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I rubbed my hands nervously together after knocking on my sister's front door. It all seemed so odd with my sudden changes of behavior. I was never like this. By this I mean violent. I heard the locks of the door adjust and soon I was staring at the one person who knew me better than you Nicole. She'd been there just like you, yet she knew me since the beginning.

"Daniel! O my gosh look at your nose!" She pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but laugh as I squeezed her back.

"I missed you too sis!" She laughed slightly and pulled away, adjusting her glasses.

"Alright smartass. Come in. What's been going on?" I walked through the door and found myself sitting on her floor with my back against the sofa. She was pouring tea, sitting beside me now.

" Just ever since I got out of the hospital for.... My episode I've been going mad. Sometimes I'll get angry for no reason. Especially with Nicole. I hurt her... You know that isn't me Amy." She handed me a cup filled with tea, one sugar as always.

"I know. Even though I hate her.... And she probably deserved it-"

"Amy." I mumbled, nudging her. "Listen Nicole didn't leave me to be malicious. I know you, mom, and dad see it otherwise, but she didn't. The record label was going to make me choose and she made that choice for me. We all know I would have chosen her over music. She makes more sense than anything else in this world to me...." I took a sip, sighing softly. "She always is trying to protect me... Yeah she became a different person out there... To try and mask how she was feeling... But when she came back it was like she never left... She's reassigned and it's better again. It's like the lyrics are coming to me again. I can write without feeling sick to my stomach worrying about her... Yet she's here and sometimes I just want to hurt her." It made me shiver at the thought. Yet it was true. There were moments I wanted to suffocate you and kiss you.

" What changed then? Ask yourself simple things Dan. What changed when you got do that hospital." If only I realized something so simple. Something that could change my mood in that matter of minutes.

"I dunno..." She sighed and placed her head on my shoulder. "I feel the same about Nicole... I wish I could fix what happened between us... Between you all and her as well."

"Maybe the trip to Durban will fix everything. Mom always said that place seems to mend us." I laughed slightly.

" Who knows... Mother hates Nicole... She hates who she is as a person. Can anyone change something like that?"

"She loved her in the beginning... I don't see why she couldn't change that... I think mother hates the idea that some girl rules your heart so much. As if she controls you."

"Maybe you're right...." She yawned and I knew then was my cue to leave. Plus I wanted to get home and talk to you. To get my fix so to speak. " Alright I gotta get going Amy." She whined and lifted her head allowing me to rise.

"I swear you just got here."

"I know but I have some things I need to do." She stood and wrapped me in a hug, my arms instinctively going around her. "Be good... I'll see you soon for the holidays."

" You swear?"

"Of course." I let her go after kissing her forehead. She walked me out and I took the journey home. Rory was there, reading a book and tipped his hat to me like always. I took the elevator up and there you were fast asleep on the sofa with your laptop still on. I carefully took it off your lap and removed your glasses before going to the kitchen. Dinner was left in the oven for me with a sticky note on the counter. I couldn't help but smile at the gesture. It didn't take long for me to scarf down your cooking then start a kettle of tea. Only when I had a cup in each hand did I sit beside you and carefully nudge you. "Niks, would you like some tea." Your eyes fluttered open, those shades of blue never ceased to make my stomach knot up with emotion.

"Mmm how did you know?" A smile crossed your lips as you sat up, taking a mug and looking to the tv. "How's your sister?"

"Well.... She is hoping you and I will join the family Durban trip." You shrugged, taking a sip of your tea.

"I would ask your mother before I book my ticket. I know she's not my number one fan. She believes everything is my fault."

"I know... I'll call her tomorrow."

"I'm sorry for being so upset with you today... I just... I never saw that side of you Dan."

"I never saw that side either... It was like something in the hospital changed me..."

"Like me on pills." Pills. Something so simple that changed between then and now. I sat my tea down and without a word went to our room, getting the four different bottles. I came back into the living room and sat down, examining the labels. " What are you doing?"

"I think this is what is doing it to me..."

"The pills are suppose to be helping you Dan..."

"But what if they're not? What if I'm experiencing a rare side effect?" You sighed and took one of the bottles from me. It was a possibility. Slim, but still there.

" Just don't take them tonight... I'll call the doctor in the morning and we'll see what he says yeah?" Your eyes met mine and I nodded slowly, setting them on the table. It's hard when you go down a one way road. You can never come back the same way.

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