Faux Smile

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This gif never gets old

This gif never gets old

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Nicole POV

"Go you're going to be late love!" You tossed my bags in the SUV before pulling me into one of /those/ hugs. The ones that made me never want to be away from your side. Gosh how I would miss this comfort even if it was for a mere weekend. " I love you."

"I love you too... You're sure you can handle all of this?" You chuckled and kissed my lips a few times.

"I'm more than sure..." I sighed and gave myself a reassuring nod before you let me go and helped me into the car. By some crazy change we had decided to let Janna drive. I waved to you from the window before the car started to move. It was amazing how empty I felt so quickly as your figure grew smaller with distance.

"Cheer up! We're gonna have some fun."

"I know but... Dan's a heavy sleeper and.... You're right... I need to not worry!" I forced myself to laugh, but even my laugh sounded nervous. It wasn't till we got to the plane that I felt slightly better. Yet while the others were drinking champagne and orange juice I was merely sipping at a glass of water. Who could blame me for the fear of relapsing. I didn't want to be someone my daughter hated. Someone she feared.

My troubles didn't start till that night. I had a glass of wine at the hotel bar with the girls when a woman walked over. She was beautiful, yet she looked at me as if she knew me. As if I was her problem.

"Hey guys! Those men over there bought this round." She smirked and sat down the glasses, handing us each a particular color flute of champagne. "Cheers!" Her green eyes and jet black hair captured my attention till she walked away and Awoui hollered.

"Thank you!"

"Niks I haven't seen you relax like this in awhile!" Chrissy laughed before taking a sip of her drink.

"I've been busy... Plus the doctor says I can't drink too heavily... Which means this is my last drink."

"Aw" Janna pouted before I downed the glass. The bubbles nearly taking my breath away with tickling my throat.

"Till tomorrow ladies...." I chuckled and started wandering out of the bar to the elevator doors. There she was again, getting into the elevator with me, drink in hand. "What floor?"

"The same as you... Twenty." She motioned to the button I had pressed. Yet it felt as if I was moving. I knew my drinking limit, maybe with this liver three drinks was too many. I grabbed a hold of the railing before walking out of the elevator. "Ma'am do you need some help?" The woman hollered and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah my head.... I must be getting a migraine." I handed her my key card and she opened the door. I didn't even notice she didn't give it back. I wandered to my bed and tugged off my jacket before laying down the room was spinning. This wasn't alcohol. My body felt heavy the longer I laid here. The door clicked open and I couldn't even move my head. "Janna? Janna!"

"Shhh..." She came into view and smirked slightly before licking her lips. "I don't think we have ever properly met before... I'm Londy.... Gosh when I saw you I thought it was too good to be true." She pulled a band out from her pocket and walked towards me, the pillows behind my back supporting me to sit up. "You know... Dan was with me for a really long time... He kissed me in Paris... Then I learned about you." She giggled almost tying the blue band around my bicep. Slowly I watched the veins in my arm raise and tingle. "You're too perfect you know? You have a baby with him and that ring is... Beautiful..." She dug into her jacket and filled the needle. My heart was racing watching her every movement. "I can't make you break up with him.... But I can ruin your perfect little world in minutes..." I couldn't scream anymore. Whatever was in that drink surely did the job. At first I was scared Dan. Watching the needle sink into my vein and my blood mix with the drug. Yet the moment it entered my system it was like the first taste again. She tugged off the band, snapping it against my arm before it fell to the floor. I shivered, the sensation like an orgasm till it sets your veins on fire. Burning every vein till it consumes your whole body. Then she was gone. The sound of her running through the adjoining room as Janna and the others fumbled with the door to this room. My heart racing in my chest. Then it's like getting hit with a wave. The breath gets taken from your lungs and you feel like you're drowning.

" Fucking hell! Nicole!" I heard her yelling, but my body responded with convulsing. I could hear Awoui scream. She's probably never seen someone overdose on drugs in front of her. The needle still lodged in my arm as if I did this to myself. Please only a rookie would have left the needle in their arm. I guess it didn't matter at this point. "Yes... I need an ambulance! I have someone overdosing... I don't know what it is!... Please hurry!"

" Nicole?! Nicole?!" Chrissy was yelling at me. I felt the needle slip from my arms relieving some of the firey pain. The convulsions stopped, this was it and I could feel it. It's when you start to hear your heart in your ears that you know you fucked up. It slows down and you can feel the darkness almost hugging you. Telling you to come easy and don't fight. The last thing I saw was a medic before my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I was your Clark. You were my Smith. I might never get to say I love you again.... But you have Clara just in case. You'll always have me even if I can't be saved.


Mic drop.

Is Nicole dead? Or is she gonna escape death? Fucking Londy 😂

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