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Oooo switching up the POV. I'm totally not sorry.

Jennifer POV (May 2nd)

"I've got it sis... Go have fun! You and Dan need a little sexy time aways." I smirked doing a little shimmy as she laughed. "He's the only guy that can wear really boring clothes and somehow still turn me on."

"Mmm I would say you should see him naked, but I have an issue with sharing."

"Well considering what I saw yesterday you've surely got a lot to handle." I raised my hands up in the air and put about a foot between them biting my lips.

"O for heavens sake it isn't that big."

" Yeah okay and I'm not a blonde." I huffed slightly. She was right it wasn't that big, but damn he was big enough for me to be jealous. She huffed a laugh and handed me a list.

"Focus... You've only gotta watch her for the day.... Take her to the park. That usually burns all the energy out of her. Shit give her a shoe lace she'll be entertained like her father." I chuckled and looked through the list.

"Or she's s kinky Clark in the making."

"Please.... I could get out of a shoelace that's why I let Dan-" she shut her mouth and made a face. "I'm not giving you any more information about my sex life. I've gotta go meet Dan at the train station. " she started walking out the door as I bounced Clara in my hip.

"Sharing is caring big sis! Obviously there is enough to go around!"

"Bye Jen!" I chuckled as she closed the door, it felt good having a family like this. Though I obviously was jealous I lacked a British accent.

"What's say we go to the park little one?"

"Park?" Her eyes lit up with excitement before she nodded.

" Yeah and then we'll go get ice cream. Have you all sugared up before mom and dad get home." I hummed while grabbing her back and walking to Dan's BMW they'd left for me to use since it already has a carseat in it. I strapped her in before sighing softly as I fixed the seat. "For shits sake.... Long legs long dick.... Long hair... I gotta get me a British man..."

"Shit!" My eyes grew wide as Clara repeated the word. At least it wasn't dick.

"No no honey... That's a bad word..." I glanced in the rear view mirror before starting the cry and driving, make note on the wrong side of the rode. I kept driving, yet once I glanced around nothing looked familiar any more. Surely I had made a wrong turn somewhere and this part of town didn't look friendly. The lack of cars in combination with the boarded up windows made my heart stutter with worry. I saw a man wearing business attire and sped up, only rolling my window down as I pulled up. "Sir? Sir?" I panicked looking in his eyes. It was as if he knew all along what he has planned if a car like this pulled up. A gun pointed at my head as he opened the door. He hit with the tip of the gun, cutting my cheek on the rough metal.

"Get out...."

"Don't do this...." He whistled and others appeared, opening the back seat. Clara's screams filling the air as they grabbed her and tied my wrists. "Help!" His hand went over my mouth. Another man searched my pockets, tossing my phone in the car along with my jewelry.

"Shut up otherwise I kill your daughter.... Raphael hide the car... Let Quinn know we have a new bride for sale... As for the child they can be bought as bonus otherwise we sell separate." I wanted to scream and pull away, yet I knew better. Letting the men guide me into the nearby building. Just like that I was tossed into a cell like room. Clara crying violently on the floor right beside me. In a hurry I scooped her up and moved to the corner my heart racing. The door cracked opening and clothes were thrown into the room. I recognized it as lingerie by the lace and silk fabric in the dim light. I felt like I was going to be sick. I had just walked into a sec trafficking game. I was toy in their box. Clara was just another piece as well. A tiny toddler already being targeted by eyeing men who even targeted me. What luck would I have driving in England... Then again Nicole had told me this country wasn't all safe. Europe had always had issues with trafficking instead of drugs. It was a different kind of poison, but just as deadly.

"Shhhh.... I got you... It's okay don't cry...." I pulled her closer against my chest, glancing around the room. A bed and some blankets, but other than that nothing else lingered. Not even a piece of dust. "Ah fuck..." I swallowed the lump in my throat before taking a few deep breaths. "Your mummy... She's crazy Clara and she's gonna find us okay..." I kissed the top of her head before yanking the blanket off the bed and wrapping it around her and I. I was far from able to sleep. Clara kept looking to me as if I knew what to do, yet I had no idea. My mind raced with thoughts yet I couldn't chance trying to escape here with Clara. I would have to carry her or in the least walk slow. Neither of those things were a real option. So my fate was in someone else's hands.
For once I understood what my sister meant by the Clark name being bad luck. Now here I was holding her daughter in a prison room. I could only imagine how long this night would feel. How slow the days would crawl by would make this feel like hell. Yet I was a Clark. This came with the territory. We were Clarks. Bound to a shit show just because of our name.

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