This is your Heart

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Nicole POV

I could hear a persistent snoring. A snoring I hadn't heard since I lived with Janna. It pulled me from the unconscious abyss. A tube was shoved down my throat and to be honest I didn't panic. This has happened before when I took all those pills years ago, yet this time my lungs were forced open and closed. It's hard not to panic when you're heart beats on its own. Admittedly I wanted to say something. To get Janna to shut up and let me relax. Yet the nurse came walking in seeing my eyes wide open and the not so thrilled expression on my face. She sighed softly and sat her clip board down.

"You'll need to relax as I do this Miss Clark. It's going to possibly hurt coming out." I blinked instead of nodding. She carefully untaped the side of the device from my cheeks and began to tug. It felt like sandpaper, but the air felt like fresh water as I took a deep yet shakey breath.

"Th-ank... Yo-u." I mumbled as she smiled and picked up her clip board placing it under her arm and wheeling the device towards the door.

"You're very welcome Miss Clark. I'm sure that handsome boy whose been sleeping here constantly will be back any minutes." You. It was all flooding back now. The building. Your lips against mine. They knew everything there was to know. Janna released another drawn out snore. I grabbed the empty plastic cup on my night stand and pegged her right in the head. In a quick jolt she shot up and looked around before grinning like a fool at me.

"You're awake! O gosh thank God!" She came over and hugged me yet I didn't feel a thing. The drugs were obviously masking the true pain I was probably feeling.

"Where... Is... Dan-iel?" I coughed slightly as Janna pulled out her phone.

" He was practicing with the guys last text I got. He's been persistently staying by your side, but I wasn't going to let you down for the Leeds and Readings festival." She placed her phone against her ear, yet I could faintly hear the worried deep voice on the other end.

" Hello? What's wrong? Is Nikki okay?"

"She's awake Dan-"

"We're on our way." Janna laughed and sat down her phone before looking to me.

"He's crazily in love with you. Why hide it for so long?! I mean yeah Dan told us, but I wanna hear it from you." I smiled weakly just at the mention of your name.

"I'm trying.... To... Pro-tect him... You know how... This bus-iness is... Janna." She sighed before rolling her eyes before smirking.

"Okay cut the shit, is he better in bed than Kyle?" I laughed slightly before biting my lip. "O you little shit he is... Come on give me some details."

"He's a lover... A very fierce lover... I'm always his... Priority before himself. He'll never rush.."

"O gosh, well fuck me." Janna licked her lips before sitting back in the chair. " He loves you like crazy. He slept here and only left to get you clothes to wear."

"He's... A go-od guy." I forced myself to sit up more, it was easier to breath that way. "I love him..."

"I know I can tell..." She was cut off by you and the others rushing through the door. Your arms snaked around me just like your scent invaded my nose.

"I'm glad you're awake."

"Mmm you can tha-nk... Janna's sn-oring for that..." I managed a weak laugh, you were hesitant to let me go. It felt so good to be in your arms again. The warmth they brought was a comfort I never knew before knowing you. "The... Little girl.... Is she?"

"She's okay. She's with her father love." You flashed a slight smile, your hand engulfing mine in warmth once you sat down.

" What happened?" I mumbled and laid my head against the pillow.

"A plane hit the building." Janna sighed softly. "Where were you?"

"I was close to the top I think the 40th floor... I can't even remember anyone's name in the room... But the little girl..." I squeezed my eyes shut. It was true I couldn't even remember her name. "I remember pushing her towards the desk and the ceiling fell..." I placed my free hand over my leg. "A rod went through my leg and I couldn't see out of one eyes because there was blood falling from my forehead. I was able to get free and then somehow we made it to the fire escape. I slid down the stairs and the smoke and dust was like breathing in soup." I opened my eyes and sighed slightly. "I remember seeing firefighters and that's all I remember till Dan came running up. Then I woke up just a few hours ago." It was hard to talk, but I managed only to cough once or twice.

"You don't remember coming out of surgery?"

"No why?"

"You were talking and everything... Then you started coughing up blood and well... died." It was obvious you had gone through a lot with me this past few days. Exhaustion was written across your face. All I could do was shake my head.

"I don't remember at all... So when can I get out of the hospital?" You chuckled slightly.

"I talked to the nurse and you can go home in a week. Though I did ask her about tour and she says you can't go... No activity for two months." I sighed softly and nodded, squeezing your hand.

"You'll do fine. Janna will go, yeah?" I looked over to Janna and flashed a smile as she nodded.

"Of course I'll go."

"Alright so next week is Leeds and -" Janna laughed and clicked her tongue.

" No business for you... Rest!"

"She's right love. You busted your head, no craziness." Your lips pressed against mine, distracting me from my thoughts. This is home. So what would happen when what I considered home left for a tour?

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