Heaven Is

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Nicole POV (March 12th)

I woke up in a different hotel just like every other day. This was the last show then I was to meet you at home for a good break. By good I mean a whole six days. Surely we wouldn't dare leave the apartment other than for food and binge watch god awful programs for fun. To us there was nothing better than being lazy. For now I had to make it through today. I got up, showered and curled my hair before getting in my black jeans, coverses, white shirt, and leather jacket. Quickly I zipped up my suitcase and wandered down to the lobby being greeted by the other sleepy faces.

"Morning Nikki." Phil mumbled sitting next to Helen, his wife.

"Morning." I shoved my headphones in to avoid anymore conversation. Admittedly I didn't even take them out for sound check. I was content in my own little bubble. Thankfully at the venue there was an array of food in the background that I could eat my feelings with considering the shit I had been through. Yet my mind was pulled from its dark thoughts when arms wrapped around me. That familiar cologne and breath taking squeeze of a hug. I tugged out a headphone and turned around in the embrace. You. Sanity. The two things didn't exist without the other.

" Hello love."

" What are you doing here?! I didn't think you would actually make it to a show!" A laugh escaped me, yet I didn't let you go. These moments made everything worth while.

" No faith in me?"

" No, it's just... I wasn't expecting you... How was your flight?"

" So, so." You took a deep breath before kissing my neck. "Everyone else is on the side of the stage waiting for the show."

" Well this music Janna probably won't know. Heck I don't even know the words sometimes."

"I happen to enjoy it." You smiled pulling back and kissing my lips.

" Right, you're just making me feel better. Tell me how was tour?" You let me go so I could finish snacking on the fruit before me.

" Alright, it was fun, but it wasn't as nice once you left. Janna and Dick were a bit overwhelmed. The meet and greets didn't get any better."

"Mmm crazy kissing fangirls?"

"That's a minor statement. I was thinking... Maybe we just stop hiding us.... Ya know?"

"Dan not yet. Wait till you get a little more stable in the industry. I told you that your career is more important to me than anything. I mean it." I sighed and sat down on the sofa as did you. Your hand roaming my thigh.

" Yeah... You're right. I just hate hiding you. You're my world and I wish I could tell everyone."

" You know that no matter what there will be backlash."

"I don't care. It won't change how I feel and you know that..." Your eyes met mine before I nodded then finished off my plate.

" We'll talk after the show yeah? I gotta get going babe." I kissed you a few times before you and I walked like strangers to the side of the stage. The tech linked up the guitar and slipped the strap over my head. Unlike you I was never nervous for this. After all I grew up around music and around these guys. You actually seemed more nervous to watch me than I was to perform. Like always I let Phil take the lead to start, the crowd screamed as if their lives depended on it. Performing was normal to me. Funny enough during some songs they'd have footage of Steve in the background playing. Mirroring what I was doing.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Joe hollared into the mic between songs. "I want to introduce you to someone whom you might not know. Nicole Clark! Come over here!" I rolled my eyes playfully and wandered down the catwalk as people screamed and cheered. "This is Steve Clark's sister, could you tell?!" Everyone yelled and whistled in response. Joe moved out of the way as pushed me in front of the mic.

" Hello Paris! I'm sorry you got me instead of Vivian, but hopefully I'm not letting you all down!" They once again yelled and screamed in response, a laugh passing my lips. "Steve wrote a lot of music and I know I could never replace him. Hopefully I can just play almost as good. Phil come up here!" He was shirtless as always. A vegan that happened to be cut as hell. We started playing Switch 625, a complete guitar song without any words. It was Steve's baby so to speak. His biggest creation. Like always they had him playing along on the screen in the back. Fans were even crying. I knew it was because they missed their idol. They missed Steve. I was the closest thing they'd get to seeing him again. Thankfully we made it through the set list then the dreaded meet and greets. People cried to see me. I think I heard Steve's name a hundred times that night. You watched with the others, giving me this look of pitty most of the time. I never enjoyed being compared to my brother. Yet maybe it brought these fans closure. Ending their pain as if meeting me was like saying good bye to Steve.

"Ready to get out of here?" Sav chuckled looking to me as I nodded. "Go ahead, I'll make sure Steve's stuff gets shipped to your place." He kissed my forehead and like that I was off. Sprinting back stage to quickly rinse off and shower, grabbing my things before joining you and everyone else. Janna wrapped me in a hug before giggling.

"That was freaking awesome. I didn't know you could play like that..."

"O hush don't feed my ego." I smirked before we all headed to the van. We'd stay in Paris tonight obviously. Your hand squeezed mine as I placed my head on your shoulder.

"You did great Nicole... Really."

"O hush love... I was just making my brother proud."

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