Hanging Confessional

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Nan Tums.... you're welcome.


You were off and I could tell, yet no one else knew how to read you like I. I snaked my arms around you from behind, releasing a slight yawn.

"Ready to go home?"

"Sure love... let me turn the lights off in my office." You wandered off and I glanced to Will.

"You and Awoui mind grabbing Clara from my mom's? I'll grab her tomorrow?"

"Sure! I'll be sure to feed her sugar for breakfast." He smirked before grabbing his jacket. "See ya tomorrow mate." I gave a wave before leaving the studio and wandering down the hall to your office. You glanced at the screen with pure frustration before closing the laptop and turning to look out the window, hanging your head. Something was bothering you and I'd find out, surely with a bit of persuasion. I knocked on the glass and you turned around, gracing me with a smile as I walked in your office.

"Clara is spending the night for Wills... which means I'm treating you tonight." I whispered once I'd closed the distance between us, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I think a glass of wine for my beautiful wife? Some dinner...." I pressed my lips to your neck, a giggle escaping your lips before you hummed.

"Mmm surely that means I've got to offer something to my absolutely perfect husband."

"Nonsense..." I laughed softly before I guided you towards the door. " Come on let's get going." I grabbed my backpack as you grabbed your purse before we began walking through the building. I felt if all the eyes were on us as we made our way to the elevator. Why I had no clue other than you once again escaping death. We walked to the cars and took the trip home. My mind was running wild with thoughts about what could possibly be bothering you. I was thankful in a way you beat me home. By the time I walked in the door I could tell you were showering upstairs by the sound of music humming through a speaker. I poured two glasses of wine before heading up the stairs, a chuckle escaping me as Hanging played through the speakers along with your voice singing along.

"Trying to steal my job?" You laughed softly and opened the glass door slightly.

" How did you guess?" A smirk crossed your lips as I handed you the glass of wine, taking a gulp before setting it on the shelf in the shower. "Joining me?"

" Why of course." I sat down my glass before tugging off my shirt, my eyes trailing down your frame as you bit your lip.

(Coughs violently) smut I repeat smut 🙌🙌👏
(Totally recommend having hanging play it seems to set the mood 😂😂😂)

I shed the rest of my clothes before joining you in the shower. Thankfully I was able to tune out my own voice singing as I pressed you against the wall. Your lips crashing against mine as your legs wrapped around my torso. It was funny how perfectly we molded together. We knew each other's movements so well that there was no fumbling around. You shut off the water with a swipe of your hand before tangling it back into my hair. I carried you to our bed, smirking at your body.

"If you waste any more time staring I'm going to ignore you."

"I'm not staring... I'm admiring." You laughed softly before I grabbed your thighs, pulling your body against mine as a moan escaped your precious pink lips that were brushed against mine. Your nails raked down my back, a smirk crossing your lips as I hissed a breath. Your lips trailed down my neck and I squeezed your legs tighter with each thrust. As much as I would love for this to last hours I knew we'd have to give in sooner or later. I only pulled away slightly to watch you bite your lip and squeeze your eyes shut from the pleasure taking over your body. It was sheer euphoria joining you as my own peak came. I kissed along your collar bone before nipping at your skin as you moaned.

"Mmm whens the next round Mr.Smith?" You smirked as I pulled out of you and collapsed on the bed, catching my breath.

"Funny... Maybe after I cook you that dinner I promised..."

"Mmm... Well I think all that jumping around on stage has really improved your stamina." I chuckled and pulled you against my side as you yanked the sheet over us.

"Mmm it feels so good to just lay here with you...." I closed my eyes, your pointer fingernail drawing patterns on my chest. "You looked bothered today love.... Wanna talk about it?"

"I don't but I should..." You sighed and sat up, making me open my eyes. You rested on your elbows looking at me. "Alexander told why I was targeted.... Alfred's daughter was the one who exposed Kyle and I... So I went to see her today and as a peace offering she told me I have a sister.... All I know is her mother's name which is Karen Lawrence..." I sighed softly, turning on my side and rubbing my hand along your back.

"Are you sure she isn't lying?"


"I know a Karen Lawrence however... She has a daughter... Jennifer Lawrence." Your eyes widened slightly.

"As in movie star Jennifer Lawrence... The one you find to be a total babe?" I chuckled slightly and nodded. "I don't want to know how you know!" You laughed before kissing over my heart. "I don't care right now... I'm here with you alone...for once in a really long time." I pulled you on top of me and pressed my lips to yours. "So if you're cooking me dinner... You best do it naked..."

"O really?" I laughed as you smirked biting on your bottom lip.

"Mmhmm... And for dessert I think we'll have to do something impromptu since we don't have any sweets except whipped cream." Let's just say the rest of the evening we'd surely made up for lost time. Locked away in our house away from the problems of the world for a few hours.

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