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Nicole POV

I was hungover, much more than yesterday morning. Thankfully I had brought clothes to change into for the gig tonight. The clock already showed 1:30pm in bright red font. Slowly I turned over, looking at the man beside me. I couldn't keep doing this, whatever this happened to be called. Then again it was all I knew. Never had I had a relationship, I was the queen of one night stands and fooling around. His breathing was even, still fast asleep with his mouth partially open. The blanket settled to his hips, covering his naked form. Gingerly I got out of bed, showered, and changed into the skinny jeans and blouse I had packed. Only then did Kyle begin to stir, sitting up and huffing slightly.

"No morning snog?"

" No darling, look at the time. I've gotta grab Janna and run to my office. I'll see you there yeah? With good music." He chuckled and laided back down with a huff only after glancing at the clock.

"Ah hell, yeah we'll see you tonight." I smirked while tying on my brown healed boots then grabbed my purse and dirty clothes.


" No breakfast?"

"Not today!"

"Ugh!" He grumbled from the bedroom as I walked out the front door. Little did I know what this gig would bring me. I climbed into my car and drove off to the record studio. Traffic horrendously ate up two hours of my time it was a miracle I was able to get the paper work and make it to Janna's by five. My stomach was growling as I barged my way through her front door, with of course the use of the spare key.

"Hello! Where are you Janna?"

"Mmm in here!" I wandered up the stairs to the kitchen, she grumbled as she continued shoving her face with sushi, which I quickly joined in on. "Did I say you could have that?"

" No but you know me I help myself." It came out as a mumble with the food in my mouth. My eyes caught her laptop open, a picture of a band graced the screen. The band Kyle was in of course. "Oi! Is this the rest of them?"

"Mmmhmm they worked with a mom and pops record label for those vinyls you got... Kyle is... Phew. You gotta give him up."

"Whoever said he was mine in the first place." I sat down, another piece of sushi tossed down my throat. Then there you were. Those dimples and aquatic blue hues. Wild hair that if a comb dared get stuck it would surely have to be cut out. So why was I attracted to a train wreck like you. No offense, but you were almost like a boy to me in status. I was twenty three, living like a queen. True I would be ringing in 2012 by myself. So I thought.

"Nikki.... Earth to Nikkkkkkki!"

"Huh?" I blinked a few times before closing the laptop.

"We gotta go, my house is a bop from that bar you were telling me about." All I did was nod before grabbing my purse and eating the last piece of sushi before Janna grumbled. She locked up the town house before following me to my car. "So what do you plan to do tonight after the gig?"

"If it is like I told you... I have the paper work for them to sign tonight. If not I'm gonna go back to my penthouse, have a drink, and go the hell to sleep."

"I have a feeling they'll be good. I mean we have a lot of openings right now."

" Yeah, but I'll need them to turn around singles fast and an album in... About a year. Hopefully they can agree to those terms." A chuckle escaped me slightly.

"Fuck it, if they can't then we'll deal with it then."

"Are you telling me to sign them either way so you can fuck Simmons?"

" No!.... Yes..." Her loud voice turned to a whisper before I bursted out laugh.

"Talk about cats, he'll fuck you backstage probably." Janna shrugged before smirking slightly. The rest of the ride was silent. Why did your blue eyes keep showing up in my thoughts? I pushed it away, burying it deep once I pulled up the bar.

"O great timing there they are with their gear."

"Gosh they look like a train wreck." I mumbled before climbing out of the car, Janna in tow as always as I knocked on the bar door then was let in by the bartender. "Hello? Hey Kyle!" He turned around, grinning before yanking me into a hug. We didn't kiss, I was glad he didn't try. Though it seemed his eyes became glued to Janna. " This is my partner Janna Bartlett."

"My pleasure, I'm Kyle." He kissed the back of her hand as she turned red then motioned to the others once he let her hand go. We followed him over, trying to maintain business like composure. This was my first mistake. Staring at you. " This is Daniel Smith, the brains of the operations. Dan this is Nicole and Janna."

"Please call me Nikki..." I shook your hand for the first time. You were the talent whose name I had heard so much about yet never met till now.

"Hello Nikki... It's a pleasure to meet you... Umm. Thanks for... Giving us a chance."

"O don't thank me..." I flashed a smile as you let go of my hand. "I've already decided to sign you guys. Mr. Smith you have a remarkable voice."

"O it's... It's really not that good." There you went, doubting yourself. Avoiding my gaze and turning quite red.

"Don't think so low of yourself Mr. Smith. Congratulations. Welcome to Virgin records."

"Wow... Guys!" Kyle talked to the other two. "Will! Woody! We're signed!"

"What?! Finally!" The man known as Will high fived the drummer, Woody. You tried to sink into the background as much as possible.

" Well you better not make me look like a fool for your first gig as artists under Virgin records!" I chuckled before turning on my heels and walking to the bar with Janna.

"What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing... I've just got a really good feeling about these guys." A smirk crossed my lips slightly, glancing over at the four guys. Bastille. What a strange group that happens works so well.

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