March Tour Part 2

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Nicole POV

The alarm persistently buzzed near my ear. No. Not yet. This solitude with you was too perfect to leave, yet we had to today. We had to return to the road and hide this perfection. My phone was buzzing with messages that I avoided to even look at right now or who they were from. You pulled me closer and inhaled the scent of my hair before kissing my cheek.

"Morning my love."

"Good morning superstar." I laughed quietly as you groaned.

"I'm nobody, but a man with a voice whom everyone seems to enjoy."

"You're everything to me." I mumbled it against your lips. This peaceful place would be left. We'd shower and flick off the lights. Forcing ourselves apart at the lobby to drive two separate cars to the bus rental. Like strangers we walked apart waving to the paparazzi before boarding the bus. You and I like always shared a bunk yet used the spare one to store things. I sat down and opened up my laptop, sighing softly.

"Well boys interviews and shows till mid April. Are you all excited!" You cackled with a smirk on your lips.

"O gosh... Can't we skip the interviews?" Woody whined before putting his head phones on.

" If only..." I mumbled before glancing at my phone. An unknown number popped up on the screen, in fact it has popped up numerous times throughout the night. I shouldn't have answered, but I did. "Clark...whose this?"

" Nicole? It's me...Wendy." You know that moment you feel nauseous, but nothing comes up. Or when you know something shitty is about to happen and you can't stop it. Wendy. A name I didn't want to hear ever again.

"What do you want...?"

"I'm calling to say I'm sorry.... For leaving you... I'm sure your father had his story..."

" Mmm well care to elaborate?"

"I had to go... I had to follow my dream..."

"Wow mother of the year award..." I laughed bitterly, wandering to the back of the bus. " Why the fuck are you contacting me after nearly twenty five years? Money right? Your millionaire husband leave you? Or you just want more money than what he has to offer?"

"I'm calling because I want my daughter in my life... You have another brother... His name is Henry and he's missing. I don't have the money to find him..." I closed my eyes and took a shakey breath. My anger wasn't consumable.

"You think you can just call and I'll fucking come to your beckon?! He's probably strung out on drugs like you were! Where the fuck were you went I was homeless huh? When I called and you didn't answer!" I hung up and threw my phone before grabbing a pillow and screaming. I couldn't deal with this now. I threw the pillow and took a few deep breaths as I heard the door open.


" My mother fucking called. She's claiming I have another sibling."

" You don't believe her?"

"I don't want to believe her." I opened my eyes and looked at you. Such innocence written across your face. "I don't need stress with her. She'll just want money. That's what my dad said she would always call for... Just for money. Yet she was married to a rich guy last I heard so... I don't know what to believe anymore." You wandered over to the sofa and sat down, pulling me into your embrace. A wave of calmness crept over me.

"You shouldn't ignore it..."

" Why?"

"Because you'll kick yourself if he is your brother and you don't help." I huffed and looked in your eyes.

"I hate that you're right." You picked my phone off the cushion beside you and offered it to me.

"Text her... Tell her to tell you everything she knows... Take it from there okay?" You smiled, hiding your teeth. I took the phone from you and typed up exactly what you said before tossing it back to its original spot. My head found its way to your shoulder and my lips brushing against your neck. "Did she sound... Sober?"

"I don't know. I was too pissed off to focus. I don't know how she got my number or anything... I'll find out who the hell gave it to her that's for sure. If it's someone from the office then their fired." You chuckled and rubbed my back.

" It isn't that bad. It means she's at least still alive."

" She isn't a Clark that's why. She never married my father. I was a mistake. A very unwanted child. My father begged her not to have an abortion... He had to pay her to keep me. It was no surprise she left soon after I was born."

"You never told me that..."

"Because it only adds to my depressing story." I chuckled as did you. " My life only got good when you came along..."

" You know... You asked what my first impression was of you... What was yours of me?" I smirked slightly and lifted my head to look into your eyes.

" The shy handsome singer with a lack of confidence. It made me want to know you even more." You turned red and ran your fingers through your hair. "There goes your nervous habit."

"Shut up!" You laughed and tossed me onto the other cushion, pinning me down and tickling my sides. "Take it back!"

"Never!" I bursted into laughter trying to fend you off with attempting to block my sides.

"Ahem! Love birds. We're here!" Janna hollared and smirked as you stopped. I tickled your sides and you jumped, falling to the floor at Janna's feet. "O gosh. If only the world knew how childish you two really are... It would put Kyle to shame."

"I doubt that love!" Kyle shouted before walking in wearing a cat shirt with laser beams.  We all looked at the shirt and I cleared my throat.

"Exhibit A of why Kyle will always win at being the most childish." Janna huffed with a smirk and wandered out of the room.

" She thinks it's sex." Kyle wiggled his brow and you just shook your head before laughing. This was the only family I wanted, but maybe not the only family I needed.

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