Believe Me?

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Janna POV

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Janna POV

It was a miracle they agreed to flush her system in the hotel room. After all the paparazzi was already outside. I thought this part of her life was over. That she'd given it up. Maybe she was just so good at hiding it up until this point.

"All we can do is continue with the IV." He stated before glancing to Chrissy who had her nursing degree.

"Alright. Thanks so much..." She walked the paramedics out before looking to me then Awoui. " What the fuck just happened?"

"I don't even know... I thought this was behind her..."

" What I don't get is she got the band off but not the needle... Nicole was an avid user before this... That's a rookie mistake. She was still responding when we got in..." Chrissy sat down beside her and glanced at her arm. She shot up, gasping for air before pushing herself up.

" Nicole?!"

" Where is she?! Where the fuck is she?!"

" Who?!" I yelled at her, wanting to shake sense into her.

"Londy... She was here... She did this to me!" I couldn't help but laugh before shaking my head.

"You're really going to blame this on someone else?! I can't believe you right now! Nicole you're a mother."

" She... She was here Janna..." She sat back, looking at her arm. "I wouldn't...." She rubbed her temples, squeezing her eyes shut. They always say an addict lies for what they want and for their addiction. Yet the way she was responding to this was nothing like her attitude in California.

"Alright... If... Someone did this to you how am I suppose to believe it? Why wouldn't you fight?" She sighed and shrugged slightly.

"All I remember was getting that last drink... Londy brought it over..."

"Wait... Londy was our server?" My curiosity was heightened. I sat down and pulled out my phone dialing the only person who could verify something like that.

"Janna? Is Nicole okay?" He always worried instantly. Her eyes widened as she heard his voice laced with concern.

"She's fine. She's sleeping. This is a bit odd but what did Londy look like?"

"Erm... Black hair... Green eyes.... Normal build... Why?"

" Just someone was acting funny near us. Apparently it isn't her. I gotta go Dan. I'll tell Niks to call you in the morning alright?"

"Yeah... Night Janna." I hung up and cursed under my breath.

"You didn't tell him? Why?"

"Because I know how Dan gets when he's worried about you. It's worse than the normal pessimistic Dan." She only nodded before sitting up, taking a deep breath.

" So do you believe me?"

"Barely... But that was Londy so... I can believe you that she was here but I can't yet believe you didn't do that yourself."

"Why would someone want to kill you?" Chrissy crossed her arms sitting back on the sofa as Nicole kept her eyes lowered.

" Dan never told anyone but the guys... And well me... She was his first real girlfriend. She's got a kid by some drug lord and he went to jail before the kid was born so... Dan stepped in... Helped raise him till Amy knocked some sense into him... Londy was using him. Let's just say I think she sees me in her way."

"I can believe that..." Her head shot up and in a swift motion she stood and grabbed her purse, digging through it frantically before looking through the night stand. Anyone else who had just overdosed would be exhausted. Yet she was up and alert. It was scary how well she handled stuff like that happening.

"Guys... How did I get in if my key card is missing...?" She emptied her purse on the bed before almost smirking in satisfaction of her proof. I hated in this moment that she was telling the truth because that meant trouble. It meant danger too. She winced slightly and sat down, rubbing the side of her head again before clicking off the light. " We all know Dan won't believe me..."

"What makes you say that?"

" The fact that he cares for her child still... Dan is a soft hearted guy... If I go bad talking her it's just gonna start an argument... Heck do you believe me now?" She looked to me then the others before sighing as she stood. "I need to take a bath otherwise I'm just gonna sit here and shake." I watched her go into the bathroom and the water begin to run. Chrissy was staring at me before she shook her head.

" This is so fucked up."

"I'm gonna talk to her alone... Go downstairs and see if you see Londy." Chrissy and Awoui nodded before heading to the door. It took me a few moments of courage to wander into the bathroom. Nicole and I were close. We'd seen each other naked plenty of times. She sunk under the water for a moment before brushing off her face. "You should tell Dan..."

"I don't want him to know...."

" Why?"

"Because he'd be disappointed either way." She glanced to me before chewing on her bottom lip. "I'm a mom now... I'm suppose to have my shit together and cook and clean... I just keep getting wrapped up in shit."

" This isn't your fault... You have your shit together Nicole." It was silent for a few moments before she spoke up.

" It felt good... And I hate that it felt good...obviously I'm not gonna relapse, but I just hate that I got reminded of that sensation. Maybe she was planning on me dying and if I survived maybe a relapse... She doesn't understand I won't risk my daughter or my husband."


" Dan and I filled out the paperwork..." Her eyes met mine for a moment before she looked down. "When it comes back I'll legally be Mrs. Smith. They said it will take a week or two."

"I thought you wanted a wedding."

"I don't... I mean maybe I will when everything is settled down." It wasn't going to settle down. Even when if she was about to become a Smith.

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