He Tastes Like A Distraction

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Nicole POV

Their they stood. The misfits that were now my issue to handle. The flight out to LA didn't have enough tiny whiskey bottles to take my thoughts of you away. Your blue eyes haunted my mind like a constant vision. Your cologne clung to my wolf hoodie you had gotten me and I wouldn't dare wash it even in my darkest moments. This was my prison. I was served a life sentence for loving you. They held a sign at the airport with my name written in marker, grinning like fools.

"Hello, you must be the guys, I'm Nicole." I offered my hand out, each one of them introducing themselves.

"I'm Zach."



"I'm Brandon."

"I'm Jesse." Jesse. His brown eyes were glossy as he examined me like I was a foreign creature. He was shorter than you by easily a few inches, yet still hovered over me in a dominant manner. I let go of his hand and gave a nod.

"Nice to meet you all. Shall we?" I motioned, yet one of them took my bags, I believe it was Brandon. They led me outside where another man wearing a suit flashed a smile at me, I stared right through him.

"Miss Clark, here is your vehicle." A black viper. It was sick how much I wanted to wrap that car around a tree and disappear.

"Thanks." I took the keys and looked to the guys getting in the black SUV parked behind the sports car.

" Hey, do you want some company?" Jesse cleared his throat standing next to me. "The guys can follow us to your place and then I'll just ride back with them."

"Um... Sure." I shrugged and got in the car, he grinned and climbed in the passenger side. For a few minutes the ride was silent till he cleared his throat again.

" You look upset... Super upset."

" Is it obvious?" I glanced to him, a half laugh passing my lips.


"I lost the best thing that happened to me. The company made me pick. Him or his career... I chose for him." I blinked a few times, refusing to cry in front of this stranger.

" Ah.... I gave up my girl for this... She wanted a baby and.... Marriage... I still think about her every day.... I have to distract myself sometimes."

"I'm sorry." I glanced at him for another split second, he dug in his pocket for a flask and took a sip, offering it to me. Without hesitation I took it and downed a couple swigs, causing him to chuckle.

"Damn, someone has drinking experience."

"I think I've spent more time drunk than sober. I probably shouldn't be saying that since I'm your boss." I chuckled slightly as did he. That's when I knew. He would be my distraction. That childish grin kept showing on his features. Even through all the tattoos he came off as sincere. I parked the car outside of Willams' large estate and lit one of the cigarettes from my pocket. "Bloody hell, who needs a house this fuckin' big." I mumbled and wandered to the keypad, typing in the number he had sent me. The large gates swung open, the SUV pulling up. Jesse pulled in the Viper after switching to the driver seat. Without hesitation the guys followed me inside, wolf whistling. I flicked my cigarette outside the door.

"Damn this place is huge!"

"Feel free to stick around. I'm sure there is a studio around here somewhere." I went straight for the liquor cabinet, pouring myself a glass of whiskey nearly to the brim once I dropped ice in the glass. Like children the guys wandered around the house, I kept glancing at my phone blowing up on the table. Our goofy photo together faded in the background behind the notifications. I wanted to puke from the pain inside my chest. To find numbness.

" Hey Nicole! We should totally throw a party at this joint!" Michael hollered and I shrugged.

" Go for it... Tell them to bring some good shit though." I smirked to myself. So easily I would welcome back my demon called addiction. I wanted to forget you. To forget your body, your voice whispering against my ear, your eyes showing me every ounce of emotion. I didn't notice, but I was crying. Tears sliding down my cheeks as I took a swig of whiskey that burned my throat.

"Miss Clark are you okay?" I looked up to see Jesse, with concern written all over his face. I blinked a few times and brushed the tears off of my face. Yet they kept coming. He sat down and took the whiskey glass, pulling me into his arms. " Hey, I got you beautiful. I'm here to talk." He chuckled weakly, tucking the hair behind my ear.

"I'm so embarrassed, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be crying in front of you..." He sighed as I looked away, his hand found mine and like a moth to the light I let myself give into placing my head against his chest. A complete stranger somehow was comforting or maybe the whiskey made him so appealing. His cologne invaded my nose, overpowering the smell of you still lingering on the jacket I was wearing.

"We all get weak sometimes. Don't cry. I hate seeing beautiful women cry." I brushed the tears off my face with my sleeve, no doubt ruining my bit of make up. Lifting my head I took a deep breath before sighing.

"Gosh I'm a mess."

" You are, but that's okay. I've been there before. When did you leave this guy?"

"Last night... What a fucked up situation right?" I scoffed and he nodded, his finger tips rubbing along the small of my back.

" Yeah... Listen I know you don't really know me, but I know a lot about you from the news... I'm a friend not a foe." I nodded slowly and got up, taking a deep breath, yet his hand held mine, spinning me towards him as he stood. I found his brown eyes searching my hues until his lips crashed against mine. He tastes like a distraction. Like my way of burying you deep inside my chest.

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