Who Are You Anymore

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In all my books I've never really introduced me. So hello! I'll do a bit of random facts. I've got two tattoos. One is my user photo the other is the photo below(i'm skinny I know lol). I've been writing Fanfiction since I was 13 or so and now I'm 21. I know I'm ancient compared to some of you guys. My next tattoo will be "I have written you down now you will live forever since I'm a writer". This is my trusty writing side kick dreamer below as well. People around me ask why I write and it's because I find it clearing for my mind. The best way I can describe it is like a pressure on my brain and writing relieves it. I'm working on my first actual novel as well. Anyways love you all! Reach out to me for anything and everything 😊🤓

 Anyways love you all! Reach out to me for anything and everything 😊🤓

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"Nicole...?" I whispered your name and it took you a few seconds to glance at me. The crime scene was cleaned perfect yet specks of someone's blood lingered on your face. In mere moments you were the monster he wanted you to be and had told me things I could have never pictured.

"Someone just died in front of me...." Awoui mumbled as Will held her tighter in his embrace, sobs rippled through her body.

"What the hell is going on..." You stood and wandered to the mirror, cleaning off your face with the cloth. I had never seen you so heartless... So empty...

"My dad.... When he left Durban it was because the mafia needed him back... I was young and my dad said if we wanted to survive I had to help..." You sighed, placing your hands on the desk in front of the mirror. "He taught me... And... Alfred pretty much told you the rest... I helped my dad hide bodies... And... When he died I was really fucked up." Your emotions bled through, your bottom lip wobbled. "Alfred paid me to finish up stuff... I never killed anyone I just got rid of the evidence.... If I didn't then... I was threatened to be killed so... I didn't really have a choice... Once I got really... really... Messed up he told me to never come back around so I didn't... I was free." You sat down and looked at the cloth in your hands. Single tears falling from your eyes to the cloth between your hands. There was so much I just learned about you and yet it made so much more sense. A smart girl like you going to drugs for help now seemed to reasonable. I could only imagine what you saw as a teenager.

" Its my fault..." Burrows mumbled... "I was snooping around for some information... They wouldn't have come to find you had I not been snooping... I said you knew where the ring was..."

"It's a 14 million dollar ring... I know where it is... It's just about getting it." You mumbled. "Either way I gotta do it... They'll hurt Clara."

" How can you be so calm?" Janna nearly whispered it as she walked over to you. I held Clara tighter against my chest, she was scared it was obvious, but thankfully not crying. Janna ran her hand along your back, your eyes closing for a moment, enjoying the comforting touch.

"Because... If you piss Alfred off you don't live long...." You glanced at her then me. "I'm sorry... I never wanted any of this...I thought that he would have never come after me again... Then again I forgot all about the ring. It wasn't even on my mind at the time.... or ever... Just when I got my life together I wanted to claim his things... he had this old pinky ring... and I wanted it for the memories yet someone had forged my name. Obviously it was my mother... no one else would have wanted his things..."

"I know...." I looked down at our daughter.

"I won't let any of you get hurt..."

"I don't know who you are anymore..." Will whispered and you looked to him.

"I'm fucked up..." I looked at you and all I saw across your face was pain. This explained so much... The addictions... The way you thought.... It was almost programmed into you and I couldn't blame you anymore. I had someone new to blame.

"Shhh..." Janna hugged you tightly and you sobbed softly. "Niks... It's gonna be okay... You'll get the ring and he'll go away... He won't come after Dan or Clara...."

"I don't wanna do this..."

"I'll help." I blurted out before you looked to me and shook your head.

"No I have to do this on my own Dan... Alfred wouldn't want me to get any help... Plus you're my collateral. If I don't comply they'll come for you... They'll kill you.... I know for damn sure they'll make me watch... and I won't let that happen." You nodded almost to yourself before standing and glancing at your watch before pulling out your phone. "The clock started already... I gotta get going... I need all the time I can get." I stood and took your hand, giving it a squeeze before kissing your lips.

"It's gonna be okay..."

"I know....We'll be on tour before you know it and everything will be back to normal..."

"Our definition of normal." I chuckled weakly before stroking your cheek. "Promise me you're coming back... You're a Smith now..." You smirked almost before looking to Clara, kissing her cheek before brushing your thumb along mine.

"I know... I'll never be a Clark like what they expect..." I nodded before kissing your forehead. "I'll be okay I promise... Take care of Clara yeah?"

"Of course... Call me when you can... I'll hold down the fort here."

"Me too Niks... Take care of business yeah? We're a family." Janna hugged you from behind and slowly everyone pulled you into a hug. It felt as if we were saying good bye. As if this was an end of a chapter of our lives and you had to go take care of something new.

" Its gonna be okay...." I whispered in your ear."

"I know... I've gotta get working love..." You squeeze Clara and I one more time before you packed that night. The next time I'd see you I would have a gun to my head.

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