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Nicole POV

Staring at this ceiling was getting old. The sound of the city beeping away filled my ears at this time of day without the telly on. Your side still smelled of your cologne and it was like daggers to my chest with missing you. Even though you were a plane ride away there was no possible time to go especially with a foot of snow on the ground. I sighed and forced myself to get up, glancing to the clock. Noon. I slept in till noon, great, I was receeding back into my teenage years.


"Jenna how the hell did you get in my apartment!" I yelled back to the voice in the living room before grabbing my phone on the nightstand, it was nearly dead so I plugged it in and looked to the door as Janna walked in the room.

"I bribed Rory with homemade cookies... So I was thinking about what you said for Dan's birthday. I think he would shit himself if he got to go to Pompeii."

"Exactly why I chose it Janna... Also reminds me to give Rory a lecture on taking bribes." I wandered to the closet, it always gave me chills being in here. You mentioned wanting to buy a house outside of London. A place where we could grow. Also a place big enough to fit your growing collection of hoodies, shoes, and records. It was in the cards for us, but not right now with the constant touring. I slipped into leggings and a black tank top since it was a warm day and actually sunny.


"What?" I mumbled, noticing her face with a glum expression. "What's wrong?" I took her phone from her and bit the inside of my cheek. You and a boy who mirrored your appearance. Londy. The name from a song. You obviously didn't notice the picture being taken. "Get this taken down. Call corporate Instagram and Twitter. I want it pulled. The account shut down. I want her phone number."


"Shut up. Do it." I grabbed my phone and noticed the miss call from you, cursing under my breath. It took all my self control not to scream out of frustration as I waited for you to answer.

"Nikki, I need you to let me explain something-"

" You mean the photo?"

"Yes I can- "

"Don't... I'm getting it taken down. Just tell me right now... What the fuck is it from... You've got a minute before I hang up."

"Londy was a friend, she had a son with a drug dealer and Camden her son and I became close. I ran into her last night and said I would come see him. She thought I had feelings for her, but I told her there is someone... As payback she posted the photo."

"You're not telling me something... Your nervous..."

"She kissed me... That was it..."

"I think you should consider yourself lucky that you're not in front of me right now because I would smack you more than likely..."

"Nikki love..."

"Dan... You have to be careful. Listen to me people who were your friends aren't anymore. They want money.... Fame... Anything but you for you. I hate and love how good of a man you are sometimes. As angry as I am at you I love you..."

"I love you too...." He sighed into my ear, it made chills rise on my arm.

"Listen delete and block her number. She'll try and contact you. Her accounts are being taken down... I gotta go."

" Alright... Good bye love."

"Bye Dan." I hung up and looked to Janna, pacing as she talked into the phone. She kissed you. I would surely have a word with her now. For more than just one reason.

"Nicole! I got it, here." She scribbled down something on a sticky note and handed it to me. I smirked slightly and typed the number into my phone.

"Hello? Whose this?"

"Hello Londy. My client isn't too happy about the recent post you put up."

" It seems he got his way with taking it all down."

"No, that was me... You bottom feeders would do anything for fame. Tell me Londy did you know he had a girlfriend." The line was silent for a few moments.


"Mmm well I'm sure she'll meet you one day and when she does I'm sure you'll regret play games. Good bye." I hung up and looked to Janna whose eyes were wide.

"Are you sour?"

"Sour is the stage before this Janna. I can't be with Dan in public yet Londy wanted to parade him across the internet."

"You're hurt."

"I'm angry there is a difference." I tensed to her touch before taking a deep breath. "Being with Dan is the only thing that feels right and wrong. Only because I know the world hates me. Listen reschedule our appointments today. I need to distract myself." I sighed and grabbed my purse and phone.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know... Where ever the wind takes us today. Maybe we'll go to a concert? Find some new music to busy ourselves with..." She smirked slightly and shrugged.

"I actually have been dying to see the arctic monkeys. I hear they're in town."

"Mmm like I said...where ever the wind takes us."

"Are you going to call Dan?" I chuckled and shook my head.

" What I do all day isn't his business. After all he didn't even keep me in the loop. I'm a bit upset with him."

"You're preaching to the choir. Kyle didn't even call me last night."

"Men." I laughed and grabbed a wine cooler from the fridge, pouring two into coffee to go cups. "Shall we?" Janna smirked slightly and took one of the glasses, adding a bit of whiskey.

"Yes we shall. To girls day... And night."

"To a girls week." We shared a laugh and hit our glasses together. I think this was the only way Janna and I didn't miss you and Kyle as much. You and I would surely have a talk about Londy. For months to come.

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