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Late update, poor me went to the dentist and then slept and drooled for hours. However here is your fashionably late chapter.
Janna POV

I watched her force a smile through the worry. The recovering alcoholic and addict sitting beside the broken man with scars on his wrists covered by colorful bracelets. So strong yet so weak. She watched him like a hawk. His every move and emotion. We did too. You and I sit on the love seat of their apartment. Watching him inhale piece after piece of pizza. Will was nervously tapping his foot and Woody kept peaking at the broken man between bites. She stood and walked to the balcony, in obvious need of fresh air. I followed after and could feel the eyes on us as we wandered onto the balcony and closed the door, both wrapped in blankets.

"Something is bothering you Niks..."

"Obviously.... While you all were asleep he said he wants to continue with starting to tour in 14 days. I obviously won't always be there and it's sinking in that I can't protect him from himself." I nodded and sighed looking out over London.

"He's got his mates and I... You know we could always hire Kate as a on staff medic." She nodded before shrugging.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe talk to her tomorrow see if she'll do it... I can't lose him. He's the one thing that keeps me from drinking and fucking doing stupid shit. Had I know what he was going through I would have done something. You know that right?"

"Of course, why?"

"Because his family blames me for this. His bloody sister hates me." I cursed under my breath and shook my head. "He did this before when he was 16 when he was bullied and now this... Again. They won't believe when I say it isn't my fault. Yet somehow I feel it is in the end." She shrugged and laughed almost bitterly at the topic.

"I know you'll do anything to protect him Nicole. You'd die for that man. Ignore them, they'll come back around. Dan will make sure of that..."

" Yeah I guess you're right. Sorry for... Unloading on you." I shrugged with a slight smirk.

" Hey maybe that means you're trusting me."

"Let's not go crazy." We turned around and headed back inside. Music was playing from the sound room down the hall. She and I peaked our heads in, laughing at the sight. The boys practicing Durban Skies. The story of them. The story of Dan's family. Their family. He smiled through the words and took her hand, pulling him close to her as I smirked watching the musicians and the smiling woman with the blue eyes look at the scarred man whom she called hers. They were lost in each other's presences. As if the air was too thin when the other wasn't around and finally they could breath. It was like you and I Kyle. I took my eyes off of them to smile at you. Little did I know what trouble you would get into on tour. What monsters hid in your closet. As the song concluded everyone went to their guest rooms. Nicole's penthouse apartment was as big as some people's mansions. I changed and crawled into bed beside you. Your lips pressing against mine as you smiled.

"What's on your mind? Please don't say Dan." You chuckled with a smirk and ran your fingers along my side. I sometimes wondered how to were with Nicole. As happy and gentle you are with me? Or wild and rough like her persona?

"Then I dare not say what's on my mind. Nicole just wants to make sure he stays out of trouble on tour and Kate possibly comes along." I shrugged as you sighed.

"He'll be fine. You both worry too much. I know Dan. I have since we were kids."

"Then you know?"

" About?"

"When he did this as a teenager?"

" Yes..." You lowered your eyes before closing them for a moment. "He always has had a darker side. Hence our music. Yet sometimes he lets it consume him. We as friends and Nicole as his fiancée need to pull him back sometimes. He's a nervous wreck about this tour and it probably set him off. Yeah I'm worried, but I know he feels guilty about trying to end his life more than he's thinking about doing it again." It was true. You made a good point. Dan was now focusing on making up for the scene Nicole and I saw. By some miracle she already had a unit come clean out the closet. Erasing his mistake. The bloody carpet replaced and any clothes that bad blood discarded. She was good at that.... Making bad things seem as if they never happened.

"You're right. I'm worrying way too much." I turned on my back and closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

"You're a female... I can't blame you." I huffed slightly as your arm wrapped around me.

"I worry because two people I care about can just carry on with their demons."

"Are you saying you don't have a single demon?"

"Not like theirs. I may be judgemental at times, but I'm not like them... Why what's you're flaw?"

"My obsession with cats maybe?" I laughed slightly before the silenced filled the room for a few moments.


"Mmm "

" Be honest who was better me or Nicole?"

"Christ why are you asking that?"

"Because she's beautiful... Sexy."

"But she isn't you. Yeah her and I... Had fun. Yet it wasn't love. We didn't feel anything." I sighed and turned to face you. "I love you... Not her. I've long forgotten those days. It's been over a year."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I love you too." I closed my eyes. You were right. It had been forever. Maybe this was my flaw. Over thinking every moment of my life. Or maybe it was my constant worrying getting the best of me. Who knew why I was always on edge....

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