Pompeii Birthday

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Nicole POV

After the festival we sort just went home. Went back to our normal life. I was mentally freaking out over your birthday. July 14th. I had it set in my calender, the plane tickets bought. Everything ready. Your things packed. The night before admittedly I couldn't sleep, you had no clue what Janna and I had planned. Once four am hit it was time. I shook you awake violently, tugging the blankets and bopping you with my pillow.

"Wake up love! Happy birthday! Tooooo you! We've got a plane to catch!"

"What? A plane? What time is it?"

"Four. Up!" I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, starting the shower so it would heat up for you. I laid out your clothes before double checking the bags, everything seemed together. It wasn't long before you stumbled out of the shower and got dressed, putting your glasses on and slicking back your hair. I quickly showered and found you half asleep on the sofa by the door. " You ready?"

"Mmhmm. Where are we going?"

"Somewhere you've never been before. Now come along." I tugged our bags along, you were barely conscious on the way to the airport. Janna and Chrissy were already there with Kyle and Woody. Will was behind us. The plane was a family friend's. In fact Alexander whom was in Hawaii had let me borrow it. We were able to board the private jet and get settled in with breakfast all by six am. You were a little more awake, munching on a croissant by tearing it apart piece by piece with your hands.

"So really... Where are we going?"

"I'll give you a hint... You know this place exists... You... Sing about it." Your eyes grew wide with excitement and you grinned.

"We're going to Pompeii?"

" Yeah, happy birthday love." I smiled and you kissed my forehead.

"Thank you love."

"Wait were going to Pompeii?" Will mumbled. "Ah that's crazy cool. I've always wanted to go."

" Is there beer there?" Kyle mumbled.

"There is where we are staying. We're gonna go visit the ruins and then we'll be spending a couple days in Naples. Eat some good food and go to the beach." I sighed contently and placed my head on your shoulder.

" You and the beach... I swear I think your part fish sometimes." You chuckled and took my hand, giving it a squeeze. The flight from London to Italy wasn't bad, a short trip for sure. We gave our bags to the hotel personnel and took the two jeeps for the ride to Pompeii. You were behind a lens the whole way there. Snapping photos of me, the scenery, whatever caught your eye. I parked the car in the nearby lot and off you went with the guys. Janna and I wandered around, looking at the ruins of people's lives cut short. It was eerie walking by stone bodies, left here for all of time. What went through their minds? Was it quick and painless?

"I wonder if they knew it was coming?" Janna whispered as we walked into one of the buildings, examining the remains.

"I just hope it was quick. Imagine what it looked like..." A shiver ran down my spine, I almost felt as if I was going to throw up. I held my stomach and pinched my lips shut with my teeth till it subsided. I walked out of the building and took a breath of fresh air, noticing you and the guys down the walk way. As smile crossed my lips as I slowly approached and attempted a group shot before laughing.

"I swear you all don't stay still!"

"I'm sorry! Dan keeps poking me!"

" Did not! You scared me and so I nudged you!"

"I swear..." Will mumbled before shaking his head. "Its just those two!"

"He's right." Woody shrugged and took Chrissy's hand. You walked beside me as I clicked through the photos.

"I swear you two are a mess. You'll have to post them."

" Why can't you?"

"Because I'm your manager and going on vacation with clients is not going to look good to your fans." You rolled your eyes before tugging me to a stop and pressing your lips to mine.

"It's my birthday... I don't care... I love you... Thank you."

"You're welcome love... Now I'm starving for a good meal."

"I thought you would never mention food!" Kyle squealed and sprinted ahead towards one of the jeeps. I chuckled before we walked along to the truck and climbed in, beginning our journey back towards the city. Your hand found mine, stroking my thumb with tours. These moments were precious. At least I found them to be work more than anything else in this world. Will followed me in the other car as we made our way back to town. We stumbled upon a beautiful yet small Italian restaurant right along the beach. I was surprised you agreed, yet you knew my love for the ocean. We walked down the path to the large tables set out on the sand. You seemed to relax, kicking your flip flops off and closing your eyes.



"This was so worth getting up at 4am for... Thank you."

"Thank Janna too. She helped plan." I smiled to her for a moment before looking back at the menu. Soon enough I would be telling her I hated her. She'd take something away from me that would even change our world Dan. I browsed for a moment before settling with a glass of wine and classic pasta before looking back at the view. I caught you looking at me and smiled. You didn't look a day older from when I first met you. The nervous man behind the microphone with the unique voice. A voice that I found such comforting in since the beginning. Like I said though Dan. I'm a Clark. These beautiful sunset watching days are numbered. Yet this time is was all Janna's fault.

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