Getting Back On Track

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Nicole POV

" No no no.... " Charlie whined motioning to where my hands settled on the guitar. "Up a fret a think."

"You think?" I shot a glare before grabbing the sheet music. "Because this surely wouldn't sound right up a fret love." He sighed softly and rested his forehead against his brace covered arm. "Charlie the show isn't till tomorrow relax. I'll have it all figured out and surely won't ruin the whole thing." I laughed weakly and put the guitar on its stand before sitting beside him, looking out into the arena.

"You ever think about if we didn't make it?"

"No... I don't think like that anymore. I'm starting to believe in fate and luck." I placed my hand on his back and sighed. "I know how you're feeling though. You're thinking why was I chosen to survive but not others... That's called survivor's guilt. It will pass." He nodded slowly before looking down at his bandaged arms. "You know I owe you though... I owe you my life. Dan told me you pulled me back from the blast. You saved my life."

"Gotta protect mother Stormer." He smirked slightly before chuckling. "Are you nervous?"


"Playing with Bastille! Duh!" He huffed before shaking his head. "You'll be out there with Dan for once instead of hiding on the side stage."

"I'm not nervous... I just hope the fans won't hate me. I know I'm surely not their favorite person. Dan and I might do some rearranging of the usual stage antics for that very reason... Also Dan and Will want me there during glory so... I'll be playing Will's part so Will can get a break. God only knows what they have planned."

"I think it's to show you off Niks... Glory is yours and Dan's song... Like some sort of epic anthem." I laughed and stood before shaking my head.

"I highly doubt there is anyone who sees it in that way Charles."

"I think Dan sees it that way... I know I do." I shrugged it off as I started to head backstage.

"That's cause no one thinks like you and Dan!"

"What about me?" You snaked your arms around me, before smirking as you tickled my sides. I squirmed in your embrace before laugher erupted from me.

"Nothing love! Stop!" You only stopped when our faces were inches away from each others. Your eyes staring into my own before your hand raised to my cheek and your lips pressed to mine. It was a kiss that reaffirmed that I was here and alive. That I was still breathing and functioning. It was a kiss that brought relief. " Why are you so good to me?"

"Because you're my wife..." You chuckled before cracking a smile as you picked me up. "Because I'm madly in love with you.... Because you keep me sane in this wild world."

"ah winning me over with poetry?"

"Always." You sat me down and pressed a kiss to my lips once more. " Are you excited for the show tomorrow?"

"In a way I suppose. I've never performed with you on stage. Nothing like standing next to a constant bunny rabbit." I smirked as you huffed in a slight pout, pressing me against the stage.

"Admit it you think it's utterly sexy."

"PDA! PDA!" Kyle hollered walking by as you rolled your eyes before pressing your lips to mine.

"Shhh don't let Kyle know but yes...utterly sexy." I laughed before playfully pushing you away. "Go practice I've got some things to handle with Dick before I join you."

"If it's anything about tomorrow's show I've already handle it. Come on!" You tugged me back to the stage and I followed you up the steps. Charlie hadn't moved from where I'd left him minutes ago. "Do you know how to play glory on bass?"

"That's like asking me if I know how to swim."

"Good because I don't want to practice that song. Let's do send them off and then we'll run through warmth?" You looked around at the others before looking at me as I shrugged. I sat down beside Charlie and grabbed my Gibson off the stand.

"Aren't you going to stand?" He chuckled as I shook my head.

"I was planning on laying down and hiding." I laid back and closed my eyes as he continued to laugh.

"How can you play laying down woman?!"

"I could play guitar anywhere. You doubt my mastery?" I opened one eye to look at him with a smirk gracing my features.

"Possibly then again guitar God blood runs through your veins." I laughed before closing my eye again and listening as the music started, abscentmindedly strumming along without much thought. It had been awhile since I had played guitar. It was almost like a stress reliever. Charlie laid beside me down, I could sense he presence when his shoulder brushed mine. Your melodic voice making this whole scene so much more soothing until the song came to an end and I opened my eyes. "How the bloody hell do you do that?"

"It comes natural. I remember there always being music in my house..." I slowly sat up and glanced at the guitar in my hands. "This was my brother's Gibson... Dan's father has one... And another one is in a museum..."

"You gave his father one?"

"Funny enough no. The first night I met Dan's parent's he showed it to me. I was in shock someone actually had it. Apparently it went to auction." I put the guitar on the stand beside Charlie's and stood. You wandered over and wrapped an arm around my frame.

"My dad still boasts about his daughter in law being related to Steve Clark." You laughed before kissing my cheek. It was slowly sinking in that you had something big planned for tomorrow's show. Maybe that was why everyone kept asking if I was nervous. Maybe I should be nervous considering the situation. I glanced at you yet your mind was already on what you had planned.

2 chapters left..... Whaaaaat? 😱

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