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Evening, morning, etc... Sorry drunk me wrote this last night. I combed through it for errors. Make note I should probably never write Dan's POV drunk. Nicole on the other hand 🤘 drink up. Anyways enjoy.


"Mate? Dan?" Kyle shook me slightly, the sunlight burning my eyes. "That Londy girl is blowing up your phone...." My phone hit me in the stomach, making a groan escape my lips. Slowly the memories of last night were filling my mind. I felt my phone buzzing and sighed before sliding to answer and pressing it against my ear.


" Hey... It's me... Umm... I'm sorry about last night, but I thought you felt the same."

"Londy... I felt the same years ago, I've changed... Situations change." She sighed through the phone, followed by a lot of silence.

"Does this mean you won't come see Camden today?"

"Meet me near the Eiffel Tower. Around noon."

"Okay... Thanks Dan it means a lot to him." I hung up and knock punched in the arm by Kyle.

" You got to be fucking me mate. You just agreed to meet her... Again. What the hell did you mean by, I felt the same years ago. What happened last night after we left?" I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"Nothing Kyle, what would have possibly happened."

" Did you sleep with her?" I scoffed and climbed out of bed, tossing my phone on the nightstand.

" No! I'm with Nicole! What's wrong with meeting an old friend?"

"Because that old friend has a kid! She has feelings for you! She wants your money."

"Kyle... I highly doubt she wants my money."

"She kissed you didn't she?" He knew. How I had no idea, but it made knots form in my stomach. " Did you reciprocate those feelings?"

"No! Hell no... I was leaving the bar and she kissed me and... I pushed her away and ran here. I didn't even say another word to her. However I don't think her mistake should change how I feel about the boy..."

" Dan he isn't your fucking son! His father is a coke dealer that's going to be in prison for the rest of his life."

" But I was there! I was fucking there for the birth and his first steps..."

" You wanna tell Nikki that? Or how your sister realized Londy was stealing from you and made you leave the crazy bitch." I tugged off my shirt before slamming the door between Kyle and I. It didn't take long for me to shower and get dressed, Kyle had left the suit along with everyone else. Apparently they all felt the same about Londy. The walk from the hotel to the Tower wasn't bad, a mere fifteen or so minutes. There she was with her jet black hair and green eyes, hovering over a young boy who mirrored her features with all but his eyes.

"Danny!!!" The boy squealed seeing me and sprinted in my direction, I picked him up and grinned as he hugged me. In truth I couldn't wait for our children one day to do the same. The love of a child was unconditional and pure.

" How are you Camden?"

"I'm good, I got a new truck my mom has it in her bag!" I chuckled and carried hin towards her. "Mommy hand me my truck pleaseeee?" She flashed a weak smile to me and dug in her purse before pulling out a blue truck and handing it to the young boy in my arms.

"Wow it's super cool Cam. I'm sure you have a whole collection at home."

"O trust me he does." She giggled as I sat him down and he joined the other children nearby. "I'm sorry about last night Dan.... I wasn't thinking... I mean I was but not the same as you apparently... I'm sorry for the past... We both know I was just trying to survive." I shoved my hands in my pockets avoiding her eye contact. She was telling the truth, but that didn't change the past. It didn't change the fact that she stole from me and kissed me.

"I know, but it doesn't make it better... You need stability Londy. A guy whose gonna be home for Camden... Whose gonna support you and work with you. You shouldn't be serving in bars. Find something normal." She huffed before signing, looking to her son in the grass.

"You're all talk Dan... I can't change the world in a day. I can't make Camden forget what him and I have been through."

"But you can show him better."

"You've been the only good figure in his life you know Dan... He loves you like a father."

"Christ Londy... Don't do this to me..." She looked to me, examining me like an experiment.

"There is someone in your life now isn't there...? Isn't there!"

"Londy! What does it matter...?" I hushed my ton and looked around.

"I bet she's beautiful with plump breasts and make up." I chuckled and crossed my arms.

"She's exactly what she needs to be... I'm not telling you about her Londy."

" It sounds like you love her..." She stormed towards Camden, yanking him up into her arms. "I was mistaken about you Dan... Really... Have a great life." The little boy waved to me as I stood there with confusion written across my face. She was crazy. I had to come to terms with that at least otherwise I'd dwell on if I did something wrong. My phone pinged on my way back to the hotel. Londy got her revenge.

@BastilleDan with Camden today. The two men in my life 😍

It was all over Twitter and Instagram in minutes. My stomach churned as I thought about if you'd seen it yet. Did Londy just destroy the best thing in my life or would you understand. I ran into the hotel room and sat beside Kyle, dialing you number. No answer. He just looked at me and shook his head.

"Told you that bitch was plotting. How you gonna fix this one mate?"

"I don't know... Maybe she's just busy..."

"Or maybe she saw."

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