She's Young at Heart

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Last night Kyle and I had to leave after visiting hours. We ventured to the apartment and I laid in bed wide awake. Thinking about today's events. You were different, yet almost in a more beautiful way. The you in that hospital was the you before the drugs destroyed your life. Before your father died. Before people marked you as a Clark. Once morning came I felt as if I didn't sleep. I stared absentmindedly at your side of the bed before rolling onto my back and looking at the ceiling.



"I'm about to head off to the hospital. Are you coming?"

"Yeah, giving a few minutes." I yelled back before sighing. It took a lot of determination to get out of bed, shower, and get dressed. I was just hoping you wouldn't forget who I was today. We took Kyle's car, neither of us speaking and merely glancing straight ahead or out the window. It was obvious he got as good of sleep as I did last night. We managed to get into the hospital without being seen and then headed to the room. Your bed was empty and Janna was fast asleep.

"Janna?" Kyle whispered and she stirred slightly. "Where is Nicole?" She rubbed her eyes before glancing at your bed.

"I have no idea..." Panic. It set in like a brick hitting me in the chest. I ran down the hall and peaked in every room. The cafeteria was empty and not a soul looked like you. Then it hit me. I took the elevator up to the top floor and searched for the stairs to the roof. It didn't take long before I was sprinting up the stairs and shoving the door open. You were sitting on the ledge, your feet dangling off the side and wearing joggers and a jumper.



"What are you doing up here?" I shrugged and glanced back at me, turning around and setting your feet on the ground.

"I just... it all keeps coming back and.... going away..." You pulled a piece of paper out of your sleeve. "So I write something... down when I remember it.... One thing that hasn't come to me yet is... why are you with me?"

"Because I love you... What more reason would I need?" I mumbled slowly approaching you. Taking your hands in mine. You looked down and tugged one of your hands away gently, then lifting my bracelets. Your thumb ran over the scar and you shivered.

"I remember finding you in our closet. There was so much blood. You're so sweet and innocent. I don't get why you stay with an evil person like me. I've tried to kill someone before... I've ruined my life over and over again."

"Nicole who did you try to kill?" Your eyes met mine, yours were welling with tears. All these memories coming back were making you relive them.

"The doctor... The one who tired to kill me... I did to him what he did to me, but that coward... hung himself before he suffered."

"You never told me..." I whispered and pulled you against my chest, your tears soaking my shirt.

"Why am I so cursed... I just want to be normal... To walk down the street with you.... To be seen just as me." I sighed and kissed the top of your head.

"Don't dwell on it. You'll understand everything once you get better. Let's get you back inside I'll see if I can take you home okay? Would you like that?" You nodded against my chest before taking my hand as we made our way back inside and to your room. Kyle gave me a look and I shook my head. I rushed down the hall to the nurses station and cleared my throat. "Excuse me? Can Nicole Clark go home today along with Janna Bartlett?"

"Let me see... Miss Clark and Miss Bartlett can go home right after doctor Foster goes over medications and at home progress."

"O, alright. Will he be by soon?"

"Yes about fifteen or so minutes Mr. Smith." She flashed a smile and I nodded. She was a fan. A fan who knew I was here for Nicole. It was written across her face and she seemed supporting.

"Thank you." I gave a nod before walking down the aisle. You were writing away on your cluttered piece of paper, another memory you were afraid to forget between now and you healing. I couldn't blame you for the fear. I grabbed your duffel bag and sat down, rubbing my face.

"So are they allowed to leave?" Kyle was adjusting Janna's crutches while glancing at me.

" Yeah, after the doctor clears them to go..." My sentence was cut short when the grey haired man walked in, looking at his clip board.

"Morning everyone. Are we ready to go home? Now Miss Bartlett these medications are yours. Miss Clark I'm going to give yours to Mr. Smith considering your case." You nodded and looked to me before looking at your paper. Maybe in this moment I was a stranger or maybe I was the only person you knew in this room.

"Alright that's fine... So I can go now?"

" Yes Miss Clark." You stood and walked out. Just like that. I sped walked after you and grabbed your hand, slowing down your pace.

"What's wrong beautiful?" You looked to me and then down at your paper.

"My favourite place is at home with you watching reruns of twin peaks... That's what I wrote... That's where I wanna be right now." I chuckled slightly and sat your bag down, snaking my arms around your frame and pecking your lips in the lobby.

"Then my beautiful fiancée that is where we will go." You blushed before nodding as I grabbed your bag and we continued to the car with Janna and Kyle. You're road to recovery was worse than a recovering addict. It was recovering memories you wish you could have forgotten and continued to bury deep in your heart.

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