Paris Pompeii January 11th 2013

180 11 4

Nicole POV ( dedicated to itsoneam )

The past week was a blur once doctor Hunt sent my medicine. He recommended twenty different pills a day. I trusted him because he was my father and brother's doctor for years. I sat up in my hotel room, staring at the Eiffel tower and the night sky. I forced myself to go downstairs to the bar and order a drink. Something to block you from my thoughts. Something to hide the pain. My ribs still hurt as did my head. I was mess. A functioning mess.

"Um... Jack Daniels... Please." I mumbled before looking to the guy next to me. Black hair and a suit with blue eyes. He looked like Alexander more than you. I just wanted arms around me. He flashed a smile and moved closer and all I did was smirk.

" Hello beautiful. What's your name?"

" Nicole and yours?"

"Jason." I shook his hand yet he kissed the back of mine. I slipped in and out of memory. The pills made my life fuzzy constantly. I downed my drink yet a familiar voice filled my ears moment later. My heart thumped rapidly in my chest.

"We are here with Bastille! Their new single out today Pompeii is at number 3 already! What's it like?"

"It's extremely exciting and... Just wow." I looked to the tv, there you were. Grey eyes and tired, but you forced a smile. I downed my drink and held back tears. The guy was watching me like a hawk yet I stood and took his face in mine and kissed him. Nothing. I pulled away as he smirked and I shook my head. Nothing would make me feel better. Not meaningless sex. Not alcohol.

"No you're no good." It wasn't you and I needed it to feel like you felt so badly. No lips would match yours. I took the bottle off the bar and ran to my room, locking myself in my hell. Sobs left my body as I went to the bathroom and struggled to open a bottle, pouring pills into my mouth and trying to swallow them with the whiskey. I looked in the mirror and I saw this woman. A woman whom wasn't herself. Pale and make up running down her face. It was me somehow. Then vomit. I spit up the pills into the sink before falling to the floor. Today was your big day. Your biggest day in fact. I missed it. I spent it forcing pills down my throat to get out of bed then drinking. Was this is? My pathetic life. I only came to Paris for a break. I was suppose to be back tomorrow morning. If I survived. I grabbed my phone, my hands shaking violent as I dialed my doctor.

" Hello?"

"I need more... I'm coming... Home tomorrow."

"I'll have them shipped to the hotel you mentioned." I hung up and took a swig. My mind hurt and then sleep. I slept on the bathroom floor before once again grabbing the pills. Twenty down my throat. Numb. Nothing hurt. I packed my clothes, my body trembling already again. Nothing was helping. I needed a drink. A few drinks. Sleep. Whatever to shut up my mind. I couldn't even remember how I got to the airport. How I got to the hotel. All I cared about were the pills waiting for me at the front desk.

I fell to my knees making it into the hotel now in London. Paris was long gone from my thoughts. Two pills down with vodka before my stomach churned. Then sobs as always. I couldn't do this anymore. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. A problem. I have problem. I screamed at the top of my lungs before choking as I held my head. Reality hit like a tidal wave. I sunk to the floor and crawled to my phone, like always I shook, dialing a number I wanted to forget along with yours.

" Hello?" Her voice was groggy what time was it? It was dark that's all I knew.

"Janna..." I was crying into the phone in my state. Breaking down like a old toy ready for the trash.

" Nicole? What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry.... I'm sick!" My voice broke as I laid down and sobbed, her voice not even making it to my mind to process.

" Nikki! Where are you darling?... You gotta tell me where you are and I'll come get you!"

" The hotel... The hotel near the bridge... The bridge where the accident happened.... Janna I can't... I can't..." I sat the phone down and reached for a bottle on the floor. I popped the cap open and took as many pills as I could swallow. Numb. Nothingness.

" Nikki!"

"Mmm?" I mumbled my head hitting the floor. My pill fuelled bliss.

" Nicole what's wrong?"

"I'm sick... I need help Janna..."

"I'm on my way. Stay there okay?" The phone hung up. My heart was racing. Thumping like a small animal's. It always did this with the pill the doctor always said it was normal. Little did I know the trust I had was miss placed in a monster. I laid there, listening to the tv play your song again. Your voice was like a lullaby to my mind. The song ended and I heard the door click open and closed. A gasp. Warm hands against my shivering body. "Nicole!"

"Don't call the doctor... Just... Take me home with you..."

" Nicole you're burning up!"

"I'm sick." She looked to someone. Was it you? No. It was Kyle. Kyle was carrying me now. Warmth against his chest. I heard Janna taking photos of the bottles. Then the cold we were outside. The sensation of movement, I was in the car. Then sleep. Consuming sleep that took me away from the haunting sensations. My biggest question was if you would be around when I awoke. Who would be able to fix the mess I made? I was dying to see your blue eyes. To hear your voice. To feel.

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora