Fighting Against the Current

129 11 18

Don't kill me? Please? 😅

Smut... 😅

Nicole POV

It'd been a few days since you left for the mini press tour. Clara and I would have gone yet she'd managed to come down with a cold which meant staying home. It was amazing how silent the house was without your presence. There was no singing, piano, not even a hum. By each passing day those liquor bottles seemed even more temping. I can't lie, but I miss it... Feeling numb. Sometimes I sit there and contemplate taking a few swigs or hunting down some coke. Then I look at our daughter and force myself back down to earth.

"Why don't we go see your uncle Steve?" I sighed and picked her up, grabbing her bag with my other hand before heading to the car. It was a short drive from the grave site and I knew exactly where it was in the plot. I'd visited so many times. Clara was obviously confused by it all and only sat picking grass as I stared at the stone. "I need your help right now..." I mumbled and flicked the tear off my cheek. " Its like there is a current always pulling me to do something wrong...We're living in the currents you create...We're sinking in the pool of your mistakes."

"I swear you're as depressing as Dan sometimes." I nearly jumped to Kyle's voice and gave him a curious look. "I saw your car pass by and I assumed I knew where you were going." A weak laugh passed his brims as he sat down and pulled Clara onto his lap.

" Why aren't you with every one else?"

"Woody and I drove back, he had an emergency and so I offered to drive. We head back tomorrow evening to catch up." I nodded slowly before taking a deep breath.

"I gotta drop her off at Dan's parent's house. They wanna have her spend the night. Said it would give me time to collect myself." I couldn't help but laugh as did he.

"Say after you drop her off... Wanna grab a bite?"

"Sure... Meet at that pub down the ways from your place?" He nodded before helping place Clara back in her carrier.

"I'll see you in a few then..." Why did I get this feeling in my gut I should have said no. I didn't say no though. I huried back to the car before heading towards Linda's home. It wasn't a far drive but it was long enough to help me clear my mind.

"It's just dinner with Kyle... Your best friend and your husband's best friend Niks..." I mumbled squeezing the steering wheel tighter. " But why do I feel like this... O that's because you're crazy... And I'm talking to myself... Great." I nearly slammed on the breaks outside of the gate. Linda was already waiting outside as always, grinning towards her prized grandbaby. I got out and flashed a slight smile. She'd forgiven me finally yet we never really talked like before.

"Hey Nicole... How's Clara feeling?"

"She's still got a bit of a cold, but I have her medicine in her bag. Are you sure you wanna spend the phone night with her?" I chuckled while handing her things over.

"Of course, it's like Dan when he was a baby. What time will you be by tomorrow?"

"I say noon?" She nodded with a smile.

"Perfect... Wave by to mama!" I smiled at Clara before getting in the car. Driving towards the bar only made me more anxious. Yet it went away when I got inside and ordered a whiskey. That familiar burn so soothing.

" How did I know you'd beat me here?" I glanced back to see Kyle and laughed before motioning to the beer for him.

"Old habits die hard I guess. You've got some catching up to do Simmons." He smirked and sat down, taking a few gulps of the beer before making a face.

"I hope I can hold my liquor like I did back then... " I hadn't realized it had been four years since we'd been to this bar. It looked the same. Yet we were far from the same. "Bartender can we get a round of whiskey shots?" This was it. We started to drink and fall back on our old ways. No one was there to stop us. Then again we should have stopped ourselves. By midnight we were stumbling down the block to his place, laughing like fools.

"I'll get the guest bedroom made up for you love." Kyle mumbled fumbling with the key and nearly falling through the door way once it opened.

"Thanks Simmons." I laughed stepping over him and wandered towards the guest bedroom. I felt Kyle's presence behind me yet he didn't walk around me. I turned around and found him staring at me, his hand brushing against my cheek. "Kyle..."

"They don't need to know... Just... One more time... For memories sake." Sober me would have smacked him, yet I stared back at him, my heart racing in my chest. His lips crashed against mine, the familiar sensation flooding back to me like a wave.

(Like I said... Don't kill me 😅... Smut)

I yanked his shirt over his head, gently raking my nails down his chest. He growled slightly before tossing me onto the bed and quickly helping me shed my blouse and bra. He and I weren't gentle lovers. We were needy. We wanted to have what we couldn't and that's what we did. I felt his lips brush against every inch of exposed skin before reconnecting with my lips. I was already working on getting him completely naked. It was like oil on water in a way. We mixed but we didn't ever settle together. Our bodies pressed against each other with each thrust of his hips against mine. Hungry lips fighting for dominance. Like every thing it ends... Afterwards we laid there sobering up. Realizing what we just did. I looked at my wedding ring before rubbing my face.

"They can't know..." Kyle mumbled.

"I know... " I whispered back before sitting up.

" How do you... Feel?"

" Like I just destroyed my marriage without him knowing." I managed a weak laugh before looking down. "Why'd we do it?"

"Because when we fuck it feels really fucking good." I laughed as did he before shaking my head. It was true. Disgusting in a way but true. "I know it can't happen again... Because I'm marrying Janna and you're with Dan and you've got Clara... But I just... I needed to remember you one more time."

" Yeah... I hate that I understand...."

" Dan's a good guy-"

" So is Janna..." I glanced at him and felt my eyes watering.

"That's not my point... Sometimes he gets really fucking lost... And he leaves you to fend for yourself and Clara and pissed me off. Will sees it too... But we know he's best for you... We know you're best for him too... Doesn't mean I can't still be attracted to you..."

" Janna doesn't deserve this though... Neither does Dan..." I mumbled and climbed out of the bed, getting dressed. "I should go.."

" Niks..."

"Kyle please don't stop me." I looked in his eyes. "I should go because the longer I lay there the more I wanna have sex with you again and... That can't happen... I gotta go home and.... Come to terms with living with what I just did.... Living with the idea that I have to lie to Dan just like you have to lie to Janna."

"I know." That was all he said before I left. What the fuck was I going to do....

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