to celebrate with or without you distracted by Joanna. I slipped into a skin tight back dress and red heels once I got home. Taking a shot of whiskey before even leaving the house. Let the night begin, for it is young and full of danger.

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