The Day Blue Eyes Turned Grey

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Janna POV (dedication: danbastille  go read her story!)

I walked into the studio with Kyle to Dan at his piano with her ring sitting on top. His face was stained with tears. His eyes met mine and I stared into those broken blue eyes. I looked to you and cleared my throat.

"Talk to him. I'll be right back." I stormed to her office and opened the door slamming it behind me. A broken woman stood near the mirror lifting her shirt slightly and examining an array of bruises was a doctor. She looked to me, her face had a gash on the side and a busted lip.

"I'll send the medication to your home this evening. Don't sleep on it. Take it in the mornings." The man closed his brief case before rushing out. She sunk to the sofa, looking exhausted as she glanced to the news. An accident on a bridge outside of London. It was a family and taxi. How ironic her being a mess.

" What the fuck is going on?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow for Paris I've got work to do..."

" No I mean what the fuck is going on with you and Dan."

"I told him to fuck off." She didn't look at me and turned the tv off.

"You what?!"

"I told him... To fuck off." I stormed to her and smacked her across the face. She chuckled slightly as her lip busted back open and she dapped it with her finger. "I'm signing Bastille all over to you... When I get back from Paris. I leave tomorrow."

"You can't do that... What are you drunk? Where the fuck is Nikki!"

"She's fucking right here!" She stood and closed in on me, her face close to mine. "Get over it. I left him. He's nothing to me, but a good fuck. I wasn't gonna settle down." Bullshit. It was written across her face. She was lying to herself.

"Wow you really are a piece of shit... Fuck you Nikki." I scoffed and walked out slamming the door in a childish manner once more. She was mess. Sober by the look on her eyes, but what happened last night. If she had been in a accident surely she would have been in the hospital. Dan wouldn't have hurt her. I walked back to the recording studio. Dan was chatting with Kyle. I clicked the monitor button to listen in and sar on the floor to not be seen.

" So she left? Just like that?"

"I dunno ever since she got back its like... She never came back Kyle." His voice was strained. The angelic voice husky and cracking. "I drove around all last night looking for her. I stopped at every bar she'd been! She wasn't at any of them. Then I drove past this accident and... I stopped as they were pulling bodies out of the water. I thought the worst, but the driver of the taxi he was hollering about some woman who was in the car with him. He said they didn't find her."

" You think she was in that huge accident last night?"

"If she was then at least I know she wasn't driving. After that happened I went back home and kept calling her, but she never answered. This morning I went into her office and she wasn't even Nicole... She was like... Some... New woman who... I don't even." You sighed and I could hear him sniffle. " You mind if I stay with you and Janna. I just don't want to be alone yet. I lost her... I lost the best thing that happened to me."

" It isn't your fault mate. She's got a bloody screw loose. She's a Clark."

"Stop! You fuckin sound like her... It was her excuse for everything bad. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to raise my voice." I stood and looked to Dan and you. That was it. The day those magical blue eyes turned grey. I pressed the button and cleared my throat.

"Hey guys let's head home for the day. I'll call Will and Woody tell them not to come in..." I turned off the lights and board before grabbing my things. Dan walked behind us, his mind off on the one thing I wish I could have avoided for him and her. Heart break. I looked to her office, the door was open, the lights off. She was gone. Where was her mind in all of this chaos.

"Dan's gonna come home with us Janna."

"Sounds great love. Dan do you need to pick up anything?"

" No I've got a duffel in my car. I'll grab it and meet you at yours." Once in the lobby he went off one way and you and I headed to the parking space we were at. You sighed and took my hand, giving it a squeeze.

"I don't know what happened between then Kyle. She was in that accident Dan was talking about. Nothing else could explain her marks. Her torso is covered in bruises."


" Yeah and she's off to Paris tomorrow."

"Great maybe Dan will let her go." I shrugged and got into car, popping the boot.

"They love each other... They'll never let each other go Kyle. She's just... Fucked up. You would be too if your life started the way hers did." You nodded slowly as I glanced again straight ahead. The broken man with a black duffel bag in hand approached. He tossed it in the truck while I texted Will and Woody. He then climbed into the back seat and sat in silence as we drove. How was I to fix this mess. Hell, when we got home he just sat there watching the telly with us. Ya he was trying so hard to act normal. We knew he was breaking on the inside. Losing as he said the one good thing in his life. However how good was she if she broke his heart into a million pieces. Leaving us to pick them up.

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