Blood over Bond

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Janna POV

You think I would be happy for her that she has a sibling. That her having a sister was a beautiful thing. To me it was almost nightmare. Like I was the best friend being pushed aside. Let me start from when it all started. Mere weeks ago.

"Dannnn? Nicoleeee?" Kyle whined sitting beside me as the door bell rang. " Someone is at your door!"

"Get it Kyle!" Nicole yelled and you groaned before getting up.

"They act as if I live here..."

" We do half the time Kyle." I laughed and looked behind me, watching him unlock the door.

"Ummm hi?"

"Hi is this Nicole Smith's residence?"

" Yeah.... Come.... Come in." You looked surprised and soon I did too. Jennifer Lawrence? What the fuck was going on. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, so familiar to yours that it gave me chills. " Nicole Jennifer Lawrence is here!"

"O hey!" Nicole hollered from the top of the stairs wearing a short dress and her hair curled. Dan walked down holding Clara, looking happier than usual. "Sorry I'm running late...."

" It's alright... Wow you look so much different in person." Jen laughed before they hugged. " Its nice to finally be meeting you."

"You as well... Guys this is... My sister... Half sister." Nicole motioned to us then Jennifer. "That's Janna and Kyle. This is my husband Dan and my daughter Clara..."

"Wow... Wow..." Jennifer cooed over Clara. "Aren't you beautiful... It's nice to meet you all. It's a shame my mom didn't stay in England I would have ended up with a cool accent." I tuned them out. Only coming back around once Jen and Nicole had left to go chat over drinks. Depending on her tolerance for alcohol was how we would really know she's a Clark.

" Janna....?" Kyle mumbled shaking my slightly.

" Wow.... Another freaking Clark..."

"Are you upset?" Dan sat down, looking over his pride and joy on his lap. She mirrored him in personality for sure.

"I'm worried is all. We don't know her at all..."

"Your jealous aren't you?" Dan chuckled before I chucked a pillow at him.

"Am not!"

" Janna you know she'll be just fine." Kyle sighed softly and kissed my cheek. It was hours later that they returned, laughing with tears and the similar smiles. They both changed out of their dresses and poured glasses of wine before joining all of us in the living room.

"So tell me Dan how did you end up with my psychopathic sister?" Jen smirked getting comfy in the over sized lounge chair. Kyle and I where on the sofa Dan and Nicole laying on the shaggy white rug with pillows behind them.

" She signed my band... Then we got stuck in a blizzard at my parents and she was invited to Durban with us. She sort of just had me..." He mumbled, his fingers ran along her back.

"I'm jealous... Every guy I dated has been a tool. Except Chris...."

"British is better...." Nicole mumbled before taking a sip of her wine.

" Yeah yeah... Janna? Nicole told me you are in the music business too?"

"Yeah I'm her assistant sort of.... "

" Yeah right you carried the team when I was out sick." I laughed slightly and rolled my eyes.

"Not that was Dan as always." Dan turned red before shaking his head. "So Jen how are you and Nicole related? Why weren't you here in England?"

" Well apparently my mom slept with our dad... And because of some mafia situation my mother moved to America... She didn't want me to be involved..." She looked down, shrugging slightly. "I mean I didn't have easy per say but I had it a lot easier than my sister from what I hear...." She brough the glass to her lips and downed it. She was most definitely a Clark considering she didn't even since finishing off a half of a glass. "Well I should get going..." She stood and glanced at her watch. "I've gotta pack for my trip back home."

"Let me walk you out." Nicole stood and walked to the door. I kept picking at my finger nail until she walked down and laid back down with Dan. " How did you guys like her?"

" She seems nice love..."

"I dunno she seems a bit like trouble." I grumbled and glanced at her. She was curious and gave me a look as I looked back down for a moment. "I mean who just shows up and doesn't question that she's your sister."

" Janna her and I have been talking for awhile... We both sent in for as DNA test and she's my sister. We both thought of that..." She yawned slightly before glancing to the clock.

"I dunno...." I sighed, Dan got up and started cleaning up the glasses as did Kyle.

" Janna... You aren't gonna lose me as a friend or a sister you know that right....?"

"But she's gonna be around and... Whose gonna spend time with me?"

"Janna she lives in America..." Nicole stood and sat down beside me pulling me into a hug. "You're my best friend okay? Don't worry about her... Next time I probably see her will be the two weeks before Coachella that's in May...." It all seemed like no big deal in that moment. It was gonna blow up though just like any other Clark involved event.

May wouldn't bring anything but heartache for you and and Dan. I remember the phone call. The way Dan tried to hold you up from falling yet he too collapsed to his knees as he held you.  A parent's grief with a sister and mother's pain. I'll never forget the way you swore up and down the people involved would pay for everything they did. A real Clark's anger, fueled by motherly instinct. Dan for once seemed too broken to fight back. Someone had taken the second most important thing from him. So what happened to her sister.... Their daughter... What caused this mess to nearly take a child's life.

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