We Are Normal

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50 reads in a day, I take it the smut chapters are poplar lol On another note we're nearly at a hundred chapters, I'm sorry for consuming your lives 😂

Nicole POV July 2nd

I heard the sound of ringing, the persistent noise of my cell phone on the nightstand along with the vibration. It took all my self control not to smash that device to bits daily. I pulled it from the charger and clicked answer, pressing it to my ear.


"Its Burrows. We found him. He's in your office."


"No, fucking Bigfoot." He scoffed into the phone as I chuckled.

" Well I'll be there soon. Keep him there." I hung up and groaned, rolling over and placing my head on your chest. I didn't care to meet my brother, just knowing he was safe was enough.

"They found him?"

"Yes... Will you go with me?"

"Of course. I've gotta stop by the studio anyways." I sighed and sat up, rubbing my face as you wandered half asleep to the bathroom and started a shower. It didn't take long for me to weasel my way into joining you. However we behaved considering we were rushing off. You walked and I drove, after all keeping cover was our thing. Yet tonight I wanted to be free. To act wild. To be us. To be normal.

Obviously I beat you to the building and wandered upstairs toward my office. I could hear shouting and barged in, there he was. Sitting on the sofa staring at me with chocolate eyes. Arrogant and cocky came to mind as he glared at me.

"Who are you?" An American accent spilled from his mouth.

"Apparently your sister... Wendy Clark or... Wendy Edwards ring a bell." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Mmm seems you hate her too."

"She's my step mom. When my dad died she wanted me to come back home... Sort out the estate, probably so she could get money." Admittedly a tiny part of me wished he was a blood relative. She played me like a book.

"I'm sorry... She lied to me..." I shrugged, releasing a held breath as I wandered to my desk.

"She tends to do that..."

" Tell me about it..."

"So that's it?" I shrugged, waving my hand in the air.

"Yup... I'm sorry my people even found you. She's a snake." He stood and wandered towards my desk.

"Seems we have a common enemy." I looked up to him and laughed.

"She's no threat. I would handle the affairs if I were you. Make sure she doesn't get a penny."

"Harsh being she's you're mother."

"She's my mother, but she left after I was born. She lost that right Henry. Here I thought she had changed, but meeting you I was obviously wrong. Good day." I motioned to the door and he nodded, tossing a paper onto my desk before leaving. It had his phone number and full name Henry Edwards. I shoved it aside and pulled the whiskey bottle from my desk, pouring a glass and downing the contents before putting them back in the drawer. I wanted to strangle her. Tell her never to speak to me again. To disappear from my life till she dies. Yet I couldn't type a word into the text box before tears filled my eyes. All I could do was click call, squeezing the phone tightly.


" You fucking lied to me..." I mumbled through clenched teeth.

"Nicole... He's your brother..."

"Through what? One of your five marriages? Tell me honestly why did you want to find him?"

"Nicole-" I hung up and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. No this wasn't going to fuck up my fastly approaching weekend. Filled with camping, alcohol, and festival activities.

"Nicole..." I mimicked her voice before strolling through my phone and blocking her. Once I slammed my phone on my desk you walked in, noticing my deminor.

"I take it the meeting didn't go well?"

"Needless to say he wasn't really missing... He's her step son and she wanted money. Surprise surprise..." I shrugged and got up, you closed the door and wandered over, pressing your lips to mine.

"Hey... It's okay, you were prepared for this..."

" Yeah... I'm not letting it ruin this festival for us. We're gonna have some drinks, camp out, listen to some music..." You chuckled and nodded, grabbing your bag off the floor.

"Have you ever been camping?"

"Of course. I was homeless remember?" I shrugged as you opened the door and we walked out together. "I'm a camping expert."

"I think Will is the camping expert, but we'll see. You wanna take the car? I've already that the things packed, plus there is music today so let's go early. Runaway."

"You spoke my mind." I grinned clicking the button for the lift. "I'll let the others know." We took the lift down to your car and climbed in, you drove and I watched the scenary pass by. Bright neon signs caught my eye and I tapped your arm. "Stop the car, I wanna go there."

"The tattoo shop?"

"Yeah." I smirked as you stopped the car and began feeding the meter. It was a nice shop, high quality by the artwork on the walls.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah I wanna get a tattoo... A triangle..." You wandered in and snuck up behind me, watching me examine my arm.

" What are you getting?"

"A triangle."

" For Bastille?"

"Eh... More so because Bastille reminds me of you..."

"I'll get one too." You looked to the man and he nodded. A small laugh escaped me.

"Where are you going to get it?"

"On my arm."

"Fans will see it."

"I'll put make up over it. I've gotta put it on my scars anyways. It will be our little way of wearing our love on our sleeve." You pressed your lips to mine. The tattoo artist paid no attention to our conversation and it was obvious he had no idea who you were. I sat down first and closed my eyes listening to the buzzing of the machine. I always loved getting work done, it was calming. You on the other hand seemed all but thrilled and turned a bit white, but trooped through it.

"Do you like it?" I smirked as you nodded.

"Though I didn't think it would hurt that much."

"Aw my big baby." I paid the guy in cash before we returned on our journey. The triangles were our little secret. For now.

 For now

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