A New Side

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-Warning Mature- Very emotional. Trigger warning.

Readers: don't hurt me I will fix this lol

Nicole POV

Today was the day I noticed the grey in your eyes. The way you moved food around on your plate. February 10th 2013 to be exactly. The day I found your eyes shut.

February 5th

" Dan? Dan?" I laid beside you, shaking you slightly.

" What love?"

"Get up we're suppose to go to the movies today remember?" A sigh escaped your lungs.

"I'm not feeling well love." I felt my heart sink slightly as I nodded and climbed out of bed.

" Well I'll put on a movie here." You didn't answer and soon you were back to sleep. 12 hours of sleep.

February 6th

"Janna had Kyle said anything about Dan lately?" I sipped on my coffee sitting in my office with her. She nodded before sigh.

"Just that he seems tired."

"He slept like 12 hours yesterday. I don't know what's wrong."

"Hopefully he doesn't have a bug." I nodded and in my mind that was what I thought was wrong.


February 7th

My head is throbbing I hear the voices more. I called Amy, but I couldn't say the words out loud. I went home early and felt the blade against my finger tips, receiving a paper cut like mark on my thumb.

February 8th

You started crying trying to ask me what was wrong. I just stared at you and said I'm fine. We sat on opposite sides of the sofa and it hurt more than anything.

You're hurting her. You need to go. You're gonna fail her. You'll be a shit musician.

"Dan let me in on what's wrong?"

"I'm just nervous for the tour starting soon." You accepted this answer.

February 9th

I prayed for forgiveness. I wrote you a letter. I covered my ears yet the voices were still loud.

Nicole POV

February 10th 2013

"Alright that's all I can handle for the day Janna." I sighed and sat back, rubbing my face. The door to my office clicked open and there stood Kyle, Will, and Woody, yet no you.

" Hey guys!"

"Where is Dan?" I mumbled as Kyle had a funny look on his face.

"He said he would meet us here... He's not here?" I got this feeling. This empty nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach at that moment. As if I knew already. I grabbed my phone and dialled you're number. Voice mail. I dialed Amy's next.

" What Nicole?"

"Is Dan there?"

"No, why did you break his heart again?"

"Amy now isn't the time. Let me know if you hear from him." I hung up and pulled my coat on before grabbing my keys. "Kyle can you and Will check the bar you all go to? Woody check the studio? Janna come on."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, but Dan had never had his phone off." I ran to the elevator and smashed the button before giving up on the wait and ran down the stairs in my red heels. Janna was right behind me. I unlocked the car and drove towards our apartment, Janna hanging in for dear life. I didn't even park in the garage, but outside near the curb. I ran inside stopping at Rory's desk. "Is Dan home?"

"About three hours ago." I just nodded and ran to the elevator. Closing my eyes on the way up. I unlocked the door and all the lights were off.

" Dan! Darling!" I walked towards the bedroom, yet paper crinkled under my shoe. I stepped back and looked at your messy writing. Three words on the front I didn't even get to the back.

I am sorry

"Daniel!" I yelled and Janna took the note. I knew in that moment exactly where you would be. Hidden in the dark and limb. I flicked on the light of our closet. I screamed and cried in all one motion. Your wrists were swollen with cuts as I ran over and tapped your cheeks. "Baby! Come on wake up!"

"O my god... O my god!"

"Janna call an ambulance!" I yelled and tugged your body from the corner. You were warm still and I pressed my fingers into your neck. A faint pulse. That of a dying animal. "Stay with me! Dan do you hear me!" I couldn't stop yelling as I yanked one of my shirts down and took the time to attempt to slow down the bleeding. You were covered in it. Like a sin you purged yourself from it. "Don't go..." I whispered, squeezing your wrists. I was pulled away as the medics began to assist you. Your pulse was now a sound on a machine. It was there and that was what kept me from screaming. "Janna go with him..."


"I said go. I'll be right behind you alright! Make sure no fucking camera is there. No audio! Nothing! This is not getting out." She just nodded before running after the medics. I sunk to my knees and looked at your flaws staining the carpet. It took me a few moments to snap out of it. Grabbing a few outfits for you and your favourite hoodie. As I walked towards the door I stepped on the note again and this time picked it up to read.


This isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself. In fact I think you cured me for so long. As a teenager these voice were so loud. They made me do it then. The medicine made me numb. Then I felt better. I can't go through this again. Hope you forgive me. I hope you don't dwell on me. Tell the guys I'm sorry. Tell them I tried my best. My best to be normal. Not the depressed piece of shit whose slicing his wrists in your closet. Not the depressed piece of shit that writes to try and feel better. Christ, I'm sorry my love. I'm so sorry. I love you. I'll say hi to Steve and your father hopefully x Dan.

I balled the note up in my hand and shoved it into my pocket. As a manager I had no idea how I would fix you before the first sold out show in 18 days. More importantly as your fiancée how would I fix something that I never broke. I pushed the thoughts from my mind and began my journey to your beside.

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