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The next few days flew by before we broke for Christmas holiday. Virgin records paid us all 50,000 pounds to survive till the singles started to bring in money, which was more than any of us had ever made before this gig. You were no where to be found, though Jenna hung around the studio most of the time. Something was going on already between her and Kyle, taking lunch together and kissing. Woody was with Chrissy as always and Will had been talking to a model lately. Then there was me. Lonely me. I wondered if Carly was spending her holiday with her boyfriend. The image of them naked together still burned in my mind.

I wandered down the snow covered streets in search of gifts for my parents and sister. We would be going to Durban for New Years as well, which meant summer clothes in the winter. It was pretty busy out considering Christmas was a mere ten days away. Yet I picked you out from the crowd. Coffee in hand and bundled under a cream colored winter jacket. You caught me looking and grinned while walking towards me, I couldn't help but smile slightly.

" Well well what are you doing out on this cold winter's day by yourself Dan?"

"I could ask you the same thing..." A small laugh passed your lips before you took a sip of your coffee.

"Merely browsing for gifts."

"ah for your family?" Your smile faded slightly, the mask you wore cracked just a tiny bit letting me see you; not the disguise you always wore.

"No... I don't have any family, for my clients. You and Kyle were easy to shop for along with Edward. The rest not so much. Are you shopping last second too?"

" How did you guess?"

"Men tend to wait. Mind if I join you?" I shrugged before we began walking along. You didn't have any family and I found that saddening. Had your Christmases always been so glum? Did you spend them alone? We went into the book shop, I got my mother a few cook books and then we went to the sports store for my father's new golf clubs. You seemed so interested in what I was picking as if you never shopped for your parents. In your bag was expensive watches, jewelry, even gift cards for all your clients. Your stomach began to growl, yet you made no comment as we continued to walk till I laughed.

"Would you like to join me for dinner ? With my parents. That wouldn't.... Be weird right?" I bit the side of my lip as you laughed softly.

"I don't want to intrude, but if you don't mind I would love to Dan."

"Brilliant." Now my nerves got a hold of me. You Nicole made me very nervous. People looked at us as if we were a couple. Like how they looked at Carly and I long ago. Young love so to speak."Where did you park?"

"O I walked from my place."

"Perfect we'll take my car and I'll take you home after dinner?" You nodded and looked to me with a smile as we walked along the street to where I had left my car.

"So Kyle tells me you love Twin Peaks?" I grinned, before laughing slightly and tightening my scarf.

"I bloody well love that series." For once I saw a genuine laugh escaped you and even a small smile.

"Ah! I was right! So Laura Palmer is about that. That's what I thought! That's wicked!" You and I just started bonding, I could talk endlessly about Twin Peaks with you. Carly hated the show and left the room when it was on the telly.

" Yeah I did have a very unhealthy obsession with that flick." I unlocked the car before we climbed in and I started the engine, beginning the small drive to my parents house right outside of London.

"What's your parents names?"

"Linda and Richard, my sister's name is Amy. How about yours?"

" My father's name was Richard as well and my mother was named Wendy. Obviously You've heard about my brother Steve Clark."

" No actually." I laughed weakly and for some odd reason you smiled at me.

"That's refreshing. At least you haven't labeled me then like most."

"Labeled you?"

"It's a long story. Maybe another time." You were guarded, just like you said in your office a couple days ago. You were the only one who knew your own secrets. My mother would surely change that after a few glasses of wine. Not maliciously, but she was always a warm person. I parked the car outside of the brick house, a small gate blocking the path to the large house. "Wow this is beautiful Daniel... Sorry Dan." A chuckle escaped me as I got out of the car.

"It's alright.... My parents were well off for immigrants."

"Immigrants where are they from?"

" My mother will tell you all about it. Trust me she'll go on and on about the place." You gave me a quizzical look as we walked past the gate and to the front door. I barely knocked before my mom yanked open the door then pulled me into a death grip of a hug.

" My baby boy the big musician now! Ah who is this beautiful girl?!"

"Mum this is Nicole."

"You're the girl my son was talking about on the phone. I didn't know you were coming, but the more the merrier. It's so good to meet you! I'm Linda." She pulled you into a hug, you were tense at first before returning the gesture and smiling at me. " Come in its cold as all of Iceland out there."

"Why thank you Linda..." You gravitated towards me. For once I was in my element and you were far from your comfort zone. My mother guided us to the living room and that's how she got you.

"Nicole this is Richard. Richard this is Dan's friend Nicole. His sister couldn't make it... Off touring the world for photography." You sat down beside and smiled at the topic. "Daniel why don't you invite Nicole to Durban with us. I would hate for your sister's ticket to go to waste."

"Durban? My father was from Durban!" A grin crossed your lips, she had you in her trap while she poured everyone glasses of wine and you sipped away.

"What was his name?" My father put down his magazine and for once was interested in conversation. I looked nothing like him. His hair Sandy and eyes a off shade of green. My mother had the black hair and blue eyes of course.

"Richard Clark."

"Ah! Steve Clark's father! How is the man?" Your first secret passed your lips then one after another.

"He hung himself... Seven years ago when I was sixteen. Steve died when I was three."

"That must have been so hard on your mother..." My mom covered her mouth, yet a bitter laugh escaped you.

"She left two months after I was born." For some reason I took your hand and squeezed it gently, you stroked my thumb with yours. I wanted to hold you. Tell you it's okay, yet you didn't show a hint of emotion about the topic. What was I feeling like this for? "I was umm homeless from when he died till my brother's fiancee admitted she forged his will so when I was eighteen I had so much money I didn't know what to do with because I had done without for so long." You looked at me slightly before sipping on your wine. I was now your secret keeper.

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